
作者&投稿:米固 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


I. 1-5 BBCBC II. 1. reading 2.badly 3. visitors 4. hosted5. ourselves III. 1. are a symbol 2. stand for 3. at least IV. 1-5 TFTTF V. 1-5 ACACC 6-10 ABCCB VI. One possible version: The 29thOlympics has been over. Beijing is gett。

1.Very nice!
2.I think the bus should be better.
3.That's all right.
4.Oh,yes.I'll take your advise.
5.Thank you for your reminding me.
6.Yes,why not?
7.Sure, I'd love to.
8.Sorry sir.
9.I just caught a bad flu.
10.Ok, I will
11.Very comfortable.
12.It's on the No.999 Siping Road.
14.You'd better take it to the repairing centre.
15.Never mind.That's so kind of you.
16.I think it is a little difficult.
17.Never mind,I'm glad you are pleased with it.
19.Hello,what can I do for you?
Do you want to try our special lunch today?
20.Do you feel much better now??
How soon could you leave the hospital?
21.What is your size?
Do you like the pink one?
22.How long have you seen this show?
Are you really interested in it?
23.Have you done enough exercises to warm yourself?
How many times do you plan to swim?
24.How much sugur can I put on it?
Are 5 eggs enough for it??
25.How long do you guarantee for the product??
What kind of service can I have if there's something wrong with it?
26.When will you leave?
How long will you stay there??
27.How long shoud the speech be??
Can I use the computer to show my passage??
28.Are you this little baby?
How old were you when taking this photo?
29.With the development of our modern society,more and more people put emphsis on the economy.
But I think to a person,the most important treasure is their own health.Only have a good health, can you do other work,or you could get nothing!
Secondly,the aim of making money is to live a better life. So obviously, all the wealth that people have earned is to improve their health and to live as long as possible.
All in all, one's health is more important than wealth.
30.I'd like to choose the first one.
There are three reasons for my choice.Firstly, the apply of fuel has become a serious problem.
Many countries has faced with the lack of oil and some other resources.So we should take public transportation to save the resources.
Secondly,More and more cars will cause a more and more serious air pollution.Nowadays, all the nations are trying to provide their local people with a clean environment.
So I prefer to take the public buses rather than the private cars.

一、 快速应答
1.How do you like the coffee here?
I think it’s pretty good.
2.Shall I take the bus or the subway to Shanghai Railway Station?
You should take the subway, it’s faster.
3.Sorry, mum, I have broke a glass.
It’s okay, be careful next time.
4.I think you really need a holiday.
I know, I’ve been so stressed lately.
5.Don`t sit on that chair, It`s broken.
Okay, I’ll find another one.
6.Let`s go and have some ice cream.
Sure, let’s go to Haagen Daaz.
7.What about going to the newly opened shopping center?
I don’t know where that is.
8.You`d better not be late for class again.
I’ll try not to.
9.You look tired.What`s the matter with you?
Nothing, I just slept late.
10.Make sure that every windows is closed.
Okay, I’ll make sure.
11.How do the sports shoes fit you?
They fit nicely.
12.What is the location of your high school?(四平路999号)
999 Si Ping Road
13.Well, I really must be off now?
14.My TV set is out of order, What shall I do?
You should call people to come fix it.
15.I`m sorry to have lost you pen, Let me buy one for you.
It’s fine, I have many.
16.How are you getting along with you English study?
I’m doing pretty well with English.
17.Sorry to bother you with so many questions.
No problem.
18.I`m turning off the light, OK?
Sure, I don’t need it anyway.

19.Jack is at McDonald`s.You are an assistant and ask him two questions.
What’s your favorite food here? Do you like working here?
20.You are visiting you friend Susan in hospital. You ask her two questions.
How are you feeling? When will you be able to leave the hospital?
21.You want to buy a coat in the shop.Here comes a shop assistant and she asked you:
Do you want to try that on? Do you need any help?
22.You and Jane are discussing the TV play you watched last night. Ask two questions.
Did you like it? Who was the actor?
23.One of your friends has just learned to swim during the holiday.Ask him two questions.
How long did it take you? Who taught you?
24.You are learning how to make a cake. You ask your mother:
What should I use to make it? Do I need to put it in the oven?
25.You are buying a new computer. You ask the shop assistant:
How much is it? What brand is it?
26.Your friend Mary is going to study abroad. You ask her:
What are you studying? Where are you going to go?
27.You have been asked to give a speech in the class. Ask your teacher two question about the requirements.
How long does it have to be? What should the speech be about?
28.Peter is showing you a photo of his family. Ask two questions about the photo.
Where was this taken? Who is that in the photo?

1.How are things with you?(近况如何?)A:Fine,thank you. (很不错,多谢.)2.I must apologize for my behavior yesterday. (我必须对我昨天的所作所为表示道歉.)A:1.It doesn't matter.2.It's nothing.3.That's all right.3.Never mind.3.We're having an outing on Sunday.I hope...

同病相怜啊,我明天也要口试了,说来也巧,我中考的时候就是在四平中学考的.我正好需要题目练习,下面就仅供参考咯.祝你好运啊 1.Very nice!2.I think the bus should be better.3.That's all right.4.Oh,yes.I'll take your advise.5.Thank you for your reminding me.6.Yes,why not?7....


才能加速听力的进步 5.从电视,电影中学习英语 7.和朋友表演影片情节 8.唱歌学英语 特别注意英文没有的发音 〖好好学习原创〗 10.背诵名人演说词,找机会复诵出来 11.用英语绕口令克服发音的缺点 12.多记一些幽默笑话,准备随时应用 13.听英语时,口中跟着复诵 14.练习朗读,好处多多 15...

以下是高考英语口试的问提,虽然个人答案不同,但可否帮忙回答,很急,拜 ...
tell English stories to us.She has a good knowledge of English,and she is an experienced teacher.We have learned a lot of knowledge from her.(3)I like English best.(4)It is very interesting and I found a lot of fun from it.(5)English.(6)I will study more hard.


22 你怎样喜欢你的中文老师?(我个人认为应该是你喜欢什么样的中文老师)23 你经常怎样为你自己庆祝生日?24 你经常做一些为班级的事情吗?是怎样的事情?25 你每天抽出多场时间读一些英文读物?26 你的父亲是做什么的?27 你所居住的城市\/乡村美吗?请描述它。28 你最喜欢的运动是什么?为什么喜欢...




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