
作者&投稿:师隶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

八分钟左右的三男三女英语短剧,励志,情感动人,有教育意义,请大家尽快回 ...
孔雀东南飞 英语搞笑剧本 Wander severy five miles 焦仲卿Johnny (Jforshort) 刘兰芝Lunch(Lforshort)焦母Johnny’smother (JMforshort) 刘母Lunch’smother(LMforshort)太守之子Mayor’sson (MSforshort) 强盗Burglars(ABandC)Prologue (J作被打状跑上台,内砸出一卷纸筒,J被打中,狼狈不堪)J:Ever...

I'll never make trouble any more. Why don't you let me go? 悟空:呆子,我带你去见取经人。 You silly, I'm taking you to meet the sutra-seeker. 八戒:什么?取经人来了? What? Has Tangseng come? 悟空:走吧。 Yes. Let's go! 两人在台上走半圈,来到房前。 悟空:师傅,出来吧,这妖怪已经...

[l19] 朱丽叶 我没有喜欢,只有感激;你们不能勉强我喜欢一个我对他没有好感的人,可是我感激你们爱我的一片好心。CAPULETHownow,hownow,chop-logic!Whatis this?'Proud,'and'I thank you,'and'I thank you not;' Andyet 'not proud,'mistressminion,you,Thankme no thankings,nor,proudme no prouds,Butfe...

三人英语搞笑话剧剧本 篇1 3人短剧,简单有趣,每人不超过10句话,并且都是很简单的话,经理只有一句词,但是还比较有水平。由一个笑话改编。最后结果出人意料,其实是服务生误解了顾客。C,the customer.W,the waiter.M,the manager.In the restaurant.W:What can I do for you,sir?C:Beijing ...

Three pigs: No. No. Go away. You bad wolf. 三只小猪:不开,不开。快走开。 你这只恶狼。 Wolf: I’ll blow it down. 狼:我要吹倒它。 Storyteller: The wolf blows and blows. He 讲故事者:狼吹呀吹,它不停地吹。 blows and blows. But the house 可是房子非常坚固。 is ver...

求一3人的英语短剧剧本 内容不限 10分钟左右
A Brother Like That A friend of mine named Paul received an automobile from his brother as a Christmas present. On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his office, a street urchin was walking around the shiny new car, admiring it."Is this your car, Mister?" he said.Paul ...

求一份英语短剧剧本 要三个人的 大约十分钟左右
三个懒汉 The Three Lazy Ones A king had three sons whom he loved equally well, and he did not know which of them to appoint as king following his own death.When the time came for him to die he called them to his bed and said, “Dear children, I have thought of ...

甲:有人管我叫叔叔了……乙:哦,这么个一半啊。再努力,还有人管你叫大爷呢,管什么用啊 甲:我们俩从小就是兄弟,我们还有一个共同的宿敌 乙:宿敌 甲:对,他的名字,叫别人家的孩子 乙:别人家的孩子?甲:对,我小时候一调皮,我妈就说,你看看,别人家孩子多听话 乙:对,我一考试不...

求一2~3分钟的校园文明题材的短剧剧本 (3人演的)
第一幕 学校餐厅 本幕演员:董闻鸣 蒋理茂 插队人甲 插队人乙 考勤班长和她同学 排队人2个 【镜头一】早餐时间,食堂排起了长长的队伍,董闻鸣和蒋理茂也在排着队,等着买早餐。这时,从门口走来另外两个学生,其中一个学生把自己的背包随手放在了餐桌上占位,这两个同学打算插队,把饭卡...

求3人英语话剧剧本 5分钟
Y:Imustgiveyoualesson!IfIdon'''tbeatyourthistime, you’llneverbehaveproperly!3-2-1-0!X捂着肚子,蹲下:Oach,Oach !Y大笑:HaHa……X可怜状: help! help! Whereisthewashroom?Y:What ?X:Toliet?Y:What ?X:The “WC”?Y:Oh,I see ,goalongthisstreetandturnrightwhenyouseeacorssing...

银倩13027161890问: 求一篇3人的英语短剧 -
贵州省心律回答: 三个懒汉 The Three Lazy OnesA king had three sons whom he loved equally well, and he did not know which of them to appoint as king following his own death. When the time came for him to die he called them to his bed and said, “Dear children,...

银倩13027161890问: 求一篇3人3分钟的英文短剧剧本,难度适中,要关于学校生活的,搞笑一点,有情节 在线等 速度 重谢 -
贵州省心律回答: A---teacher C---student B---作弊的那个(英文不会写|||) A:Let's have a class.Today we will take a exam. B to C:Wow!I'm afraid that i will fail the exam! C:oh!Don't be afraid!Believe yourself. B:But... A:ok!Let's start the exam!Please don't cheat in an ...

银倩13027161890问: 谁有三人英文短剧剧本?
贵州省心律回答: SNOW WHITE CONTENTS SW---白雪公主 Q---皇后 M---魔镜 H---猎人 P---白马王子 D---小矮人 A---小动物 音乐起,旁白 A long time ago, In a beautiful kingdom, there lived a young king and queen, the people loved them so much; the queen died ...

银倩13027161890问: 求一3人的英语短剧剧本 内容不限 10分钟左右 -
贵州省心律回答: A Brother Like That A friend of mine named Paul received an automobile from his brother as a Christmas present. On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his office, a street urchin was walking around the shiny new car, admiring it. "Is this your ...

银倩13027161890问: 求一份英语的短剧剧本..适合3人演讲..可以幽默一点的.适合在大学课堂是表演的. -
贵州省心律回答:[答案] The lawnmower: 1 person--> Lawnmower 1 person--> Frustrated Man 1 person--> Just a Guy Frustrated man:WHY WILL THIS DARN THING NOT START! (he yanks on the cord) Lawnmower:Blub blublublublub...(die) Frustrated man pulls on cord again ...

银倩13027161890问: 求一个英语短剧剧本(给女生) 要求:3个人演,时间在十分钟左右,最好有中文翻译. -
贵州省心律回答:[答案] 白雪公主的那个就不错

银倩13027161890问: 英语话剧急~~~~三人的短剧,时间在3~5分钟左右不要太难五到
贵州省心律回答: 小剧本-----小红帽 Little Red Riding Hood 第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家 Mum: (妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里) Little Red Riding Hood:(唱着歌...

银倩13027161890问: 谁能给个英文短剧本(3人的) -
贵州省心律回答: 闪电狗,狮子王,蒙拉丽莎的微笑.

银倩13027161890问: 3人英语话剧剧本 -
贵州省心律回答: 旁白:It's a cold evening. The Titanic has sunken. Rose, Jack and Oscar are on the life boat floating in the ocean. This is Jack. This is Rose and this is Oscar, her husband-to-be.(边说边介绍,三人坐在课桌上)Oscar: Oh, honey~ Are you OK...

银倩13027161890问: 简单的小学生3人英语短剧剧本 -
贵州省心律回答: Three Little Pigs 三只小猪 Storyteller: There are three little pigs living with 讲故事者:三只小猪和他们的妈妈 their mother. Ding-Ding and Dong- 住在一起.丁丁和东东 Dong are brother pigs. They are very 是猪哥哥,他们很懒,他 Lazy. They eat ...

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