
作者&投稿:杭宋 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

急求 将简单中文合同段落翻译成英文,谢谢
Article fifth, Party A's rights, obligations: 1, Party A shall perform the obligation of cooperation, cooperate with Party B staff and senior consultant lecturer arrange related training site, personnel and other matters;2, Party A shall according to Party B's request to provide the...

2、合同翻译译员需具有一定的中外文水平 翻译的过程,实质上是理解原文,表达译文的过程。在确切理解英文译文的前提下,熟练地运用汉语表达原文的内容,或在确切理解汉语原文的基础上,准确地运用英文表达汉语原文的内容,是两种文字熟练运用的统一,无论在哪一方面有欠缺都会影响译文的质量。3、合同翻译译员...

英文合同翻译常见术语:IN CONSIDERATION OF(考虑到,以为约因)、WHEREAS (鉴于)、IN THE PRESENCE OF (见证人)、NOWTHEREFORE(特此、兹特)、NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESS(兹特立约为据)。当接到一个英文合同翻译任务,这里一个herein,那里一个whereof,后面又来一个hereby,这些平时很少用到的词全集...

合同英语行文缜密而准确,历史悠久,深含法律文化底蕴。 中文的合同开头一般先罗列当事人的名称、姓名、住所或营业场所,然后是合同正文,结尾是当事人印章、授权代表签字、职务及签字日期。而英语合同一般以下面这类句式为开头: This agreement\/contract is made and entered in to this ___day of___(month),__...

合同号:Contract no.:甲方:延边星海文化传媒有限公司 Party A: Yanbian Xinghai culture media Co., Ltd.乙方:Party b:本协议书经甲乙双方在平等互利基础上达成,双方经协商一致,签订本合同。This agreement by both parties on the basis of equality and reciprocity is reached, both parties ...

根据是中英文版本,翻译成英文如下:The contract is in English and Chinese in two copies, with the same legal effect.合同效力,指依法成立受法律保护的合同,对合同当事人产生的必须履行其合同的义务,不得擅自变更或解除合同的法律拘束力,即法律效力。这个“法律效力”不是说合同本身是法律,...

合同:是唐代始称的。 以后,各朝皆把 上述称呼混用。 6. 求高人给我翻译合同部分内容 Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to make either Party hereto an agent, partner, or joint ventures of the other Party for any purpose. 根据本合同条款当事人任意一方不得以任何目的和其他当事人发生...

The contract in Chinese and English respectively, if they have differences, the Chinese language version shall prevail。参考资料:如果您的回答是从其他地方引用,请表明出处

In addition, either Party may also annul this Agreement by notice thereof to the other Party if bankruptcy, insolvency, or reorganising proceedings, or other proceedings analogous in nature or effect, are instituted by or against the other Party, the other Party is dissolved or ...

negotiated and agreed that making a discount of $8390.8 on total payment of $34272, consequently, the buyer should pay $25881.2.3) Item 2) will be the final solution to the business, if there is any other quality problem, both parties should let responsibility pass....

不变18388275234问: 英文合同的翻译 -
峰峰矿区普拉回答: Cargo transfer of risk: B before the delivery of goods by Party A commitment to deliver the goods Party B, Party B by the commitment if the Party is responsible for the delivery transport, cargo transport risks and responsibility for the quality of the ...

不变18388275234问: 合同的英文怎么写 -
峰峰矿区普拉回答: contract

不变18388275234问: 英文合同翻译,急!高手来帮忙! -
峰峰矿区普拉回答: 14.11开发商有在购买价所有就职IBA的付款之前被支付对中国主管当局整个购买价土地承购以被授予的形式物产土地的承购. 14.12Tax事态. 开发商归档了或归档所有必需的纳税申报和缴纳了所有税交付与物产土地的承购和归属相关所有相关...

不变18388275234问: 英文合同翻译 -
峰峰矿区普拉回答: 一是你与翻译公司签订一个合同,需要的时候让他们给你派个翻译.二是自己雇佣一个.估计这两项成本要高.三是你可以购买一个掌译典.外贸经商,你不用带翻译,她就是你的贴身翻译.不用考虑语法,输入整段中文立刻就可以翻译成英文.准确率可达98.7%.自然人发音,在家就能轻松学商务英语.你可以百度一下:Z1018问学商城.一定会对你有帮助的!!特别是对你这样的老板,根本不可能拿出时间来学习英语,这个掌译典能解决你的问题!!!

不变18388275234问: 英文合同翻译,一句话1.1. Exclusions. Supplier will not be liable to Avaya/SP under this section to the extent the Materials were not used in accordance with the... -
峰峰矿区普拉回答:[答案] 不含:供应商将不对Avaya/SP将材料没有按照文件要求使用导致的负责

不变18388275234问: 英文合同翻译一句话 During the Warranty Period -
峰峰矿区普拉回答: During the Warranty Period, Supplier warrants as follows: (a) Hardware will be new, merchantable, and free from defects in materials and workmanship and will conform to and perform in accordance with the Documentation and 担保期间...

不变18388275234问: 请教一段英文合同的翻译,急用,谢谢!In the event that asum is expressed to be payable as liquidated damages, the Parties agree thatsuch sum is fair and ... -
峰峰矿区普拉回答:[答案] 万一需要赔付一定数额的违约金,双方同意赔付,如果该数额公平合理且能够体现客户在此情况下遭受的损失.供应商对任何此类违约金的赔付,都不能违背、减低或者解脱其在该合同中应承担的责任.为避免产生歧义,此项目中,客户方有权终止合...

不变18388275234问: 英文合同翻译,有一句不知道应该怎么翻,主要是(with or without reservation) -
峰峰矿区普拉回答: 这个包括了要确保能够满足期限条款和以及能够为在技术技术附件中具体列出的可交付成果给予正式验收(保留或是不保留的).(deliverables的意思我不确定)

不变18388275234问: 英语翻译翻译英文合同,有builder's side deed一词,是建设单位,施工单位和贷款银行一起签订的. -
峰峰矿区普拉回答:[答案] 施工一方的契约 不是side deed 而是 builder's side 指施工方 deed是契约的意思

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