
作者&投稿:玉逸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

写作思路:根据题目的要求,写出对老师想说的话,以及自己的感受。Dear teacher :亲爱的老师:I am writing to you to express my thanks for your help in learning English and speaking English.我写信给你,对你在学习英语和说英语方面的帮助表示感谢。During these days in your class, I have ...

给英语老师的一封信 A Letter to My English Teacher    Dear Miss Zhu,   亲爱的周老师,   How time flies! It has been a few years since I left high school, but I still remember you in my heart, because you’re the best teacher in my ...

明天,回报给您一份惊喜!祝您全家健康快乐,万事如意!XXX 20XX年XX月XX日 猜你喜欢:1. 英语老师致家长的一封信 2. 英语致家长的一封信 3. 高中老师致家长的一封信范例三篇 4. 致家长的一封信英语版 5. 致家长的一封信英语 6. 英语老师给学生家长的信 7. 致英语老师一封信 ...

我们班的活动也要来参加哦,同学们的精彩表演在等着你呢!此致 敬礼!您的学生:李雪梅 2011年8月31日星期三 猜你感兴趣:1. 写给外教老师的一封信 2. 给未来初中老师的一封信 3. 给新来的老师的一封信范文 4. 幼儿园学生写给老师的一封信 5. 给大学母校的一封信范文 ...

I remembered that I handed in the paper. Thirdly, I don’t know the rule of punishment before. Besides, Idon’t know my paper disappear.Last, I still like you so much while I would like you to know thetruth.Love,Dora2020-10-23写英语信一定要注意格式,开头收信人,中间分段...


Thanksgiving heart, grateful for you!Who may light breath of spring A Letter From Primitive Creatures yan? Are you a fully loaded Qinghui you!Who is going to be a hard land of the wilderness? That you have been writingyou!Who is like, one finally soothe the hearts of fools?

My dear teacher, no matter what you will always have a special place in my heart and i will remember what i have learned from you and carry the knowleges through my life!翻译 亲爱的老师:我写这封信只是想说声谢谢。谢谢你教给我们需要学习的东西,谢谢你在我们有任何问题的时候帮助...

英语的:We wish to show our gratitude and thanks with a small gift. Happy Teacher's Day!我们送您一件小礼物,以表我们对您的感激之情。教师节愉快!You are like a third parent. We all love you and respect you.您就象我们的家长,我们都敬爱您。The primary purpose of education is...


越朱17383505605问: 用英语给老师写一封信,50字的,初中水平 -
文成县清之回答: Dear my English teacher, I'm writing to thank you for all your help with my study. With your help, my English is improving in many ways. You are so patient and easy-going that I don't feel imbarassed when i ask you silly questions. What you teach me is not

越朱17383505605问: 一篇英语作文 给老师的一封信 -
文成县清之回答: 在我成长六年的路上,给予我最多的,是那朝夕相处的老师们,是他们以独特的教育方式使我从一名幼小无知的小女孩培养成为一位知书达理的小学生.在教师节这特别的节日里,我虽然不是诗人,但要把心中最真诚的诗献给老师;我虽然不是...

越朱17383505605问: 写给英语老师的一封信 100字左右 初2水平 -
文成县清之回答: Dear English teacher, I want to tell you something about improving English skills and want you to give me some advice.I think that I should listen the video half an hour everyday .And I should write daily in English everyday.Maybe I should practice more...

越朱17383505605问: 给英语老师的一封信 作文汉语 -
文成县清之回答:[答案] Dear Teacher, I am glad to be your student. You like the students and good to us. You teach welll and we all like you. You ... Thank you for your teaching. Yours, Xiao Ming 亲爱的老师, 很高兴成为你的学生.你喜欢学生,对我们很好.你教得好,我们都喜...

越朱17383505605问: 给英语老师的一封信 -
文成县清之回答: Dear Teacher:I like studying English very much. 我很喜欢学习英语.But I think my reading ability is not good.但是我想我的阅读能力不太好.All the time, I'm looking for methods to improve my reading ability.一直以来,我都在寻找提高我阅读能力...

越朱17383505605问: 给英语老师的一封信 介绍暑假生活给英语老师的信,60个词左右.好的我再加分.,注意信的格式, -
文成县清之回答:[答案] 老师的地址和姓名 你的地址和日期 (中间空一行) dear ****** 我的暑假生活 This years summer vacation was most enjoyable. I spent fifteen days helping my grandparents doing farm work in the countryside, where I saw mountains and fields covered ...

越朱17383505605问: 给英语老师写一封信 -
文成县清之回答: Happy Teacher's Day.Thank you very much.Your lessons are still the one that helps me a lot. Your words are still fresh and warm. You've swayed my life so deeply. You're still my best teacher. Far across the miles, sending you wishes of love and peace on Teacher's Day. 教师节快乐 .十分感谢你.您的课是对我帮助最大的.您的话语清新温暖,--------

越朱17383505605问: 给英语老师的一封信,内容简洁,5句左右就好 -
文成县清之回答: Dear Teacher: I am very happy to write a letter to you,I think it is a very good way for us to communicate with each other. I'm very interested in studying English,but I find that it is somewhat difficult for me to learn English well . I wish I can get more ...

越朱17383505605问: 给英语老师的一封信英语作文 70字左右 含初中的各种时态 -
文成县清之回答: To my English teacher from secondary college: Dear Teacher I was one of your students in secondary college. The purpose of this letter is that I want to say thank you. Secondary College is one of the most important step we need to take in our ...

越朱17383505605问: 写给英语老师的一封信才来的新老师 中文和汉字都行好的给分谢谢今天就要谢谢以前的英语老师 对我们很不好现在英语老师来了 我感觉这个老师对我们很好... -
文成县清之回答:[答案] Dear ___, i am very happy to see you,i think you teach very well,we all love you! i think your english class is better than our old english teacher's class,i believe you can do better than better!i believe in you! Best wishes to you! yours,_

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