
作者&投稿:丙钥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

给英语老师一封信英文篇一 Dear Miss Jiang,I am writing to share my ideas about our English class. Now, our main material in the class is the textbook, which is reasonable. But I think we can get some other resources, such as English magazines, songs, movies and so on. We ...

用英语给老师写一封信如下 Dear Teacher,I write a letter to you. I want to thank you for your help. We all love you. We think you are a good teacher. We hope you still teach us next year.Thank you again.XXX (name)译文 亲爱的老师,我给你写信。我想感谢你的帮助。我们都爱...

Dear teacher ,亲爱的老师,I am writing to you to express my thanks for your help in learning English and speaking English.我写信给你,对你在学习英语和说英语方面的帮助表示感谢。During these days in your class, I have learned much from you and it is very helpful to me. Firstly...

给英语老师的一封信 用英语 急 带翻译
给英语老师的一封信:Dear Miss Liang,I am writing to thank you for your hard work for me. With your help, I make great progress in my study. A year ago, my study was bad and I didn’t want to learn, but you never give me up. You told me that I was clever. As lo...

useful method to me.So i do need your help.May I ?regards class x ,grade x xxx 亲爱的老师:我是***,我想让你帮助我.因为我背不下来英语单词.您可以教我几个英语快速记单词的方法吗?我试了你教我们的”快速记单词看七变遍”的方法.可是对于我来说不管用.请你帮助我.好吗?


Dear teacher :亲爱的老师:I am writing to you to express my thanks for your help in learning English and speaking English.我写信给你,对你在学习英语和说英语方面的帮助表示感谢。During these days in your class, I have learned much from you and it is very helpful to me. Firstly...



以下是给老师写一封信的英文范文,同时附上中文翻译:Dear [老师的名字],I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for your dedication to teaching and your efforts in guiding me through my studies.Your passion for [课程名称] has inspired ...

斗纪19583863823问: 给老师的一封信(英语作文) -
临潼区凡命回答:[答案] Dear Teacher: Hello! Today is the day we were with you, you said a lot of us touched by the words of the students cried, ... 我还是会好好学的,还希望老师能够传授更好的学习方法,如能取得进步将对英语有更大的兴趣并感谢老师的教育之恩,谢谢!

斗纪19583863823问: 英语作文 写给英语老师的一封信 -
临潼区凡命回答:[答案] Dear Teacher: I am just writing to say thank you.thank you for teaching us things we need to learn, thank you for being there for us when we have any problems, thanks for your devotion and wil...

斗纪19583863823问: 用英语写一封给老师的信 -
临潼区凡命回答:[答案] 亲的老师,您好! 漫漫的求学路,每一次都记载着您给予的感动;曲折的人生路,每一步都有您真心的叮咛和呵护.您用知识的全部浇灌一颗颗含苞待放的心,您用毕生的爱,温暖一颗颗曾经冷落寂寞的心 ;您用天下最美的语言,将一个个心结打开...

斗纪19583863823问: 给老师的一封信(用英语)加急!最好有翻译 初一英语作文有关教师节 -
临潼区凡命回答:[答案] 敬爱的x老师: 您好! 在这金风送爽的季节里,我们又将迎来一个美好的节日——教师节.我首先要祝您节日快乐,工作顺利!趁此机会,我——昔日的“刘阿斗”禁不住要跟你说几句心里话. 老师,我坦率地承认,我不是您喜欢的好学生.您曾经不止...

斗纪19583863823问: 英语作文给老师的一封信 内容是介绍自己带翻译 -
临潼区凡命回答:[答案] I am a boy.My name is Sheng Qiyun.I am a pupil in Pingjiang school in Suzhong.I like play table tennis very much,and I like swimming,too.I go to school five days every week. My school is not far from ...

斗纪19583863823问: 英语作文,给我的英语老师的一封信 -
临潼区凡命回答:[答案] Dear Mrs.XXX, Thank you for your teaching! Thank you for your patience, kindness and care. It was you who helped me believe in myself and gave me assurance that I could walk again. I would never forget each word you said to me and the things you ...

斗纪19583863823问: 给英语老师的一封信 用英语 急 带翻译 -
临潼区凡命回答: Dear Teacher:I like studying English very much. 我很喜欢学习英语.But I think my reading ability is not good.但是我想我的阅读能力不太好.All the time, I'm looking for methods to improve my reading ability.一直以来,我都在寻找提高我阅读能力...

斗纪19583863823问: 写给老师的一封信 用英文 要带翻译 -
临潼区凡命回答: A letter to my teacher Hezhou county a little the sixth grade five class leaves cocoa 敬爱的老师: Dear teacher: 您好!近来工作很忙吧?身体可好?自从上了六年级,功课负担重了许多,但却无法压抑我对您的思念,是您唤起了我对学习的孜孜...

斗纪19583863823问: 写给英语老师的一封信,200个英语单词左右,感谢老师的教育,等等 要给我中文翻译 -
临潼区凡命回答:[答案] 亲爱的老师: 人生旅程上您为我点燃希望的光芒,丰富我的心灵增添我的智慧谢谢您! 您是一棵挺拔的树,曾结过成熟的果实,岁月在您的身上镌刻下苍老的年轮,您的身旁却崛起一片森林郁郁葱葱. 当我已经能自由翱翔,老师,...

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