
作者&投稿:李阅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

这个中文句子应该有两种意思;1、这封信写的是我很多建议中的“一些”建议,这时应该可以翻译成:The letter is some of my advice.2、这封信写的是我的建议,其中”一些“这个词只是随口说说的,这时应该可以翻译成:The letter is some advice of me.希望能帮到你~

give sb. some advice\/suggestions advise sb. to do sth suggest doing

老师给我一些建议 英语怎么翻译
Teacher gave me some advice.老师给了我一些建议。Teacher,could you give me some advice?老师,你能给我一些建议吗?Please give me some advice,teacher.请给我一些建议吧,老师。advice n. 劝告,忠告; (商业)通知; 建议; (政治,外交上的)报导,报告 希望对你有帮助!

可不可以,用could和would都行,语气较委婉,对方容易接受advice 是不可数名词,这个词是中性词,在这个句子的翻译中加一个good更好一点,说明自己会采纳对方建议的可能性很大。suggestion是可数名词,这个词是褒义词,在这句翻译中最好用复数形式一些的表达,在此句翻译中最好用some,因为此句是一般疑问...

i fell so tired.用英语给我提个建议。
I feel so tired. 我感觉好累。建议:-Try to have a good rest, don't think too much. Everything gonna be all right. Life has to go on.试着好好地休息一下,别想太多。一切都会好的,生活还得继续。

6. 用英文表示我有一些建议的句式 1,My opinion is that~:我的意见是~2,My suggestion is that~:我的建议是~3,In my opinion that~:按我的看法~4,As far as I know,:就我所了解的 5,I think(这个是最简单的)我认为,I guess我想,I believe我相信 6,I hold the view that~...

This is my suggestion.正确参考

Can you give me some advice?(强调一些建议)Can you give me any advice?(强调任何建议都行)

the better you’ll do in them. You can take part in some English activities. Such as English corner and English club. If you accept my advice, I believe you’ll make great progress in your English study.亲爱的王麟,我听说你在学习英语方面有一些问题。别担心。让我给你提些建议,...

I can give you some advice . my suggestions are that ... there are some suggestions of my i cam give you the ideas of mine to you

村毅18471251285问: 英语翻译1.给我一些有用的建议 6.要做的作业列一个单子2.在恰当的时间 7.选择一个爱好去做3.8.一两个小时4.有足够的时间在 9.我同意你父母的观点5.你最好... -
长阳土家族自治县穿金回答:[答案] 1.Give me some useful advice 2.At the right time 3.be worth accepting 4.There is enough time to do 5.You'd better go home 6.make a list of the homework you have to do 7.Select a hobby to do 8.in one or two hours 9.I agree with your parents' opinion

村毅18471251285问: 英语翻译1.你能给我提一些建议吗?2.我打算申请这份工作.3.这座城市以什么闻名?4.活到老学到老.5.水果有益于健康. -
长阳土家族自治县穿金回答:[答案] 1.你能给我提一些建议吗? Can you give me some advice? 2.我打算申请这份工作. I intend to apply this job. 3.这座城市以什么闻名? What is this city famous for? 4.活到老学到老. It's never too old to learn! 5.水果有益于健康. Fruit is good for health

村毅18471251285问: 你能给我一些建议吗英语翻译 -
长阳土家族自治县穿金回答: Can you give me some suggestions/advice? 亲:祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V! 望采纳,thx!

村毅18471251285问: 英语翻译1.你能给我一些建议吗?2.我们应该尽可能的多说英语.3.当你疲惫时你应该学会放松.4.现在的父母总是把自己的孩子与其他孩子相比较.5.当我们长... -
长阳土家族自治县穿金回答:[答案] 1.Can you give me some advice? 2.We should speak English as more as possible. 3.You should learn to relax yourself when you are tired. 4.Nowadays,parents always compare their children with other children. 5.When we grow up,we find out doing what ...

村毅18471251285问: 你能给我一些建议的英语翻译 -
长阳土家族自治县穿金回答:[答案] propose; suggest; advise; proposal 建议 的相关例句 1. We suggested that she stop by that evening to talk things over. 我们建议她在那晚顺便来找我们,把事情商量一下. 来自《简明英汉词典》 2. The information and advice are boiled down to bare ...

村毅18471251285问: 这封信是我的一些建议用英语 -
长阳土家族自治县穿金回答: 这个中文句子应该有两种意思; 1、这封信写的是我很多建议中的“一些”建议,这时应该可以翻译成:The letter is some of my advice. 2、这封信写的是我的建议,其中”一些“这个词只是随口说说的,这时应该可以翻译成:The letter is some advice of me. 希望能帮到你~

村毅18471251285问: 向我们提供一些建议(两种表达) 翻译成英语 -
长阳土家族自治县穿金回答: 你好,Please provide us with some suggestions.Please offer us some advices.

村毅18471251285问: 9A Unit 2 英语翻译.1.给我一些有用的建议 6.要做的作业列一个单子2.在恰当的时间 7.选择一个爱好去做3.值得采纳 8.一两个小时4.有足够的时间在 9.我同意你... -
长阳土家族自治县穿金回答:[答案] 1.Give me some useful advice 2.At the right time 3.be worth accepting/should be accepted 4.There is enough time to 5.You'd better go home6.make a list of the work you have to do 7.Select a hobby to do...

村毅18471251285问: 英语翻译1.你和你的新室友相处得如何?2.我确实憎恨熬夜3.如果你给我一些建议我将很感激4.其次,熬夜对她也是有伤害的 -
长阳土家族自治县穿金回答:[答案] 1.How do you get along with your roomates?2.I do hate staying up late.3.I will be thankful if you can give me some advice.4.And then,it's also harmful for her to stay up late.

村毅18471251285问: 英语翻译1.我爸爸三天前给了我一些建议.2.这些事怎样学好英语七个的建议.3.他生气了.让她生气的是Tom上学又迟到了.4.爸爸对我很生气.因为我有不健康的... -
长阳土家族自治县穿金回答:[答案] 1.我爸爸三天前给了我一些建议.My father gave me some opinions three days ago.2.这些事(是)怎样学好英语七个的建议.These are the seven recommendations how to learn English.3.他生气了.让她生气的是Tom上学又...

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