
作者&投稿:焦姬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Jane Eyre gives me much useful inspiration after reading it。 I respect Jane Eyre’s independence and I am most impressed by the true love between jane Eyre and Mr。 Rochester who was a poor blind man, twenty years older than her。Jane Eyre never felt herself inferior as a tu...

Love's perception of 《爱的教育》英文版 - read the "love" inductive education Love, what a familiar words, in everyone's mind has a pure love, love is selfless love, it is a vast, only live in the ocean of love, just can enjoy love. And I read the education of "love the book...

爱读后感60个字 爱读后感60个字... 爱读后感60个字 展开  我来答 分享 微信扫一扫 网络繁忙请稍后重试 新浪微博 QQ空间 举报 浏览2 次 可选中1个或多个下面的关键词,搜索相关资料。也可直接点“搜索资料”搜索整个问题。 读后感 搜索资料 本地图片 图片链接 提交回答 匿名 回答自动保存中为你推荐...

for a record as Pan did.

“dilution”, even “vanishing”, but hoped that more people will feel in the simple language the deep love, I thought "Will love Education" this good book will take this kind of happy feeling more people.中文:《爱的教育》中,把爱比成很多东西,确是这样又不仅仅是这些。我想,“...


Jane Eyre — A Beautiful Soul Jane Eyre, is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl. After we close the covers of the book, after having a long journey of the spirit, Jane Eyre, a marvelous figure, has left us so much to ...


not the most important thing in our life.Love is the most important thing on earth.Love and money can be hypocritical flowers of symbiosis or tears of hurt.Every young man and woman in the city can't escape thinking and choosing between them.In my opinion,love and money are i...

《爱的教育》400字 读后感 不要在别的网站运用 独一无二 急急急急急...
《爱的教育》---读书笔记 时间过得飞快,很快一个学期的课程就结束了,暑假来临了。在暑假里,我读了老师给我推荐的好书。这本书就是《爱的教育》,这本书是一百多年前,意大利著名儿童文学作家亚米契斯创作的。这本书里的每一篇文章都使我受益非浅,其中“每月例话”里面的《马里奥的微笑》给我留...

店琪13159711480问: 我想要一个《简爱》的读后感英文的!不要太长!80字左右!真实一点,不要太华丽的,不然就太假了!急啊! -
注根据中发号文及其它相关规定大兴瑞普回答: 这是一部以爱情为主题的小说.主人公简·爱是一个心地纯洁、善于思考的女性,她生活在社会最底层,受尽磨难.她的遭遇令人同情,但她那倔强的性格和勇于追求平等幸福的精神为人们赞赏. 简·爱是个不甘忍受社会压迫、勇于追求个人幸...

店琪13159711480问: 《简爱》英文读后感求 简爱 英文读后感,字数不多要,40字左右就OK -
注根据中发号文及其它相关规定大兴瑞普回答:[答案] 小说设计了一个很光明的结尾.罗彻斯特的庄园毁了,他本人也成了一个残废..在这样的情况下,简爱不再在尊严和爱之间矛盾.而同时获得满足-------她和罗彻斯特的结婚是有尊严的,同时也是有爱的. 小说告诉我们,人们最美好的生活就是尊严加爱.小...

店琪13159711480问: 简爱的英文读后感【100字就可以了】不用长篇大论地复制……只用写一句两句就行了 再不然 提供一下思路也行~【英文的哦】 -
注根据中发号文及其它相关规定大兴瑞普回答:[答案] Keep On Chasing The Dreams---Reading response of Jane EyreThis is a story about an orphan's growing path.At last the character had successfully achieve her dream.This book has encouraged me a lot.What...

店琪13159711480问: 求《简爱》读后感(英文)200字不要太难的 -
注根据中发号文及其它相关规定大兴瑞普回答:[答案] Jane eyre -- once the advent of 19th century literature sensation,it with an irresistible beauty attracts thousands of readers,have a kind of uncontrollable urge,drives us to picked up the book,and th...

店琪13159711480问: 简爱英文读后感 不要电脑翻译 50字到70字就行 -
注根据中发号文及其它相关规定大兴瑞普回答: 《简爱》英文读后感 Another interesting aspect of the novel is the character Bertha Mason. Bronte herself, alluding to the latest developments in Victorian psychiatric theory, attributed Bertha's behavior to “moral madness” (qtd. in Showalter 73...

店琪13159711480问: 简爱读后感70字左右~! -
注根据中发号文及其它相关规定大兴瑞普回答: 我为幼年的她所受到的虐待而悲愤,感同身受般的体会着简爱那幼小敏感的心灵所受的伤害.喜欢她在所谓上流社会人士面前表现出的那种不卑不亢的态度,喜欢她在面对爱时表现出的那种自尊自强的精神,心中不禁感叹在距离她所处的年代进步了二百年的现代,又有几个女子有勇气为自己的尊严而对一个心爱又富有的男子说不呢?简爱就可以!在她的身上时刻闪现着一种独立人格的壮美与崇高!

店琪13159711480问: 帮忙写一篇英语作文~ 关于《简爱》的读后感~ -
注根据中发号文及其它相关规定大兴瑞普回答: Heart is the engine of body, brain is the resource of thought, and great films are the mirrors of life. Indubitably, “Jane Eyer” is one of them.In this era o...

店琪13159711480问: 求一篇英语 读后感 80字左右 -
注根据中发号文及其它相关规定大兴瑞普回答: "Wizard of Oz" Du Hougan Reading the "Wizard of Oz" This novel, I understand the friendliness and mutual assistance among people should unite as one, is n...

店琪13159711480问: 读《简爱》有感 全英语 50词 -
注根据中发号文及其它相关规定大兴瑞普回答: 读一本好书,就像与一位高尚的人谈话.想必这句话我们都会说了,可是又有谁真正的进入到书的世界里,真正的体会到这句话的意思呢?读简爱我体会到了!Reading a good book is like talking to a good man. Presumably this sentence we will say, but who really into the world of the book, the real experience of this sentence mean? Read Jane Eyre I realized!原创,满意请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~

店琪13159711480问: 求《简爱》 ,《卡城名蛙——马克吐温幽默故事》 两本书的英语读后感(100字左右) -
注根据中发号文及其它相关规定大兴瑞普回答:[答案] 简 爱:Jane Eyre, is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl. After we close the covers of the book, after having a long journey of the spirit, Jane Eyre, a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think: ...

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