
作者&投稿:纪沿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

对斯特拉特设计学校充满向往的同学们,可通过官方网站https:\/\/www.strate.education\/直接提交申请,或者通过Campus art平台便捷操作。申请时需准备申请表格、简历、个人陈述、成绩单、文凭复印件、推荐信(学术或专业)以及英语成绩证明和身份证明复印件。别错过6月11日的讲座,这里我们将有幸邀请到斯特拉特的...

learning English is very easy for somebody,but it is very difficult for somebody.I think interest is very important! Interest is our best teacher.Above all you must be interested in English !That is necessary !In addition ,you can try to listen to music in English.学习英语对某人...

例如的英文for example。英[fɔː(r)ɪɡˈzɑːmpl]美[fɔːrɪɡˈzæmpl][词典]例如;比如。[例句]The report is incomplete; it does not include sales in France, for example.这份报告不完整,例如在法国的销售情况就没包括...

The marketing stratedy and analysis of China Tongyi Educaiton W\/ebsite Abstract: Since the Internet entered China 17 years ago, the numbers of netizens and w\/ebsites in China have been increasing dramatically, following the growing rate of 70% every year in e-business market. Under...

1.These learning strategu mostly aim at foreign language study including English.2.He put his mind on the endangered spicies of annimals, and gradually was used to the tral life on land.



the talented person strategy are each enterprise developmental strategy cores.Is gradually perfect along with the personnel market and is perfect, the modern small and medium-sized enterprise has obtained a greater degree of freedom in the attraction and using the talented person aspect, ...

Hey,y’all,this here is Buford,I come from a big oil town in Texas, Now,y’all need to understand that we ain’t really a strate,but a whole’nother country.Now let me tell ya a story ’bout when I was just a pup.One hot summer’s day I was swimmin’with my ...

the necesities of implementing Strategic Cost Management in today's China,and the current situation, as well as the countermeasure to add further development to Strategic Cost Management.战略成本管理是专业词汇吧?翻译的不是很有信心,不知道是不是应该翻译成Strategic Cost Management……...

郟曼18881819694问: 请问策略的英文是什么? -
万安县兰达回答:[答案] strategy Tactic strategy比较大众化一点,无论是做事的步骤还是公司方案的策略都可以用. Tactic我只在历史的战争中见过,表述范围比较局限,个人感觉仅适用于参与在有斗争的环境中

郟曼18881819694问: 英文单词strategy是什么意思 -
万安县兰达回答: strategy [ˈstrætədʒi]n. 策略,战略; 战略学;

郟曼18881819694问: 策略的英文单词是什么? -
万安县兰达回答: 1.(制定的行动方针和斗争方式) tactics 2.(讲究斗争艺术) tactful 3.{数} (对策) policy; strategy; game

郟曼18881819694问: 策略的英语是什么 -
万安县兰达回答: strategy

郟曼18881819694问: 策略用英语怎么说 -
万安县兰达回答: n. strategy: 1. 战略;战略学[U] He is an expert in military strategy. 他是军事战略专家. 2. 策略,计谋;对策[C][(+for)][+to-v] The government adopted a strategy of massive deflation. 政府采取了大规模紧缩通货的策略. By careful strategy he managed to push the proposal through. 通过审慎的谋划,他成功地使该建议获得通过.

郟曼18881819694问: strategy,tactics在英语中有什么区别? -
万安县兰达回答: 这两个名词均有“策略,战术”之意. tactics: 在军事上指在战场或军事行动中如何用兵的具体战术,多暗示指挥员在场具体指挥;也指为完成某计划而采取的策略或手段. strategy : 指全局性的前线战略部署,也可指为达到某种目的而采取的策略.

郟曼18881819694问: 策略 和 战略 用英语如何翻译哦? -
万安县兰达回答: 策略:tactic, plot 战略:strategy

郟曼18881819694问: 谋略 英文单词怎么说 -
万安县兰达回答: strategy 复数:strategies

郟曼18881819694问: 什么是战略?战略这两个字什么意思? -
万安县兰达回答: 战略就是战争的策略 战略,英语叫做Strategy,德语叫做Strategie.据说,这是来自希腊语的“指挥官”一词,就是指挥军队的意思.又有一种说法,是起源于希腊语的“诡计”一词.确实,出自东方的不朽的战略论《孙子》一书,就是从“兵者,诡道也”这一句话开始阐述其战略理论的.总之,战略这个词,恐怕可以说是一个支配战争的“有分量”的词.那么,在现代,对于“战略”又是如何解释的呢?所谓战略,被认为是为了达到战争和军事作战的目的,高瞻远瞩地执行战争计划,大规模运用军事力量的方针和策略.

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