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Shenzhou five

Days - 21 days, China Manned Space Engineering first "divine boat" experimental unmanned spacecraft test flight was a complete success. At the beginning of 2001to the end of 2002and have developed and successfully launched the Shenzhou2 ~4unmanned test craft, obtained valuable test da...

神州五号应该是five 还是fifth
神州五号翻译成:Spacecraft Shenzhou five ,这里不用序数词而应该用基数词

美国航空航天管理局 NASA(The National Aeronautics and Space Administration)句子翻译:1.On 9th August 1992 at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, Long March 2C launch vehicle successfully launched the 13th recoverable satellite.2.China is the 3rd country capable to launch geosynchronous satellite ...

on fifth in月 on日

像这种独创的技术,在神舟飞船的研制中还有很多。作为我国第一代载人飞船,神舟5号越过了单人单舱、双人双舱的设计,直接采用了三舱组成的多功能飞船方案。虽然这次神舟五号只搭载了一名航天员,但我们的设计却是可以同时搭载三个人。神舟飞船总设计师 戚发轫:(神舟号)飞船起步比较晚,但是我们的起点比较...

他乘着神舟五号在太空中飞行了21小时。He has\/had travelled in the space for 21 hours by Shenzhou V Spacecraft.

“divine land five, divine land six, Shenzhou seven” the manned vehicle 。This is our country three man-in-space flight flights ,Is also our country astronautics enterprise's great magnificent feat 。 Many astronautics people have made the great contribution for this reason ...

神州五号的发射成功是我国的一项伟大的创举 The successful launch of Shenzhou V is a great pioneering undertaking in China.

求英文翻译 (千万要人工翻译的,拜托拜托) 1.中国航天业开创于1956年...
3.1992年,中国开始实施载人航天飞行工程(manned spaceflight program)。In 1992, China began to implement the manned spaceflight program.4.2003年,中国成为发射了“神舟五号”载人飞船,使中国成为第三个发射载人飞船的国家。In 2003, China successfully launched the "Shenzhou V" manned spacecraft,...

皮殷18659961557问: 神州五号用英语怎么说啊? -
兴和县越鞠回答: 神州五号(Shenzhou V) 注意:用罗马数字“V”表示“5”

皮殷18659961557问: 神舟五号载人航天飞船用英文怎么说
兴和县越鞠回答: The Shenzhou V manned spaceship. 或 The Shenzhou V manned spacecraft.

皮殷18659961557问: 神舟五号载人飞船(中国载人航天工程发射的第五艘飞船) - 搜狗百科
兴和县越鞠回答: 用five,第六用英文是sixth 按音标读,-th的发音[θ]要读出来,和[s]略有区别

皮殷18659961557问: 神舟五号.2003年用英文怎么说 -
兴和县越鞠回答: 神舟五号.2003年 Shenzhou five.2003

皮殷18659961557问: 翻译:The country launched its first manned spacecraft Shenzhou V . -
兴和县越鞠回答: 这个国家(指中国)发射了首个载人航天器神州五号.希望对你有所帮助.如满意请点击下面的“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢您!

皮殷18659961557问: 英语翻译由于团结协作,中国将“神州五号”成功发射到太空____________________ - ,the spaceship"Shenzhou V" with people_____________ - by ... -
兴和县越鞠回答:[答案] 1.As a result of unity and cooperation; was successfully launched into space 2.that it is invincible of

皮殷18659961557问: 2003年10月26日,清晨6时23分,“神州5号”载人飞船安然着落(英语翻译)
兴和县越鞠回答: On Oct. 26th, 2003, 6:23 AM, "Shenzhou 5" manned spacecraft safely landed .

皮殷18659961557问: 帮忙翻译下列英文
兴和县越鞠回答: Oct 5,2003, our country launched the “Shenzhou V”spaceship successfully, which is another great deed after succeeding in launching the "Shenzhou I" unpiloted spaceship in 1999. All of these show the power of chinese science and technology to the whole world

皮殷18659961557问: 翻译:我国相继成功发射了“神州五号、神州六号、神舟七号”载人飞船.这是我国三次载人航天飞行,也是 -
兴和县越鞠回答: Our country succeeded one after another has launched “divine land five, divine land six, Shenzhou seven” the manned vehicle .This is our country three man-in-space flight flights ,Is also our country astronautics enterprise's great magnificent ...

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