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原句: 我头疼 翻译: my head hurts; My head is very painful now;I have a headache now 这句话没有进行时;头疼是一种状态;里查德:我一整天都在读书,现在我的头很疼。Richard: I've been cramming all day and now my head hurts 百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。问题二:“我...

胳膊酸痛 英语怎么说?
My arm feels very sore, perhaps because I carried some heavy things yesterday.My leg hurts a little, can you accompany me to the doctor's tomorrow?Rest for 5 minutes. \/ Rest for a while.I've been very tired lately; I'd like to travel around for a period of time....

"我腰疼得厉害,所以现在趴在床上上课"的英文是 I have a bad back pain, so I'm lying in bed for class now

不需要另外翻译成英文...举个例子...These pills gave her some relief = 这些药片减轻了她的1些痛苦...如果要使用动词的话...可以采用 ease = 减轻 \/ 缓和...但是...减轻神马...缓和神马...需要在句子里...另外指明...例如...This anodyne eased his pain = 这个止痛药减轻了他的疼痛...

“长痛不如短痛”用英语翻译 1.better a finger off than always aching !2.if the does is nasty ,swallow it last .

1 你的胃现在还痛吗?今天感觉怎样?Is your stomach aching yet? How do you feel today ?Are you suffering from a stomachache yet ? How are you feeling today ?2 他昨天胃痛,我也不知道他现在怎样。He had a stomachache yesterday , I have no idea how he is feeling now He ...

翻译 1.发烧.have a fever2.头痛.have a headache3.得了流感(感冒).have a flu4.去看医生.go to see a doctor5.眼睛痛 have pain in eyes6.咳嗽 have a cough7.看牙医 go to the dentist8.休息一会儿have a rest问题补充:从方框中选择正确的建议:( D )1.She can’t sleep well....

非处方药 (Non-prescription Drug or Over-the-Counter, OTC)处方药 (Prescription Drug, Ethical Drug,or Receptor X, Rx)症状 symptom 用法用量:usage and dosage 感冒 catch(have)a cold 发高\/低烧 have a high\/slight fever 鼻塞 have a stuffy nose 流涕 have a runny nose 咽喉痛 ...

With her eyes wet and her voice unusual,she answered,“Heart trouble.” Her eyes lowered as she continued, “I’ve already lost my mum,so I don’t think I can stand losing him” I couldn’t answer. My heart ached(疼痛)for her.她眼睛湿了,声音也不像平常,哽咽道:是...

...·反跳痛[rebound tenderness]·压痛点[tenderness point]·剑突下压痛[tenderness beneath the xiphoid process] ...基于7个网页 - 搜索相关网页 -Tenderness pain: 触痛(压痛) 触痛(压痛)医学英语翻译(论文病历词汇用语)在线辞典(词典)-... ... · [Jumping pain] 反跳痛 · [Tenderness...

靳盆15271558059问: 疼痛用英语翻译怎么说? -
铁山区典沙回答: Pain

靳盆15271558059问: 疼痛用英语怎么说 -
铁山区典沙回答: pain [pein] vt. & vi. (使)疼痛; (使)痛苦; 伤害 My tooth is paining. 我牙痛. hurt [hə:t] n. 肉体上的伤害[痛苦] No one suffered any hurt in the accident. 在这场事故中没有人受伤. 精神上的痛苦[创伤] It was a severe hurt to her pride. 这对她的自尊心是一次严重的伤害.

靳盆15271558059问: 关于疼痛的英语单词 -
铁山区典沙回答: 胃疼 stomach aches 牙疼 tooth aches 头疼 Headache 脚疼 foot aches 肚子疼 abdomen aches 鼻塞 Have a stuffy nose

靳盆15271558059问: 身体上各个部位的疼痛用英语如何表达?
铁山区典沙回答: 在英语中表示人体某部位“痛”时常用以下几种形式: A.have a+身体部位名次接词缀ache,如: Have a headache头疼 have a earache 耳痛 Have a toothache 牙疼 have ...

靳盆15271558059问: 疼痛 名词 怎么翻译成英文 -
铁山区典沙回答: ache n. 1. (尤指持续、固定、并不厉害的)疼痛,(连续的)隐痛2. (一阵)强烈的情感(尤指渴望) soreness n.1. 伤处,痛处2. 伤心,精神痛苦;烦恼3. 苦恼(或烦恼)的事,令人痛苦的事

靳盆15271558059问: 英语翻译如:疼痛(pain) 写了哈 好的会再加加分的单词字数不少于4个字母 -
铁山区典沙回答:[答案] SAD

靳盆15271558059问: 表示身体的某个地方疼痛用英语怎么说 ,比如说手疼或者眼睛疼等. -
铁山区典沙回答:[答案] 1.painHematuria and flank pain were main symptoms.血尿、腰部疼痛是主要的临床症状.2.acheYou'll make your back ache if you carry those heavy buckets.如果你背那些沉重的桶,你的背会痛的.3.soresore throat ...

靳盆15271558059问: 痛苦 疼痛用英语怎么说? 是score?还是sore? -
铁山区典沙回答: score 有分数的意思. 而sore是痛苦疼痛 比如sore throat 翻译为喉咙疼

靳盆15271558059问: 关于疼痛的英语表达的结构 -
铁山区典沙回答: sore throat 喉咙疼;toothache 牙疼;chest pain 胸疼;muscle pain 肌肉疼;joint pain 关节疼;back pain 后背疼 ;headache头疼;stomachache 胃痛;heartache心痛;aches and pains浑身不适(疼痛);eggache蛋疼;headache头痛

靳盆15271558059问: 表示身体的某个地方疼痛用英语怎么说 ,比如说手疼或者眼睛疼等. -
铁山区典沙回答: 1.painHematuria and flank pain were main symptoms.血尿、腰部疼痛是主要的临床症状. 2.acheYou'll make your back ache if you carry those...

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