
作者&投稿:泣疯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

复数 ours yours theirs 反身代词 单数 myself yourself himself herself itself 复数 ourselves yourselves themselves 用法:表示 " 我,你,他,我们,你们,他们等 " 的词叫做人称代词。人称代词有人称,数和格之分。 人称代词可用作主语,表语,宾语以及介词。例句:I am a worker, I work ...

A: Are these books lily's? 这些书是莉莉的吗。B:No,that's ours. 不是,那些书是我们的。

英语造句I we you you he she it they me us you you him her it them...
His poem compares poorly with yours.他的诗做得不如你的好。It is his book.这是他的书。He compared my pape rwith hers.他拿我的作业与她的相比较。He emphasized its importance to me.他向我强调它的重要性。Our car is edging down upon theirs.我们的汽车正节节逼进他们的车。

Is this dog mine? Yes it is.Is this horse his? Yes it is.Is this cat hers? Yes it is.Are these hens ours? Yes they `re ours.Are these birds his?Yes they `re his.Are these ducks theirs?Yes they `re theirs....

him.His brothers are good at sports.She is worried about her mother.Her mother is in the hospital.It is warm to have a home.Its dress is expensive.They are dancing happily.This is a photo of all of them.Their parents are friendly.These dogs are theirs.满意请采纳,谢谢 ...

用“next to”怎么造句?
双语例句:1、Someone introduced us and I sat next to him.有人给我们作了介绍,我挨着他坐下了。2、She sat down next to him on the sofa.她紧挨着他在沙发上坐下了。3、There was a big group of a dozen people at the table next to theirs.他们旁边的桌上坐了一大群人,有十几...

These cup is not hers, she take from her mother,which allways love her.These cups are not ours, we borrowed from our mother,which allways love us.These cups are not theirs, they borrowed from their mother,which allways love them.These cups are not yours, you borrowed ...

2、缩句(缩到最简):32岁的我已经是举世公认的一流发明家。 (2分) 3、把反问句改为陈述句:四周围黑洞洞的,还不容易碰壁吗? (2分) 4、任选下列词语中的两个进行造句。(4分) 张冠李戴 囫囵吞枣 恍然大悟 哪怕……也…… 甚至 疯狂 大概 不但……还…… ① ② 5、用学过的修改符号在原句上修改。(...

1.The bag is mine .这个包是我的.2.This is my bike,his is over there.我的自行车在这,他的在那儿。(his=his bike为了避免啰嗦重复,所以就用his)有很多啦,如果觉得还不明白继续追问。

4. Such wishful thinking of theirs will never be realized.他们的那种痴心妄想永远也不会实现.5. His claims to be a millionaire are just wishful thinking.他声称要成为百万富翁的想法不过是一厢情愿.6. It's only his own wishful thinking.这只是他自己一厢情愿.7. Prices seem to have ...

乐正帘13737897635问: theirs造句(theirs)
南江县心得回答: 1、their 形容词性物主代词.2、后面可以加名词 This is their classroom.theirs 名词性物主代词.3、可以做表语 It is theirs .

乐正帘13737897635问: theirs怎样造句 简单 -
南江县心得回答: 认得一生很简单

乐正帘13737897635问: 用名词性物主代词theirs造句子 -
南江县心得回答: 先采后答

乐正帘13737897635问: 名词性物主代词(theirs)的造句 -
南江县心得回答: Are these book blong to us? No,they are theirs. He said that these books are theirs.

乐正帘13737897635问: 英语造句:用your,yours,my,mine,their,theirs造句(共6句) -
南江县心得回答: Is this your book? 这是你的书吗?Is this book yours? 这本书是你的吗?This is my book. 这是我的书.This book is mine. 这本书是我的.These are their books. 这些是他们的书.These books are theirs. 这些书是他们的.希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 有不明白的请继续追问(*^__^*)

乐正帘13737897635问: 英语造句用 my、mine、your、yours、his、her、hers、our、ours、their、theirs每个单词早1个简单的英语句子! -
南江县心得回答:[答案] I like my pen.The pen is mine.May I borrow your pencil?The pencil is yours.His mother is at home.The eraser is his.Her car looks cool.The cool car is hers.We love our country.Ours is much better than ...

乐正帘13737897635问: mine yours his hers ours theirs造句 -
南江县心得回答: The red book is mine, the blue book is yours and the green book is his. Those white shoes are ours and these black shoes are theirs.

乐正帘13737897635问: its , theirs 用这两个造句 -
南江县心得回答: The city is famous for its silk. 该市以出产丝绸而闻名于世 These are our pictures,theirs are on the wall.这些是我们的图片,他们的在墙上

乐正帘13737897635问: 用mine 、 yours 、theirs、his、hers、its 分别造句、造完后意思! -
南江县心得回答:[答案] The phone is mine 这手机是我的 That football is yours 那个足球是你的 Those desks is theirs 那些课桌是他们的 The basketball is his 球是他的 The book is hers 书是她的 That ball is its 那个球是它的

乐正帘13737897635问: 请问there there they的宾格是them吗?theirs 那their有宾格嘛?那their 怎么造句? -
南江县心得回答:[答案] there 那里 they的宾格就是them their 他们的,形容 theirs 他们的,名词 their没宾格

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