
作者&投稿:唐柯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

There were three questions. The first two were relatively easy but the third one was hard.有三个问题。头两个相对容易,第三个困难。There was an accident here yesterday. A car hit a tree and the driver was killed.昨天这里发生了一起事故。一辆小轿车撞到树上,驾车的人死了。The h...

The more you practise, the better you will speak english.你练得越多,你英语就会讲得越好。The more I read the book,the more I liked it.这本书我越看越喜欢。在通常情况下,前一个“the + 比较级……”是状语从句,后一个“the + 比较级………”是主句。即 The more you practise...

我的 the+比较级,the+比较级造句,3个句子 the+比较级,the+比较级造句,3个句子... the+比较级,the+比较级造句,3个句子 展开  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 已婚女性就应该承担家里大部分家务吗? 龙问望彭魄 2020-02-26 · TA获得超过3636个赞 知道大有可为答主 回答量:3114 采纳率:34% ...

the sea,the sun,the earth,the moon,the Great Wall of China 句子 I have a book about China ,but I do not like it ,but my friend likes the book .What a clever boy you are!There is a desk.Life on a farm is a far cry from what I've been used to.A dark sky ...

the+序数词+n. to do sth造5个句子
He is the first student to finish the homework.Tom is the last one to arrive here.Mary is the second one to run 100 meters within 16 seconds.Our teacher is the first one to come to school.You are the first one to learn to sing this song....

1.第二次提到某物 This is a book.The book is mine.2.谈话双方所知道的事物Open the window ,please.3.世界上独一无二的事物the sun,the moon,the earth 4.方向The sun rises in the east.5.江河湖海the Yellow River the West lake 6.乐器the piano,the violin 7.一个名词被一个介词...

1、[ðə]\/[ði]特指,译为“这个,那个”,也可不翻译。2、There is a book.The book is hers.句中第二次出现某物用the.3、the 加以元音字母开头的单词,the的读音发生变化,从[ðə]变成[ði]。如 the apple。

...动作)。 例如: The tiger is running.十个句子!!!(转问题补充...
dog is running.The tiger is running.The kangaroo is jumping.The bird is flying.The monkey is swinging.The fish is swimming.The cat is sleeping.The cow is drinking water.The lion is fighting.The panda is climbing.The elephant is walking.The bear is sleeping.一定要选我~~...

基本含义:(指已提过的人或物)这,那;这些,那些。需要加the的情况 1、用于名词词组前,指前面已经提及的人或物。例:Six of the 38 people were U.S. citizens.那38人中有6个是美国公民。2、当名词后接(of)词组或表明身份的从句时,该名词前用(the)。例:There has been a slight ...

the在英语中到底如何用为什么我看到好多名词前没有the呢?而有些又有呢?eg:Andmoreimportant,haveTHEcouragetofollowyourheartandintuition.courage前加个the呢?其实,每次自己写co... the 在英语中到底如何用 为什么我看到好多名词前没有 the 呢?而有些又有呢?eg:And more important,have THE courage to follow ...

翟泻13432218091问: 英语句型写三个句子 the+比较级+the+比较级 -
运城市亚星回答: The harder you work, the better grades you will get

翟泻13432218091问: 使用the,his写一个与杯子相关的句子 -
运城市亚星回答: The blue cup is his. 那个蓝色的杯子是他的.祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

翟泻13432218091问: 用the earlier ...thebetter写个句子...英语的.., -
运城市亚星回答: The earlier we get there, the better seats we will have. 越早赶到,就越能占到好座位.

翟泻13432218091问: 用the earlier ...thebetter写个句子.英语的., -
运城市亚星回答:[答案] The earlier we get there,the better seats we will have.越早赶到,就越能占到好座位.

翟泻13432218091问: 写3个带a 写3个带an 写3个带the 的句子 -
运城市亚星回答: i have a dream 马金路德金著名演讲{我有一个梦想} today is a good day this is a pencil box an是一个不定冠词,置于元音发音单词前 there is an apple on the table there is an expensive book on my desk i will be there after an hour THE GREAT WALL is very famous in the world happy new year-the same to you the book is very interesting

翟泻13432218091问: 用英语写五句话 -
运城市亚星回答: 比如:there is a computer in my bedroom.卧我的室有一台电脑 比如:there are three students in the classroom.教室里有三个同学. 比如:the old man is very kind.老人很和蔼. 比如:the bird is singing .小鸟在唱歌. 比如:there is two dogs and a cat in the room.房子里有两只小狗和一只小猫.

翟泻13432218091问: 英语句型写三个句子 A+be+the+adj比较级+of the two -
运城市亚星回答: John is the taller of the two boys

翟泻13432218091问: 用英语单词写句子用question,the,piease,answer这些单词组成一个英语句子,这道题大家几乎都做错了,希望得到帮助 -
运城市亚星回答:[答案] Answer the question,please.

翟泻13432218091问: 有只奶牛在农场,请用cow the farm写一个句子 -
运城市亚星回答:[答案] There is a cow on the farm.在农场 on the farm

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