
作者&投稿:潮瞿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
用短语the minute造五个句子~

The minute you do this, you'll lose control
The minute that the war started, everybody was glued to the television.
They rowed 40 to the minute.
The Queen's holiday is arranged to go like clockwork, everything pre-planned to theminute
Clients are not charged by the minute but given unmetered access to the Internetfor a fixed fee.

There is thunder and linghting, and I'm always afraid of such a scene.
This boy was sent to a school which was for the deaf. (没有desf这个词的)
Tax laws do a great help for the rich.
I spend my evening on listening to some music.
It does not pay to the crime.
Would you like some apples or oranges?
Are you an artist or a musician?
Would you like some sugars to your tea?(没有suger的)
Exports in China has increased a lot this year.

a/an 是随便某个
例如:I want a rabbit. 我想要一只兔子 任何一只都行
I want the rabbit. 我想要/这那只兔子 指定的一只

a book,a desk,a chair,a computer,a rabbit
the sea,the sun,the earth,the moon,the Great Wall of China

I have a book about China ,but I do not like it ,but my friend likes the book .
What a clever boy you are!
There is a desk.
Life on a farm is a far cry from what I've been used to.
A dark sky overhangs the earth.

The apples on the tree are green.
The book is hers.
We are part of the Earth and it is part of us.
The moon goes round the earth.
The night sky is now gorgeous with billions of stars.

I have a apple。
I am a beautiful girl。
there is a tree。
jim is a cleve boy。
what a beautiful girl she is。
the book is on the desk。
The earth goes around the sun。

说明定冠词the和不定冠词a, an的所有用法. 一定要具体!最好有例子...
The sun is bigger than the moon.太阳比月亮大些.但这些名词作为描绘性定语时,可用不定冠词.例如:Look! A red sun is rising. 瞧!一轮红日正在升起.(5)用在序数词和形容词最高级前.例如:The first island is the biggest of the three.第一个小岛是三个中最大的.(6)用在用普通名词...

There is not any cloud in the sky. 天空中没有一丝云彩。 It was a fine day in spring. The sun shone brightly. 这是一个晴朗的春日,阳光灿烂。 He is the richest man in the world. 他是世界上最富的人。 5 用在表示方向、方位的名词前 这类词有: the east东方,the west西方,the south南方...

现在进行时造句 1、He is playing basketball.他正在打篮球。2、The bird is flying.那只小鸟在飞。3、The pigeon is flying.那只格子在飞。4、The dog is barking.那只狗在叫。5、A little girl is crying.一个小女孩正在哭。6、I am answering your question.我正在回属答你的问题。

a second和the second的区别
1.a second用法:接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。例句:She hesitated for a fraction of a second before responding 她在回答之前犹豫了一下。2.the second用法:引导时间状语从句。例句:He was married for the second time, this time to a Belgian 他第二次结婚,这一次是和一个比利时人...

there is a句型怎么写写10句
There be “有...”以下是10个例句:1. There is a book on the desk. 桌子上有一本书。2. There is a ruler on the desk. 桌子上有一把尺子。3. There is a cat under the chair. 椅子下有一只猫。4. There is a cup on the table. 桌子上有一个杯子。5. There is a tree ...

a an,the的用法和区别
(5)在序数词前表示"又一;再一"时。如:i want to read the story a second time  我想再读一遍这篇小说 。(6) 表示不特定的"某一个"时。如:a mr. smith is calling on the phone. 有一位史密斯先生来电话找你 。(7)在特定的短语里表示特定的含义,与不可数名词连用,如:have a good time 过得...

河对面是一个农场。there is a farm_ _ _ _ _the river.是5个空格哈
on the other side of 祝学习进步,有不会的可以再问我。(*^__^*)

The wolf ate lead~这句怎么理解?
The third little piggy built his house of 300 tons of re-enforced cement and steel, with 5 automatic sentry guns, 4 sniper towers, and a rocket launcher for the hell of it.第三只小猪用300吨水泥合钢建造了房子,有5个佩枪的自动哨兵,4个狙击手,还有一个火箭发射塔。The wolf ...

加不加the和介词没关系,the的用法如下:一、加the的情况:1、用以特指某(些)人或某(些)事物 2、用于指谈话双方都明确所指的人或事物 3、用以复述上文提过的人或事物(第一次提到用“a或an”,以后再次提到用“the”)4、用在序数词和形容词最高级前 5、表示世界上宇宙中独一无二的...

美丽的,安全的,美味的,方便的,迷人的 she is beautiful.you are safe with me.the meal is quite delicious.it is convenient to get to the police office.the view of the lake is facinanting.

正蓝旗13710192378: 用a和the造5个句子和短语 -
穰祥盐酸: the是特指某种东西,或者独一无二的物体 a/an 是随便某个 例如:I want a rabbit. 我想要一只兔子 任何一只都行 I want the rabbit. 我想要/这那只兔子 指定的一只短语a book,a desk,a chair,a computer,a rabbitthe sea,the sun,the earth,the moon,the ...

正蓝旗13710192378: 谁能用the造5个不同用法的句子? -
穰祥盐酸: 1. The sun rises in the east(独一无二的) 2.The dog is under the table((特指) 3. The horse is a useful animal. (表示一类) 4. The Zhangs live upstairs(表示一家人) 5.Li ling is the tallest girl in my class(形容词最高级前)

正蓝旗13710192378: 求英语中 a 与 the 的用法 讲解
穰祥盐酸: the a

正蓝旗13710192378: There was party/at/house/yesterday造句,用这些单词造一个句子 -
穰祥盐酸: There was a birthday party at John's house yesterday to celebrate his 14th birthday.希望帮到了你.

正蓝旗13710192378: 造英语短句.1...the same as...2...make...do...3..to take ...4...to help do...5 to help with...
穰祥盐酸: 1) the same as The color of the shirt is the same as the color of the pant. The price of the basket is the same as the football. Even though the girl cut her hair, yet she looks the same as before. 2) make .... do.... Peter's teacher makes him do the ...

正蓝旗13710192378: 用以下短语与a,the,some和any造句 急求回答啊__ -
穰祥盐酸: There is thunder and linghting, and I'm always afraid of such a scene.This boy was sent to a school which was for the deaf. (没有desf这个词的) Tax laws do a great help for the rich.I spend my evening on listening to some music.It does not pay to ...

正蓝旗13710192378: 用人称代词和物主代词各造5个句子. -
穰祥盐酸: 形容词性物主代词:my(我的) your(你的) his(他的) her(她的) its(它的) our(我们的) their(他们/她们/它们的) your(你们的)造句: my——My favourite animal is dog. your——Give me your books,please. his——His name is ...

正蓝旗13710192378: 用achieve和appear to分别帮我造一个句子,在线等,急 -
穰祥盐酸: They appear to be able to handle the problem.他们似乎可以处理这个问题.She hoped to achieve her ambition to become a singer.她希望实现当歌唱家的抱负.

正蓝旗13710192378: 用achieve 和success造一个句子 -
穰祥盐酸: You should try hard to achieve your dreams. 你应该努力实现自己的梦想. He succeeded in finishing the task. 他成功地完成了这项任务.一个句子: We succeeded in achieving our dreams.

正蓝旗13710192378: A together with B 与…一样 短语的造句 -
穰祥盐酸: 这是一个关于主谓语一致的问题,如果这个短语出现在谓语动词前面,谓语动词的人称和数只能和A保持一致,与B无关.如: A teacher together with five students was in the classroom then . 当时有一个老师和五个学生在教室里.虽然共有6人,...

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