
作者&投稿:花艺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

deal with的用法
deal with意为:处理,应付;与…打交道;克制(不快情感);冷静面对(感情上困难的局面);论述;讨论;涉及;与…做买卖;和…有生意往来 例句:When I worked in Florida I dealt with British people all the time...在佛罗里达工作时,我总与英国人有生意往来。She saw a psychiatrist who used hy...

cope with 与deal with 的区别是什么?
一、意思不同 1、cope with:对付…2、deal with:处理,应付,与…打交道。二、用法不同 1、cope with:cope指均等之势的抗衡、对抗,也可指面临灾难、困难或变故等。多用作不及物动词,后常接介词with。2、deal with:表示根据情况以某种方式来“对待、处理”某人或某事,可指管理、控制或权威...

处理 英语短语是什么
处理的英语短语是deal with.英式读法是[diːl wɪð];美式读法是[diːl wɪð]。意思是讨论;处理,对付;涉及;与 ... 做生意。相关例句:1、We have no space to deal with such details.我们没有篇幅来讨论这种细微末节。2、I have a huge pile of le...

英语handle和deal with作为处理的区别是什么?
1、表达方式不同 Handle 考虑到解决问题的方法,更侧重于行动,常常指处理事物的动作,例如解决问题、处理文件等等。而 deal with 更侧重于处理具体的问题,常常指应对某种情况或处理某一事件。 例句: - I will handle the paperwork for the project.(我将处理这个项目的文书工作。) - How did you deal with your...

do with和deal with的区别是什么?
deal with和do with的区别如下:1.deal with 习惯上与how搭配,而do with 习惯上与what 搭配。例句:I don’t know how to deal with him. 我不知怎样与他相处 2.介词with的宾语都是名词,而deal是不及物动词,不带宾语,do是及物动词,其宾语是连接代词what。例句:The system is more than...

deal with 和 deal in是什么意思?
deal with意思是处理,解决;deal in意思是买卖,经营。一、deal with 1、首先,它最常用的意思是“处理,解决”。You can’t deal with your personal matters at work.你不能在上班的时候处理个人事物。2、其次,它可以表示“对付某人”。Don’t worry about it, let me deal with him.别担心...

deal with是什么意思(with一词多义)


do with 和deal with的区别
do with 和deal with 都有“处理,处置”的意思,但它们的用法不同。1、do with 常与代词 what 连用,而 deal with 常与副词 how 连用。如:What did you do with the old clothes ?=How did you deal with the old clothes?你怎样处理这些旧衣服?2、deal with还可意为“与…交易,论述、...

deal with都有什么意思
deal with的中文意思是:应付; 对待;惠顾; 与…交易。例句:1、People usually complain about having to deal with too much bureaucracy.翻译:人们经常抱怨不得不应付太多的繁文缛节。2、We have to deal with this problem correctly.翻译:我们要正确对待这问题。3、Third is striking a deal with...

逯行18925472515问: 用deal with 造句 -
安居区永倩回答: I'll deal with the children later.孩子们的事由我以后去处理.

逯行18925472515问: 用deal with 造句 -
安居区永倩回答:[答案] He donnot know (that) how to deal with the thing.

逯行18925472515问: 请用deal with do with 分别造个句子 -
安居区永倩回答: can you tell me how to deal with this pen can you tell me what to do with this

逯行18925472515问: 用“deal with " 造句. -
安居区永倩回答: how do we deal with our moods?我们改如何处理我们的情绪

逯行18925472515问: 用deal with造两个句子,有中文意思
安居区永倩回答: This chapter deals with the problem of inflation. 本章论述通货膨胀问题. I'll deal with the children later. 孩子们的事由我以后去处理. I'm used to dealing with matters of this sort. 我惯于处理此类问题. I'll deal with you when I get home from the office! 我下班回家后再来收拾你. We deal with many customers. 我们与许多客户有生意往来.

逯行18925472515问: 用deal with翻译句子 -
安居区永倩回答: Some customers are difficult to deal with

逯行18925472515问: 1,有没有What do you deal with.这种用法 -
安居区永倩回答:[答案] 这种句型的常用介词是 how,when,who例句:How do you deal with it?你将如何处理这件事?When do you deal with it?你何时处理它?Who do you deal with on this?对这事你要找谁去处理?也可以用 what ,常见句型是What ...

逯行18925472515问: 急求帮我用deal with、worry about、be worried about、agree with、worrying about这几个单词造句 感谢 -
安居区永倩回答: I'll deal with the children later.孩子们的事由我以后去处理.Do you worry about pollution?你担心污染的问题吗?I think we should be worried about the values that are nurturing the new generation.我想我们应该对培育着下一代的价值理念感到担忧 I wish I could agree with you.我真希望能与您意见一致.They are worrying about how to cope with protests.令他们忧虑的事情是如何应对抗议行为.

逯行18925472515问: deal with什么意思? -
安居区永倩回答: deal with 英 [di:l wið] 美 [dil wɪð] [词典] 应付; 对待; 惠顾; 与…交易; [例句]In dealing with suicidal youngsters, our aims should be clear 在对待有自杀倾向的青少年时,我们的目标应当很明确.

逯行18925472515问: Deal with a man as he deals with you. 以其人之道,还治其人之身. -
安居区永倩回答: 不是,主语省略,这里是祈使句.

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