
作者&投稿:唱蚀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The boy wearing this coat is very cool;这个男孩穿上这件外衣真是太酷了;wearing this coat 是定语从句,修饰句子的主语the boy;

Let's sit in the shade and keep cool.咱们坐在阴凉处乘凉吧。来自牛津词典 2.Store lemons in a cool dry place.把柠檬贮存在干燥凉爽的地方。来自牛津词典 3.a room painted in cool greens and blues 涂成令人感到凉爽的绿色和蓝色的房间来自牛津词典 4.Keep cool!保持冷静!来自牛津词典 5....

My mother is good at cooling.

It's very cool outside now.

造句:1.The weather is so cool today, let's go for a walk in the park!2.That new car looks really cool with its sleek design and shiny paint job.3.James is the coolest guy in school, everyone wants to be friends with him.4.This music is so cool, I can't stop ...

It's cool outside.意思是,外面很凉爽。

cool是什么意思英文 cool怎么造句
1、cool,adj.凉的; 凉爽的; 凉快的; 使人感到凉爽的; 冷色的; 冷静的; 镇静的; 平静的;v.(使)变凉,冷却; 冷静下来; 镇静下来; 冷淡下来;n.凉气; 凉快的地方;2、[例句]Store lemons in a cool dry place.把柠檬贮存在干燥凉爽的地方。3、[其他]比较级:cooler 最高级:coolest 第三...

造句:1、the student replied in Chinese, “You are socool!”学生用中文回答:“我说你真酷。”2、Other people around you look so cool and you often feel left behind or clueless, or that thefriends you do have do not really understand you.你周围的人看上去如此冷酷,让你觉得被抛...

How cool!好酷!

3.用clever cute cool bad造句?
clever 聪明的, He is clever. 他很聪明。cute可爱的,I like pandas. They are cute and fat. 我喜欢熊猫,它们又胖又可爱。cool 酷的,凉爽的。It's cool in autumn. 秋天的天气凉爽。bad坏的,糟糕的。 He is a bad boy.他是一个坏男孩。

郅阁17717402132问: COOL的各种用法 -
师河区门冬回答: 1. 凉快的 The hall is nice and cool. 大厅既漂亮又凉爽. 2. 冷静的,沉着的 Be cool. Everything will be all right. 冷静一点,一切都会没问题的. He remained cool before the enemy. 在敌人面前他保持镇静. 3. 冷淡的[(+to/towards)] They ...

郅阁17717402132问: 以s开头的英文单词,它的汉语意是太棒了 -
师河区门冬回答: It's magnificent. Absolutely magnificent. 太棒了,实在太棒了!What a delight. Fantastic! Fantastic! 真是太高兴了.太棒了!太棒了!That's cool I know, that's really cool 太棒了,真是太棒了Cool! /Fantastic! /Hooray! /Hurrah! /Smashing! /Super...

郅阁17717402132问: 用cool造句 -
师河区门冬回答: It's very cool outside now.

郅阁17717402132问: 英语口语:英语中有多少种方式夸“好” -
师河区门冬回答: 1. It's cool! 很好,很棒!2. It is neat! 太酷了3. It's cool! 很好,很棒! 4. It is righteous! 酷毙了!5. It's good. 很好. 6. That's great. 太好了. 7. That's wonderful. 太棒了.

郅阁17717402132问: 请用cool,great,easy,right各造一个句 -
师河区门冬回答: The young man is turning to smoking because he thinks it makes him very cool. 这个年轻人吸烟,因为他觉得这会使自己看起来很酷.Great hopes make great man. 伟大的抱负造就伟大的人物.It's easy to answer this question.回答这个问题很容易5.You are right.你是对的

郅阁17717402132问: 用cool造句(cool是妙极了的意思) -
师河区门冬回答:[答案] 为方便使用,句子很简单: You are so cool ! It taste very cool! I love the cool boy .

郅阁17717402132问: 英文里“太棒了”怎么说
师河区门冬回答: 1. That's cool! 很好, 很棒! Cool 这个字在英文里的意思就是「很好, 很棒」的意思. 不管在任何时候我们要对其它人表现赞同时我们都可以说 "That's cool!" 或是...

郅阁17717402132问: 用英语怎么说太了不起太酷了太高大上了 -
师河区门冬回答: gorgeous 1 令人愉快而满意的; 极好的: a gorgeous meal 好吃的饭菜 gorgeous weather 宜人的天气. 2 非常漂亮的: gorgeous hair 十分好看的头发. 3 绚丽的; 辉煌的; 壮丽的: walls hung with gorgeous tapestries 挂着绚丽挂毯的墙壁

郅阁17717402132问: Cool什么意思 -
师河区门冬回答: 1.凉快的 2.冷静的,沉着的 3.冷淡的 4.无礼的;自行其事的5.【口】(指数量或钱)不折不扣的,整整的[B]6.【口】很棒的,极好的7.冷色的8.酷

郅阁17717402132问: It's cool是什么意思 -
师河区门冬回答: but it is cool 但它很酷,但天气很凉爽 It was hot yesterday, but it is cool today. 昨天天气很热,但是今天天气很凉爽.

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