
作者&投稿:励玲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

用英语讲中国故事推荐篇目:篇目1:《魂归故里化作梅(王昭君)》However, the distant land of the Xiongnu was a bleak place, and all of the palace maids were reluctant to go there except Wang Zhaojun, who bravely volunteered to marry the Xiongnu chief for the sake of ending her...

愚公移山翻译:"Yugong Moving Mountains" is a fable story of the ancient Chinese Han nationality. It is selected from "Liezi Tangwen", by the imperial aggressors of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period."Yugong Moves Mountains" tells the story of Yugong who f...

英文:Once upon a time, Yan has a small daughter, Her name is baby girl, he loved his little daughter, Yan often play with the girls, but the terrible thing happened, girls playing in the sea, unfortunately, dead water, and then She turned into a bird, named Jingwei, Yan ...

作文如下:Chinese history refers to the history of China's emergence from the Chinese civilization to the present.中国历史是指中国从中华文明发展到现在的历史。China has a long history and about 5000 years from the period of Yu Dynasty's Ji Xuanyuan (also known as the Gong sun Xua...

有一个与端午节息息相关的中国传统故事名叫“白蛇传”。从前,在峨眉山上有两只蛇精,白蛇与青蛇。这两只蛇精运用法力将自己变成美丽的女子,并到杭州西湖游玩。When they arrived at West Lake they met a man named Xu Xian. White Snake quickly fell in love with Xu Xian and they were soon ...

嫦娥是英雄人物后羿的妻子。在中国,嫦娥意味着月亮。源自对嫦娥的联想,中华民族对月亮有着特殊的情感,这甚至影响了中国的方方面面。了解嫦娥的遭遇后,人们在月下设香案(incense burner table),祈求嫦娥幸运、平安。因此,中秋节拜月亮的习俗在民间非常流行。后来人们还创作了其他与月亮有关的传说,如...

描写思路:以某个简单的小故事作为主题,比如用春节中“年兽”的故事,讲述过程中应该注意言语简洁,通顺,正文:Nian beast is also called "Xi". It is an evil beast in ancient Han myths and legends.年兽又称“夕”。是古代汉族神话传说中的恶兽。According to legend, in ancient times, ...

When Lu Su came again to see Zhuge Liang, he did not find anythi ng unusual. Nothing happened on t he second day either. In the small h ours of the third day, Zhuge Liang invited Lu Su for a boat ride. The 20 boats were tied together with strong ropes. Zhuge's ...

用英语讲中国故事有助于培养学生的语感,丰富学生的词汇量 ,提升学生的英语口语水平。用英语讲中国故事还可以增强学生的民族自豪感和用英语传播中国文化的能力。用英语讲中国故事由中国教育电视台与新航道国际教育集团联合主办,以“用双语展示中华文化,在故事里读懂中国 ”为宗旨,致力于为大、中、小学生...

用英语讲 一鸣惊人的 故事?
英语中国成语典故(一鸣惊人)Amazing the World with a Single Feat 战国时代,齐威王即位后做了三年国君,只顾享乐,不理政事。有个善于说笑话的人叫淳于髡,一天对齐威王说:“城里有一只大鸟,三年不飞也不叫,你知道这是什么道理?”齐威王说:“这鸟不飞则罢,一飞就冲天;不鸣则罢,一鸣就惊人...

禽竿15835632710问: 用英语讲述中国经典故事《草船借箭》 -
奎文区氨甲回答:[答案] To Borrow Arrows with Thatche d BoatsThis is an episode from the Thr ee Kingdoms.Zhou Yu ordered Zhu ge Liang to manufacture 100,000 arrows within ten days.Zhuge said ,“Give me three days.” He also ...

禽竿15835632710问: 麻烦大家帮忙提供一些有关中国传统的英文小故事~长度在4 - 5分钟,文章简单一上口最好哦~急用! -
奎文区氨甲回答:[答案] Chinese New Year (中国农历新年) The Chinese New Year has a great history. In other traditions, by this time in the year, most resolutions - made on December 31 - have been subtly forgotten and placed in a cupboard marked "maybe next year." ...

禽竿15835632710问: 用英语编一个中国的小故事(五年级上学期学过的单词)简短的. -
奎文区氨甲回答:[答案] It's time for dinner .Rose's mother cooks a nicemeal for the family.They eat and talk.They are now talking about what they want to be. Rose says,"I hope to be a teacher.I want to teach young students." Rose 's mother says,"I want to be a good cook....

禽竿15835632710问: 怎么样用英语讲中国故事 -
奎文区氨甲回答: 好问题. 这个问题出现了多次,回答了还要挨骂.但是,道理还是要说,希望大家不要受骗上当.第一,中国故事本身对大多数来说,是用汉语中文学会的,能背能讲.要用英语来讲,需要把英语学到能讲英语故事的水平,也就是接近英美人的...

禽竿15835632710问: 要一篇英语作文,讲中国的历史故事,尽量不要拉网上的,字数要大于120字,不要有语法错误, -
奎文区氨甲回答:[答案] Retreating about Thirty Miles as Condition For Peace During the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 B.C.), Duke Xian of ... One day, King Cheng of the State of Chu gave a banquet in honoudr of Chong Er. Suddenly, amid the harmonious atmosphere...

禽竿15835632710问: 给老外讲一个中国的名人故事 语言尽量简单一点.一个小故事.对了.当然是用英文了. -
奎文区氨甲回答:[答案] 我觉得岳飞的故事不错,他母亲在他背上刺下精忠报国,也很简短,下面是英文:The Story of Yue Fei Yue Fei (1103-1142), a national hero, was a very famous general in the Song Dynasty (960-1279) who fought against the invasion of the State of Jin....

禽竿15835632710问: 用英语说中国的神话故事60字 -
奎文区氨甲回答:[答案] 女娲 是中国上古神话中的创世女神.传说女娲用泥土仿照自己创造了人,创造了人类社会.又替人类建立了婚姻制度,使青年男女相互婚配,繁衍后代,因此被传为婚姻女神.是中华民族伟大的母亲,她慈祥地创造了我们,又勇敢地照顾我们免受天...

禽竿15835632710问: 如何用英文介绍白蛇传? -
奎文区氨甲回答:[答案] 简略版 It was said that there was a white snake,which was called Bai Suzhen.She was willing to repay Xu Xian for saving her... 另一个与端午节息息相关的中国传统故事是“白蛇传”.从前,在伊眉山上有两只蛇精,白蛇与青蛇.这两只蛇精运用法力将...

禽竿15835632710问: 请求高手帮忙~~用英文讲一个中国的传统语言故事,体现中国文化的,时间大概2分钟 -
奎文区氨甲回答: 战国时期,靠近北部边城,住着一个老人,名叫塞翁.塞翁养了许多马,一天,他的马群中忽然有一匹走失了.邻居们听说这件事,跑来安慰,劝他不必太着急,年龄大了,多注意身体.塞翁见有人劝慰,笑了笑说:“丢了一匹马损失不大,...

禽竿15835632710问: 用英语讲一个中国传统故事 -
奎文区氨甲回答: 理科好

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