
作者&投稿:訾咽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、首先英语社团招聘海报写上主题“社团招聘”。2、其次用彩铅添加手绘图,设计版面,添加建筑,继续用彩铅添加手绘图,丰富版面。3、最后用铅笔画出边框并用水性笔添加招聘的内容就画完了。你想在学校建立一个什么样的社团,请为你这个社团招收新成员做一个海报。用英文,在初一水平 SPORTSCLUB Doyouwantt...

2、招聘单位的标志(ThelogotypeoftheRecruitingUnit) 一般放在招聘广告标题的前边,但有时也可放在标题的后边。这是因为企业在招聘人才的同时,还要在读者心目中树立起该企业的形象。 3、招聘单位的简介(TheBriefIntroductiontotheRecruitingUnit) 对企业进行广告宣传,以便让求职者对企业有一个基本的了解。如: Krupp,oneo...

Announcer: the classmate of good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the community presence, I am the announcer valentine, our special guest today is the association of corporate YanCui, first of all, let her give you make a self-introduction.YanCui: the classmate of everyone...

1. We need a responsible person 2. We need an enterprising people 3. You want to love the profession 4. Have work experience is preferred 欢迎您应聘英语播音员,我们希望能找到在茫茫人海中的您,我们需要您的加入。应聘条件:1.我们需要一位有责任心的人 2.我们需要一位有进取心的人 3...

1、首先英语社团招聘海报写上主题“社团招聘”。2、其次用彩铅添加手绘图,设计版面,添加建筑,继续用彩铅添加手绘图,丰富版面。3、最后用铅笔画出边框并用水性笔添加招聘的内容就画完了。英语海报怎么画 英语海报画法如下:1、用弧线画出小老鼠的身体,如下图所示:2、用直线画出桌子和椅子,如下图所示:3...


简单的英语招聘广告可以通过三个步骤完成,即步骤一写招聘原因,步骤二写招聘要求,步骤三留联系方式。范文:Students Wanted for the New Year's Party New Year is coming. We need some students for the New Year's party. Do you love music? Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you play ...


学校招聘音乐教师的海报 英语作文60词左右
Canada or Singapore.I am looking forward to your early reply.学校正在招聘一名音乐老师,要求擅长唱歌、跳舞,而且会弹琴、吉他;要对孩子们好;喜欢和孩子们玩;要会说英语,因为他们中的一些来自英国、美国、加拿大和新加坡。如果你符合这些条件,并愿意成为这个中学的一名教师,请你写一封应聘信 ...


博店15547617857问: 用英语写一则招聘广告,不超过30个单词,简单点! -
大港区胃好回答: ENGLISH TEATER WANTTED We need an English teacher who must be good at singing English songs ,dancing.One thing is necessary,he/she must speak English very well.Of course,he/she should like children.If you wanna talk with us ,please call at......Our email adress is......采纳啊!我打半天.

博店15547617857问: 急求用英文写一则招聘广告 -
大港区胃好回答: As a result of the operational needs of the urgent need to recruit the Great Wall Hotel, two managers, hotel management experience required. Registration Time: October 11, 2008 to October 20, 2008, the registration sites: the Great Wall Hotel, room 208.

博店15547617857问: 用英语写一则招聘广告. -
大港区胃好回答: A store of the Pasta King National Chain in this city will be opened soon. The store needs a professional chef and three waitresses. The chef must be able to prepare all different flavors of pasta and speak English and Chinese. The waitresses must ...

博店15547617857问: 用英语写一篇招聘广告 -
大港区胃好回答: English teacher wantedAre you a teacher? Can you speak English? Can you write English?Can you teach English well? Are you good with kids?Then you can be an English teacher in our school.Please call Mr. Wang at 8787879.

博店15547617857问: 初一英语招聘海报 初一下册 越快越好 -
大港区胃好回答: Are you a player? Can you swim? Can you run? Can you play basketball,volleyball,pingpong,tennis,soccer or baseball? Then you can be in our Sports Festival. Come and join us. Please call Mike at 127-4589.

博店15547617857问: 用英语写一篇六年级的俱乐部招聘广告,不耍有六年级没以前没学过的单词.急急急!!! -
大港区胃好回答: Hello,everyone,i am xxx.I like music very much.i think it can make us relaxed .when you are tired or boring you can listen to music to enjoy harmony .i heared about the school has held a orchestra .so i want to join ,i think i can be better

博店15547617857问: 英文招聘广告 -
大港区胃好回答: Programmer Wanted! We are hiring someone motivated and creative and has experience in computer related fields. Skills in java and other programming languages are a must. We are looking for people who can work full-time at $15 per hour from 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday. Fax applications to (***)***-****. (我不是同志,谢谢)

博店15547617857问: 幼儿园要招聘一名英语老师,写一则招聘广告,用英语写 -
大港区胃好回答: English Teacher We are currently looking for a qualified English teacher to teach children aged from 2 to 6 in Ticancai Kindergarten.She or he has to have a college education and a graduation certificate.Age group of between 20 to 30 is preferred....

博店15547617857问: 用英语写一则招聘广告.写一则招聘广告.内容:最近开了一个服装超市,需要招聘一名营业员,专门卖各种各样的衣服.如果愿意辛勤工作到很晚并愿意与人... -
大港区胃好回答:[答案] A store of the Pasta King National Chain in this city will be opened soon.The store needs a professional chef and three waitresses.The chef must be able to prepare all different flavors of pasta and speak English and Chinese.The waitresses must also ...

博店15547617857问: 学校正在为艺术节做准备,请用英语写一篇海报,招聘人才 -
大港区胃好回答: 首先你需要定一个英文的初稿,然后拿百度翻译翻译过来.选好自己想要的海报风格和类型然后去各种线上平台的模板库中去搜索,你可以使用创客贴,我最近在用.选好平台之后你可以再选取想要的模版类型来更改制作,最后输出.有问题可以继续问我.

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