学校招聘音乐教师的海报 英语作文60词左右

作者&投稿:郦胜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Musician wanted for school
We need some students for our school.Do you like music?Can you sing or dance? Do you want to learn about music?All yes?Then you can be our musician.It is interesting and fun.You can make many good friends.It is not diffcult.Come and join us.Please taik to Mr.Zhang after class. Or call Jim‘s telephone number 138764543928.

Musician wanted for school
We need some students for our school.Do you like music?Can you sing or dance? Do you want to learn about music?All yes?Then you can be our musician.It is interesting and fun.You can make many good friends.It is not diffcult.Come and join us.Please taik to Mr.Zhang after classWe need a musician for school band.Can you sing ? Can you play the instrument? Come and join us.Please call Jim at 13876543928

Dear Sir,

I am now writing to you in the hope of being music teaher of Yu Ying Middle school. There are several reasons for me to make the choice. To begin with, i am good at dancing, singing, and playing the paino and the guitar. Moreover, as a tender female, i love children very much. I think that playing with children is a wonderful thing in my life. Also i can speak fluent English. It won't be a problem for me to communicate with children who came from U.K, America, Canada or Singapore.

I am looking forward to your early reply.

Dear Sir,

I am now writing to you in the hope of being music teaher of Yu Ying Middle school. There are several reasons for me to make the choice. To begin with, i am good at dancing, singing, and playing the paino and the guitar. Moreover, as a tender female, i love children very much. I think that playing with children is a wonderful thing in my life. Also i can speak fluent English. It won't be a problem for me to communicate with children who came from U.K, America, Canada or Singapore.

I am looking forward to your early reply.

Music Teachers Wanted
This school needs a male and two female music teachers. They must be under the age of forty with extensive teaching experience. They must be skilled at music with academic qualifications or above. If you are interested in this job, please contact Mr. Wang. His telephone number is XXXXXXXXXXX. The time of our interview is 9:00 -11:30 on Sunday morning on July 3.
No.2 Senior High School.


本人现正在面试贵校音乐教师一职,希望有幸被录取,能为贵校音乐课带来新的欢乐。 应届生音乐老师面试自我介绍5 尊敬的各位考官: 你们好!今天能够在这里参加xx招聘音乐教师的面试,我感到非常高兴,首先请允许我做一个简短的自我介绍。 我是xx号考生,xx专业硕士研究生毕业。从小我就对教师这个职业有着深深的向往,但我...

1. 音乐教师招聘面试的难度较高。2. 对专业能力有严格的要求。应聘者需具备统招本科及以上学历,且主修音乐专业,如古筝、琵琶、二胡、中国舞、钢琴、竹笛、声乐或民族乐器等。3. 经验方面也有较高的要求。应聘者应有教育行业的相关工作经验,并且需要具备一定的舞台表演经验,同时对音乐艺术考级流程有所...



福建省教师招聘考试大纲 福建省主要考察的是:(一)音乐基础理论知识 1.基本乐理 (1)熟练掌握五线谱和简谱的记谱法。(2)掌握节奏、节拍、速度、力度等音乐基本要素及常用记号。(3)掌握音程、和弦的概念,构成和识别原位和弦与转位和弦。(4)掌握、辨别大、小调式和中国民族五声调式。(5)掌握...

一、招聘原则和办法 招聘工作坚持公开、平等、竞争、择优的原则,采取公开报名、统一考试、择优聘用的办法进行。二、招聘职位与人数 音乐教师2人。三、招聘范围和条件 1、遵守宪法和法律,思想品德高尚,熟悉老年教育规律,热爱老年教育工作。2、全日制普通高校本科及以上学历,具有相应的学位,音乐学及相近...

性别:girl 出生年月:80年代 毕业院校:南京师范大学音乐教育(主修:钢琴、声乐、心理、艺术教育)工作经验:99年开始从事幼儿钢琴启蒙教学,曾担任江苏实验小学特聘音乐教师及钢琴教师;2000-2004年被聘为江苏电视荧屏少儿艺术中心钢琴教师。所带的学生有小孩和成人,期间36名学员通过江苏省钢琴考级;2004年...


一、招聘单位简介 临沂艺术学校创建于1976年,属于公益一类财政全额拨款事业单位,现有三个校区。临沂艺术学校新校位于河东区相公街道科创城片区,占地215亩,建筑面积9万平方米,计划于2022年7月建成交付使用,规划在校生规模4000人。学校主要设置了舞蹈、音乐、美术、学前教育、戏剧表演、旅游服务与管理等专业。建校46年来,...

略阳县15286549149: 学校招聘音乐教师的海报 英语作文60词左右 -
陈没贴复方: Dear Sir,I am now writing to you in the hope of being music teaher of Yu Ying Middle school. There are several reasons for me to make the choice. To begin with, i am good at dancing, singing, and playing the paino and the guitar. Moreover, as a ...

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陈没贴复方: Music Teacher Wanted We want a good music teacher. Can you speak English or French? Can you love your students? Can you sing or dance? Can you play three instruments? Do you have free time to do some else work on the weekend? Then come and join us. Please call me.

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陈没贴复方: Musicians Wanted We want some good musicians Can you sing ? Can you dance ? Can you play the guitar ? Can you play the drums ?Then you can be in our school day. Please call Li Liang at 645-1388.

略阳县15286549149: 英语作文: 学校正在招聘一名音乐老师,要求擅长唱歌、跳舞,而且会弹琴、吉他;要对孩子们好;喜欢和孩子 -
陈没贴复方: Because of their work, the Children's Palace school music teacher recruitment requirements: 1, good image quality; 2, long-term and stable cooperation, in the shortest time is not less than one year; 3, full-time teachers, but also part-time, but enough...

略阳县15286549149: 帮我写一篇用英语初一水平的招聘广告 英才中学要招聘一名音乐教师 -
陈没贴复方: We want a music teacher to teach us music.He likes teaching music.He can sing and dance.He can play the piano well.He is friendly to children.He wants to be a good music teacher.Please call Mr luo at 85586226

略阳县15286549149: 用英语为题的作文题目为招聘音乐老师的作文100字以上 -
陈没贴复方: Hi, Mr. Li, Could you please check on the car to take me to the airport? Please remind the car driver of this. I want to be sure of this car, because it will be too early in the morning to call a taxi if the school car doesn't show up. I am sorry to trouble you...

略阳县15286549149: 用英语写广告(学校艺术节要招聘音乐家,写一则广告,不少于五句)拜托各位,谢谢 -
陈没贴复方: Advertisement Ladies and gentleman:Our school Art Festival need some musicians.So if you think you can able to do this work, please come to our school.Require:take your some information,such as address ,telephone number PS;You should love this work and responsible XX XX几月几日

略阳县15286549149: 求一篇招聘音乐教师的广告的英语作文
陈没贴复方: 会不会唱歌,跳舞,弹吉它,弹钢琴,打鼓,拉小提琴,是不是音乐老师?

略阳县15286549149: 你能运用所学句型为我们学校的音乐节写一个招聘广告吗?英语作文七年级下册
陈没贴复方: 答案是:Musicians wantedDo you like music ?Can you play the guitar or the piano ?Can you sing or dance ? Can you play the drums ?Then you can be in our school music club,Please call Mr Smith at 033-628.

略阳县15286549149: 求一篇英语作文:育英中学正在招聘一名音乐教师,要求擅长唱歌、跳舞,而且会弹钢琴、吉他.必须对孩子们如果你符合这些条件,并愿意成为育英中学的... -
陈没贴复方:[答案] Dear Sir, I am now writing to you in the hope of being music teaher of Yu Ying Middle school.There are several reasons for me to make the choice.To begin with,i am good at dancing,singing,and playing the paino and the guitar.Moreover,as a tender ...

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