
作者&投稿:陈黎 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

一只大象一天能吃100到1000磅的草 An elephant can eat 100 to 1000 pounds of grass a day



渐暖的空气,破冰的流水,渐绿的柳枝,吐芽的苞蕾,这些春的使者,驱散了料峭的寒风,送来了温暖的气息!被风簇拥着的春天,阳光和煦,万物生机勃 勃,春雨滋润,兰馨蕙香。“红杏枝头春意闹”,自然界的精灵们自然也不甘寂寞,将无声的浓郁春意表现得似有声音般轰轰烈烈。三月,这样一个热闹的年轮...

昆虫记的象态橡栗象 主要内容

as the coordination of other health care services such as dietary, food nutrition, physical therapy and pharmacy.I believe my strong clinical background and experience make me a valuable asset to your hospital. I would be pleased to attend an interview.想要写好100字左右的英语自我介绍...

代沟种普遍社现象阻碍代与代间思想、情交流沟通代沟产消除或减轻两代间代沟呢 辈与晚辈代.所处环境.接受教育同.各自圈接触事各同思想行形定差别种差别加修补肆意让扩两代间堵形墙愈积愈厚误越发容易发理所说世代隔阂套用句现代语言即所谓代沟 代沟种社现象间避免历史事件同物事件随着社发展变化辈咱些...

100种花的名字,和英文! 老师要的!急急急!... 老师要的!急急急! 展开  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 《请回答2021》瓜分百万奖金 荔菲翰藻Ot 2015-03-04 · 超过60用户采纳过TA的回答 知道答主 回答量:128 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:92.5万 我也去答题访问个人页 ...

想いを巡らす100の事象 作词:ryo(supercell)作曲:ryo(supercell)歌:EGOIST あんな些细な约束を大事に思って anna sasai na yakusoku wo daiji ni omotte キミはなんて小心者なのだろう kimi wa nante shoushinmono nano darou 必死なキミを见てたらなんだか hisshi na kimi wo mitetara ...

大象村的驯象师龙缪就是大象由多到少的见证者,他祖上世代以捕象为生。龙缪年轻时在丛林里先后捕获过100多头野生大象。经过驯化,转卖给东南亚各地的伐木公司,从事木材搬运工作。泰文化的核心元素 大象是泰文化的核心元素,它们是力量和优雅的象征。一名泰国历史学家曾说:如果没有大象,泰国的历史可能...

帛黄18118388816问: 英语介绍大象 -
阜新市磷酸回答: Elephant is the largest animal on land today. It weights some ninety kilograms and is about one metre high when born. When it is 12 years old, it studs over three meters and does not grow...

帛黄18118388816问: 英语翻译1.大象是陆地上最大的生物,一天能吃100 - 1000磅的草,能活60 - 70年.2.它们的脚后没有骨头,只有脂肪.大象用脚尖走路,很容易地在泥里走.3.大象... -
阜新市磷酸回答:[答案] 1.The elephant is the largest land creatures,and eat the grass of 100-1000 pounds a day ,can live for 60-70 years . 2.Their feets are no bones ,and only fat .The elephants walk on tiptoe ,it is easy to walk in the mud . 3.Elephant quietly move around .With ...

帛黄18118388816问: 介绍大象的英语作文初一的作文 -
阜新市磷酸回答: Elephant This is an elephant. It is big. It has two big ears. It has a long nose. It has four strong legs. It can help the people. It can water the flowers with its nose. It likes bananas. I like elephants.

帛黄18118388816问: 初中英语书面表达 写一篇有关大象的短文,50词左右.尽量是初中生能看懂的 顺便翻译一下就更好了 不要机译 -
阜新市磷酸回答: I like the elephant because it is very friendly. It usually lives in tropical jungle(热带雨林) in Asia and Africa.It has big eyes ,huge mouth and a quite long nose.Its legs look like tree trunks(树干) .It is vrey strong and the biggest animal on land.It eat ...

帛黄18118388816问: ...善良、通常群居5、数量减少,人们常猎杀大象取得象牙6、我们必须采取行动保护他们,否则……麻烦根据以上提示,写一篇90词左右的短文,我要的是英... -
阜新市磷酸回答:[答案] Elephant Elephants are the biggest animals on the land.They are big and srong.They have big ears and trunks.They can walk quietly and help people move heavy things. They are very friendly,kind and always live together.But the number of elephants ...

帛黄18118388816问: 用英语介绍大象的特点 4—5句话 -
阜新市磷酸回答:[答案] This animal with long trunk,big ear,long ivory,small tiny eye,huge body and 4 strong legs with grey in color.You can see this animal in the zoo and Africa country wild forest do had a lot of this type of animals by the name of "Elephant"

帛黄18118388816问: 描写大象的英语作文 不少于30个单词快快快~谢谢啦 -
阜新市磷酸回答: In the beauty of nature, there are many cute little animal and animal, among them, I like elephants. An elephant's very large, even lions and tigers are afraid of it. Its limbs heavy, run slowly, but it has a long nose, and heavy things it can lift, the ear ...

帛黄18118388816问: 急!急!急!!!关于大象的英语作文 初一的,60 -- 100词 -
阜新市磷酸回答: Elephants 1、一篇长的 Elephant is the largest animal on land today. It weights some ninety kilograms and is about one metre high when born. When it is 12 years old, it studs over three meters and does not grow any more. Elephant is usually grey ...

帛黄18118388816问: 英语翻译我最喜欢的动物是大象.大象是陆地上最大有生命的动物.大象不得不吃很多东西,因为它们这么大.一只大象一天能吃100—1000公斤草、.它们能活60... -
阜新市磷酸回答:[答案] My favorite animals are elephants.Elephant is the largest land-living animals. Elephants have to eat a lot of things,such as they are.One day an elephant eat grass 100-1000 kg,.They can live 60-70 years. The elephant in the soles of the feet,under no ...

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