
作者&投稿:佟莎 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

回答:答案:There are some toys in his schoolbag 示例用法: 1. 我的书包里有一些书。 I have many books in my schoolbag. 用百度搜索:英文翻译,一般不是太专业的句子都有不错的翻译。

英语介绍自己的书包 翻译 不希望有生词 要背给老师 否则不会读 快_百...
它现在是我的一个好朋友). There are many good things in my bag, such as interesting books , beautiful pens, delicious food and so on(有很多好东西在我的书包里,比如有趣的书,漂亮的钢笔,美味的食物等等). I study hard and make progress every day with my dear bag, one of ...

her.She helps me a lot.And I like her very much.我有一个好朋友,她的名字叫书包,她是一个非常漂亮的女孩!她的脸上有一幅画,画的是个可爱的女孩,她穿着一件红色的coat.有一些书,一些笔记本和一个铅笔盒在她的肚子。从星期一到星期五,我和她去上学,她帮了我很多,我很喜欢她。

英语作文:你在学校门口捡到一个书包,里面有三样东西。请根据表中的信 ...

介绍书包里的书,笔,纸,颜色笔 The book, pen, paper, color pen

He is 1.75m tall. The bag's weight is 2 kg.

你书包里有什么用英语翻译为'What do you have in your backpack'这句话的意思是询问一个人的书包里有什么东西。书包是学生们用来携带教材和其他学习用品的背包。询问书包里有什么可以了解一个人的学习和生活习惯。一般来说,书包里可能会有以下物品:教科书:这是学生们在学校中经常使用的教材,包括...

What are in the new students' schoolbags?

What's in your schoolbag?重点词汇:schoolbag 英[ˈskuːlˌbæg]美[ˈskulˌbæɡ]n.书包。[例句]She delved into her schoolbag and brought out a pen.她在自己的书包里翻找着,拿出一支钢笔。[其他]复数:schoolbags。近义词 satchel 英[ˈ...

My schoolbag is purple.Some of my books,my pencilcase,my school ID and my kes are in it.

睢帜17872792417问: 英语作业介绍我的书包里的文具不少于5句话 -
鲁山县甘油回答:[答案] I have a beautiful red pencil-box with three pens,two pencils,a rubber and two rulers.Every morning before I goto school I put it ... 如果我写错了,我就用橡皮把写错的字擦掉.当我做算术时,我会使用可爱的尺子.我的铅笔盒里的一切都是那么有用,我喜...

睢帜17872792417问: 用英语介绍自己的物品应该怎么说我的开头是Look!This is my backpack(bag).下面应该怎么写?...in the?还是.Sorry.主要是介绍书包里的东西 -
鲁山县甘油回答:[答案] There are some books and a pencil box.And here are three pencils and a pen in the pencil box.

睢帜17872792417问: 用英语介绍你的书包,与书包中地东西?拜托了 -
鲁山县甘油回答: Hello everybody,today I will show you my schoolbag.First, my bag is blue, and it's a rabbit in the bag. Next, my bag has many things.

睢帜17872792417问: 假设你有一个书包,请介绍书包里面的物品以及他们的颜色,用英语 -
鲁山县甘油回答:[答案] This is my schoolbag. I have a pen,a pencil,a cup. The pen is black.The pencil is red and the cup is socolorful.

睢帜17872792417问: 用英语写你的书包里面有什么物品要求不少于四句话. -
鲁山县甘油回答: There many textbooks in my bag . There also a pencil case in it . In the pencil case are two boilpens , three pencils and an eraser . There is also a notebook . I always write down my diary on it . 祝学习进步,天天开心!

睢帜17872792417问: 请你用英语介绍一下你的书包以及里面的物品30字 -
鲁山县甘油回答:I have a new school bag ,it is blue,it's very beautiful,there are many school things in the bag ,an English book ,a math book ,a chinese book and so on ,there is also a pencilcase in my bag ,in the pencilcase there is a pen ,a pencil ,two crayons,an ...

睢帜17872792417问: 用英语说书包内分别有什么东西 -
鲁山县甘油回答: book (书)pen(钢笔)pencil(铅笔)

睢帜17872792417问: 用英语介绍自己的书包和里面的物品 -
鲁山县甘油回答: I have a beautiful bag.It's pink. A lot of things are in my bag.There are some books, crayons, and a pencil-case. There is a ruler, an eraser and four pens in the pencil-case . I like my bag.

睢帜17872792417问: 今天上学时你背了一个漂亮的书包,请你简单的介绍一下你的书包以及书包里的东西.【英文】 -
鲁山县甘油回答:[答案] Today I am very happy beacuse I have a new schoolbag.My father bought it for me yesterday.somebooks are in the schoolbag,which are necessary.I put a dictionary and a pencilbox in it before leaving hom...

睢帜17872792417问: 用英语介绍一下你的书包以及里面的物品30~40字.要中文翻译.急急急急急!!!!! -
鲁山县甘油回答: There are a lot of books in my schoolbag.And there is a pencil box in it too.Because I would be thirsty sometimes, So I put a bottle of water in it. 我书包里面有很多书.里面也有一个铅笔盒.因为有时会渴,所以我也放了一瓶水.

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