英语介绍自己的书包 翻译 不希望有生词 要背给老师 否则不会读 快

作者&投稿:席武 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Hello,my dear friends ,this is my schoolbag!It's very beautiful and big.There are seven books in my bag.This is my Chinese book. That is my Math book,and so on.I have a pen,an eraser,and several pencils in my bag.我亲爱的朋友们,大家好,这是我的书包,它很漂亮并且很大,我的书包里有七本书,这是我的语文书那是我的数学书等等。我的书包里还有一支钢笔,一块橡皮和几支铅笔

The school is too heavy fo me

My bag我的书包
This is my favourite bag,which was bought by my parents last year. (这是我最喜爱的书包,去年我父母买给我的)I love my bag very much because it has some lovely aniamls on it(我很爱我的书包因为它上面有很多可爱的动物). I also like my bag that is one of my friends now(我也爱我的书包,它现在是我的一个好朋友). There are many good things in my bag, such as interesting books , beautiful pens, delicious food and so on(有很多好东西在我的书包里,比如有趣的书,漂亮的钢笔,美味的食物等等). I study hard and make progress every day with my dear bag, one of my friends .(我和我的书包每天都在努力学习,天天向上)That is all, thank you !(到此结束,谢谢)

my pencil-box
i have a beautiful pencil-box, 我有一个漂亮的文具盒
it is from birthday,my mother bought it from the store.它来自我的生日那天,是我妈妈从商店买的
it is red and yellow,他由红色和黄色组成
there is a clock on it,他的上面有个闹钟
when you open it ,you can see a mirror on it,当你打开它时,你能看见一个镜子
so i think it is very useful.所以我觉得他特别的实用!

成安县15040903380: 英语介绍自己的书包 翻译 不希望有生词 要背给老师 快 -
锺怖安塞:[答案] My bag我的书包This is my favourite bag,which was bought by my parents last year. (这是我最喜爱的书包,去年我父母买给我的)I love my bag very much because it has some lovely aniamls on it(我很爱我的书...

成安县15040903380: 英语翻译“你自己的书包”怎么翻译?yourself后面不加名词,所以不能说yourself bag 那该怎么说呢? -
锺怖安塞:[答案] your own schoolbag

成安县15040903380: 用英语介绍自己的书包会吗? -
锺怖安塞:[答案] I have a good friend.Her name is school bag.She is a very beautiful girl.Look!there is a picture on her face.It's a picture of a lovely girl.She wears a red coat.there are some books,some copybooks and a pencil case in her stomach.From Monday to ...

成安县15040903380: 用英语介绍我的书包大约300个字 -
锺怖安塞: 我的书包是蓝色,黑色,灰色三种颜色组成的.书包外面两侧各有一个黑色的网袋,可以放我的水杯和别的东西

成安县15040903380: 用英语介绍一下你的书包以及里面的物品30~40字.要中文翻译.急急急急急!!!!! -
锺怖安塞: There are a lot of books in my schoolbag.And there is a pencil box in it too.Because I would be thirsty sometimes, So I put a bottle of water in it. 我书包里面有很多书.里面也有一个铅笔盒.因为有时会渴,所以我也放了一瓶水.

成安县15040903380: 请你用英语介绍一下你的书包以及里面的物品30字 -
锺怖安塞:I have a new school bag ,it is blue,it's very beautiful,there are many school things in the bag ,an English book ,a math book ,a chinese book and so on ,there is also a pencilcase in my bag ,in the pencilcase there is a pen ,a pencil ,two crayons,an ...

成安县15040903380: 用英语介绍自己的书包会吗 -
锺怖安塞: I have a good friend.Her name is school bag.She is a very beautiful girl.Look!there is a picture on her face.It's a picture of a lovely girl.She wears a red coat.there are some books,some copybooks and a pencil case in her stomach.From Monday to ...

成安县15040903380: 关于我的书包的英语小短文,介绍她的外貌颜色有没有图案有没有轮胎,它的轻重? -
锺怖安塞: My schoolbag is a small pink bag with a picture of a puppy on it. My mother bought it for me on my birthday . It has two small wheels on the bottom. When the bag is heavy, I can drag it to the ground. I carry my schoolbag to school every Monday to Friday. I like it very much.

成安县15040903380: 用英语介绍自己的书包不少于六句? -
锺怖安塞: My BagI have a little bag and I love it very much. It has three layers, can contain a lot of books I used to learn. There is also a small pocket, mainly put scissors, papers and so on. It cannot contian more than 30 books . I go to school and go home ...

成安县15040903380: 介绍一下你的新书包 用英语介绍.要求语句通顺,书写工整,不少于40单词 -
锺怖安塞: I have a new schoolbag, is my mother gave me. I like it very much. It's pink. A total of three layers, the side there are two small package. It also shows a doll. I cherish it very much.

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