
作者&投稿:种矩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语当然有成语,不过一般是叫俚语例如:1. A cat may look at a king.[字面意思] 猫也可以看国王。[解释] 无名小卒也可以评论大人物。人皆可以为尧舜。不要因为别人的资格不够老,或经验不如你多,就不让他发表意见。2. A penny saved is a penny earned.[字面意思] 节省一个便士就等于挣了一个便士。[...

(1)Chinese proverbs are rich and they are still widely used in Chinese people’s daily life. Behind these proverbs there are often interesting stories.中国的谚语很丰富,人们日常生活仍能经常用到。每个谚语背后通常都有一个有趣的故事。(2)One day, he came up with an idea that he...

鸟尽弓藏 1.to put away the bow once the birds are gone;2. to discharge a worthy person when he has served his purpose 英语中有句话叫When the dog is beaten, the lion is tamed.狮子驯,狗挨捶。很像我们中国成语:"高鸟尽,良弓藏;狡兔死,走狗烹。"也可以简单地说"兔死狗烹"...

汉语中有个“倾国倾城”的成语(语出《汉书·外戚传》:‘一顾倾人城,再顾倾人国’。)这里的“倾”字一语双光,既可指美艳非凡,令人倾倒;也可纸倾覆邦国。其含义与Helen of troy十分近似。在现代英语中,Helen of Troy这个成语,除了表示a beautiful girl or woman;a beauty who ruins her ...

new work causes shortage of printing paper, to show how popular an outstanding 一本有趣的书,一本很好的书,学习英语,学成语故事。参考资料:http:\/\/wozhaowoyao.com\/HTML\/1\/43\/

英文里面有对应说法的,是因为成语和谚语本来描述的就是通常的自然、社会现象或者人类情感,这些中国有外国也有,所以英语里面会有可以准确对应成语谚语的说法。比如:爱屋及乌(Love me, love my dog.)、萝卜青菜各有所爱(One man's meat is another's poison.)、拆东墙补西墙(Rob Peter to pay ...

厉与西施英语介绍如下:Li and Xi Shi。西施,子姓施氏,春秋时期越国美女,后人尊称其“西子”。西施,春秋末期出生于越国绍兴诸暨苎萝村,苎萝有东西二村,其居西村,故名西施。施姓后裔生活在浣纱溪畔。其父卖柴,母浣纱,西施亦常浣纱于溪,故又称浣纱溪。中国古代四大美女之首,是美的化身和代...

此外《韩诗外传》《六韬逸文》也都有关于周武王和姜太公上述那段谈话的记载,内容基本相同。由于这个传说,产生了“爱屋及乌”这句成语。 (6)英语成语爱屋及乌来历扩展阅读 所谓“爱屋及乌”,是说:由于爱那个人,因而连他家屋上的乌鸦都不以为不祥,不觉得讨厌了。这句成语,一向被人们用作推爱的比喻。因为深爱...

在英语翻译的常规测试中,成语翻译是一个常见题型。以下列举了125个常考的中国成语及其英文对应,供复习时参考:爱屋及乌 - Love me, love my dog.百闻不如一见 - Seeing is believing.比上不足比下有余 - worse off than some, better off than many.笨鸟先飞 - A slow sparrow should make ...

一见如故,这个成语源自中国的古代,其汉字简体为“一见如故”,读作 yī jiàn rú gù。它的核心含义是形容初次见面的人就像老朋友一样,彼此之间有着深厚的情感共鸣,仿佛早已相识。这表达了人们在初次接触时,如果彼此投缘,就能迅速建立亲密的关系。英语中,我们常用 "Feel like old friends at ...

鱼钱17149486417问: 用英文简单写一个成语故事 -
福建省捷力回答:[答案] 成语故事《黔驴技穷》带翻译In ancient times there were no donkeys in Guizhou province.Somebody brought a donkey from somewhere and tied it to a tree at the foot of a mountain.A tiger saw the donkey,and...

鱼钱17149486417问: 用英语简单写一个中国成语故事,要短的 -
福建省捷力回答: 塞翁失马Blessing or Bane 战国时期,靠近北部边城,住着一个老人,名叫塞翁.塞翁养了许多马,一天,他的马群中忽然有一匹走失了.邻居们听说这件事,跑来安慰,劝他不必太着急,年龄大了,多注意身体.塞翁见有人劝慰,笑了笑说:...

鱼钱17149486417问: 英语版中国成语故事 -
福建省捷力回答: 江郎才尽 Southern Dynasties of Jiang Yan, word Wen-tung, when he was young, became a Dingdingyouming writer, his poems and articles at the time received high acclaims. However, when he is getting older, he has not previously written an ...

鱼钱17149486417问: 中国成语故事的英语小作文 -
福建省捷力回答: 东施效颦 In the Spring and Autumn Period (春秋时期,770-476 BC), there was a beauty in the State of Yue called Xishi (西施).传说春秋时期,越国有一美女,名唤西施.7a64e4b893e5b19e31333335326233 She often suffered from pains ...

鱼钱17149486417问: 请你英文 写一个中国成语故事 -
福建省捷力回答: 狐假虎威:TheAssintheLion'sSkin AnAssoncefoundaLion'sskinwhichthehuntershadleftoutinthesuntodry. Heputitonandwenttowardshisnativevillage. Allfledathisapproach,bothmenandanimals,andhewasaproudAssthatday. ...

鱼钱17149486417问: 把中国的四字成语故事翻译成英语 -
福建省捷力回答: 刻舟求剑 Making His Mark (Ke Zhou Qiu Jian) A man from the state of Chu was crossing a river. In the boat, his sword fell into the water. Immediately he made a mark on the boat. "This is where my sword fell off," he said. When the boat stopped ...

鱼钱17149486417问: 中国成语故事选用英语怎么说 -
福建省捷力回答: 中国成语故事选:Chinese phrase selected stories. 不能用The selections of

鱼钱17149486417问: 中国成语用英语说(英译汉)1.the apple in the hand( )2.grief and indignation( )3.carry sth through to the end( )4.apple—pie order( )5.faithfulness( )6.let yourself ... -
福建省捷力回答:[答案] o(∩_∩)o...是练习上的题目吧? 楼下不得抄袭! 1.the apple in the hand(囊中之物 ) 2.grief and indignation(义愤填膺 ) 3.carry sth through to the end( 持之以恒\从一而终) 4.apple—pie order(井井有条 /井然有序) 5.faithfulness(诚心诚意 ) ...

鱼钱17149486417问: 急需中英文版的成语故事!!!
福建省捷力回答: Is better late than neverThis story stems from "the chankuots'e". The Warring States time, Chu country has a minister, famous auction house Xin, one day said to Chu ...

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