
作者&投稿:昔雯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Online shopping is attracting more and more customers for its diversities, convenience and preferential prices. Although the online shopping in China started a bit late, it has been developing rapidly, and the trend of such development, particularly among college students, shall not be neglected. By means of questionnaire survey, typical interviews and expert discussions, and by analysing the interviews and statistic data, this essay, targeting at the in-school students of xxxx College, focus on the discussion of problems existing in the students' online shopping activities and provides relevant suggestions.

Small open steel drum; threaded glass Lid pressure bottles, plastic bottles or metal (cans) outside the ordinary wooden box; threaded bottles, plastic bottles or tinplate bucket (LP), full-floor flower grid boxes, fibreboard or plywood boxes; tinplate buckets (cans), metal (cans), plastic bottles, or outside the corrugated metal hose.

Special transport methods and precautions: shipment to complete the packing, loading should be conservative.

Transportation process to ensure that the container does not leak, did not collapse, did not fall, no damage. Strictly prohibited and oxidants, acids, food chemicals, etc. mixed mixed operation.

Transport The transport vehicles should be equipped with the appropriate variety and quantity of fire equipment and emergency equipment leakage.

Transit should be anti-exposure, rain, high temperature. According to the provisions road transport routes, not in residential areas and densely populated areas.


(1)Chinese proverbs are rich and they are still widely used in Chinese people’s daily life. Behind these proverbs there are often interesting stories.

(2)One day, he came up with an idea that he would pluck up all of his crop a few inches. He did so the next day.

(3)He was very tired after doing this for a whole day, but he felt very happy since the crop did “grow” higher.

(4)I realized that the villagers who had gathered around me were arguing as to who should have the honor of receiving me as a guest in their house.

(5)the head of the village was tying up his horse to my car to pull it to a small town some 20 kilometers away where there was a garage.

(6)This proverb is saying we have to let things go in their natural course. Being too anxious to help an event develop often results in the contrary to our intention.

(7)the proverb, “plucking up a crop to help it grow”, is based on the following story.

(8)While she was getting me settled into a tiny but clean room

1. 中国的成语非常丰富,仍然在中国人的日常生活中广泛应用。成语的由来通常都是有趣的小故事。
2. 一天,他突发奇想:“为什么不把所有的禾苗拔高一点、这样可以长得更快呢?”第二天他就这样做了。(揠苗助长)
3. 拔禾苗拔了一整天,这个人简直累坏了。不过当他看到禾苗“长高”了的时候感觉非常愉快。
4. 我这才知道,原来聚集在我周围的村民争论的内容是:谁才有这个荣幸邀请我去他家做客。
5. 村长将他的马系到我的车上,将我的车拖到20多公里之外的一个小镇上,那里有个车库。
6. 这个成语告诉我们应当尊重事物的客观规律。如果过于急躁地干涉事情的发展,常常会适得其反。
7. 成语“揠苗助长”就是基于下面的小故事。
8. 与此同时,她带我到一个整洁的小房间并帮我安置在那里。



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World Expo " the city lets the life be happier " this familiar-sounding to be able the auspicious world abundant subject, can appear as if every day in everybody's ear, but turns head thinks, the happy life is only depending on pays lip service? I think should not. dawn, ...

求高手帮忙翻译英语对话,不要机器翻译。 A:嗨,lena,好久没有见面,最近...
B: Yeah,I‘m Okay. What's the matter?A: Nothing special. Can you play tennis with me on Saturday?B: Oh sorry, I can't.A: Why? Anything important to do?B: Yes. I have to go to work this Saturday and have much to do. I'm so sorry about that. Maybe you can ...

厦门市17729513692: 英语翻译求英语高手翻译,要真人翻译的,不要在线翻译.(1)Chinese proverbs are rich and they are still widely used in Chinese people's daily life.Behind ... -
广剂香砂:[答案] (1)Chinese proverbs are rich and they are still widely used in Chinese people's daily life.Behind these proverbs there are often interesting stories. 中国的谚语很丰富,人们日常生活仍能经常用到.每个谚语背后通常都有一个有趣的故事. (2)One day,...

厦门市17729513692: 求高手用英文翻译,但不能是在线翻译工具翻译出来的,非常感谢 -
广剂香砂: The fifties of the 20th century, ushered in a new round of Computing surge of development. Variety of computing tools have emerged. Calculator is a typical and intelligent computing tools, it can carry out various operations. Modern society is ...

厦门市17729513692: 麻烦各位高手给翻译成英文,不要在线翻译工具的 -
广剂香砂: Everybody is good, today to the standing here, have opportunity to interview all the examiner consult and learning, and I feel very honored to introduce below. The basic situation, I, I called XX, XX years from XX province, city, in the field of XX years ...

厦门市17729513692: 求英语高手翻译,不要用工具的
广剂香砂: 你好,翻译是:Dream push me forward. 【满意请采纳】

厦门市17729513692: 请英语高手翻译以下句子!不要用翻译软件谢谢了! -
广剂香砂: 1. How is your Chinese learning? What have you achieved?2.How is the level of your Chinese?3.What has your teacher taught you? Simple Chinese conversation, or sentences?4.Do you have Chinese training classes every day?5.Do you review ...

厦门市17729513692: 请英文翻译高手翻译一下,不要在线机器翻译的东西,谢谢
广剂香砂: 1.Don't know what you want to go abroad, do not worry, i can't follow you 2.but i have followed your destination, you go. i don't trust 3.They the capital of small, so also will be very easy to find you, didn't really want you to him, he can allow you all the ...

厦门市17729513692: 英语翻译我不要翻译软件上的 ,那看起来有点生硬 .求英语高手给翻译下吧 . -
广剂香砂:[答案] IF i can run again ,i will run dowm ,just like 阿甘 希望能帮到楼主

厦门市17729513692: 有没有不用在线翻译英文的工具呢? -
广剂香砂: 你可以去iciba.com下载翻译软件,然后下载一些本地词典安装以后就可以不联网使用了.

厦门市17729513692: 请英语高手将以下一段摘要翻译成英文,我不要用在线翻译工具直接翻译的,希望大家真的能帮帮我,谢谢. -
广剂香砂: Chemistry is a compulsory course that all students have to learn in high school. It's a subject that undertakes the task of improving scientific attainments of high school students', meanwhile, it links the preceding and following fundamental education...

厦门市17729513692: 请英语高手翻译句子,不要在线翻译的. -
广剂香砂: however deep like ,it's just like.Baby,that's not love.

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