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首先,喜欢《巴比龙》。这首歌从作词、作曲、编曲、监制,都是嘉尔全心全力做的,真正属于王嘉尔的音乐,中国也有不一样hip-hop, 编曲不单纯的给人想要蹦迪的感觉,而是有种在黑暗中寻找光明的感觉,突破重重阻碍想要重获新生的感觉。我个人很喜欢这首歌。其次,喜欢《Dawn of us》这首歌是节奏清晰...

纵丽19331528553问: eyes open歌词翻译 -
从化市开乐回答: eyes open 泰勒 Everybody's waiting 所有人都在等待 Everybody's watching 所有人都在看着…… Even when you're sleeping 甚至当你在睡梦中 keep your ey-eyes open 也要睁一只眼睛 The tricky thing is yesterday we were just children 想着我们小...

纵丽19331528553问: cruel 什么意思 -
从化市开乐回答: adj.残忍的,残酷的,有意令人痛苦的

纵丽19331528553问: dont be cruel中文歌词 -
从化市开乐回答: Don t Be Cruel You know I can be found,你知道可以找到我 Sitting home all alone, 枯坐於家中 If you cant come around, 就算你无法过来 At least please telephone.至少请打来电话. Dont be cruel to a heart thats true.不该如此残忍对待一颗真诚...

纵丽19331528553问: Cruel Intentions 歌词 -
从化市开乐回答: 歌名:Beautiful Intentions 歌手:Melanie C I couldn't help but open my big mouth As I assumed into you the words fell out Well you asked me the question and I just couldn't lie But why did you bother when you knew what you'd find I didn't mean to ...

纵丽19331528553问: cruel是什么意思??? -
从化市开乐回答: cruel adj. 残忍的, 残酷的 令人痛苦的 无情的; 严酷的 凄惨的 a cruel master 残忍的主人 in a cruel predicament 在痛苦的折磨中 参考词汇 cruel brutal inhumane ruthless 都含“残酷的”意思. cruel 指“对别人痛苦漠不关心, 或以使人遭受痛苦...

纵丽19331528553问: Breathe Easy 中文歌词翻译 -
从化市开乐回答: Cruel to the eye 眼神的残杀 I see the way he makes you smile 我看到了他逗你发笑的方式 Cruel to the eye 是对眼睛的残害 Watching him hold what used to be mine 看着他,告诉他这一切都曾是我的 Why did I lie? 我为什么要说谎 What did I walk ...

纵丽19331528553问: 残酷的天使行动纲领 中文歌词(网上出现过的不要都自己填的 难听) 最好带上中文版的下载地址 谢谢哈 回答 -
从化市开乐回答: Cruel Angel's ThesisYoung boy, like a cruel angel's thesis, Live up to be a legend...Even though clear blue winds Beat on the door of my heart, You just smile, looking straight at me Too involved in yearning for Something to hold on The ...

纵丽19331528553问: For he does not mean to you cruel cruel 这句也麻烦翻译一下~~谢谢~!! -
从化市开乐回答: 对于他并不意味着你残酷 每个人的译法都不一样的,看你自己怎么理解了~希望能帮到你哦~

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