
作者&投稿:抄钥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

16、6个月的英语课 English class for six month 17、传统音乐 traditional music 18、很适合某人 fit with sb. well 19、房东 landlord 20、聚在一起 get together 21、远离 far away 22、一致认为 have a common idea 23、快餐本身 fastfood itself 24、导致癌症 lead to cancer 25、增加……...


四.正译法和反译法 正译法和反译法:这两种方法通常用于汉译英,偶尔也用于英译汉。所谓正译,是指把句子按照 与汉语相同的语序或表达方式译成英语。所谓反译则是指把句子按照与汉语相反的语序或表达方式译成英语。正译与反译常常具有同义的效果,但反译往往更符合英 语的思维方式和表达习惯。因此...

在此,把一些常见的中文俗语与一般老外的说法相对比较,或许可供有兴趣的读者参考。1. 人山人海:有人直译为:People mountain people sea.这就是「中国英文」,老外很难理解。他们指「人多」时,通常只说:「There is a large crowd of people.」如果看到电影院门前大排长龙,也只说:「There is ...

Translate Chinese into English是什么意思
Translate Chinese into English.意思是:“把中文翻译成英文。”分析:1、这是一个祈使句(动词原形开头)。2、固定用法:translate ... into ...“ 把……翻译成……”3、祈使句是动词原形开头,否定式是在前面加 Don't 。如:1. Open the door , please .请开门。2. Don't open the door...

Chinese is the best and most spoken language in the world.

我可以把行李先寄存在酒店里吗? 这句话翻译成英文。
我可以把行李先寄存在酒店里吗的英文:Can I leave my luggage at the hotel leave 读法 英 [liːv] 美 [liv]1、vt. 离开;留下;遗忘;委托 2、vi. 离开,出发;留下 3、n. 许可,同意;休假 短语:1、leave for 动身去 2、leave a message 留言,留口信 3、leave behind 留...

同义法:将中文句子“他很富有”翻译成英文,成为“He is very wealthy”,将原文中的“富有”转化为英文中相应的同义词“wealthy”。借译法:将中文句子“蒸鱼”翻译成英文,成为“steamed fish”,将原文中的词语直接翻译成目标语,不考虑目标语中是否存在相应的词语。补充法:将中文句子“我感到很...

中文到英文翻译:Chinese to English。中文简介:中文(Chinese)是中国的语言文字。特指汉族的语言文字,即汉语和汉字。在汉字文化圈和海外华人社区中,中文也被称为华文、汉文。中文(汉语)有标准语和方言之分,其标准语即汉语普通话,是规范后的汉民族共同语,也是中国的国家通用语言。现代汉语方言一般...


栋该13619345890问: 汉语译成英语 -
建水县十二回答: 1.这是一条白色的裤子. 1.This is a pair of white trousers. 2.这双鞋是什么颜色的?2.What color is this pair of shoes?考点是 a/the pair of 一条裤子的英语表达比较特殊

栋该13619345890问: 把汉语翻译成英语怎么说 -
建水县十二回答: translate Chinese into English(望采纳,有问题欢迎追问^_^)

栋该13619345890问: 汉语翻译成英语
建水县十二回答: 1: you must first take umbrella. 2: your work today is to my satisfaction 3: your English is very good! - just know a little 吃山楂的好处很多,补充维生素啦,有机酸啦,还有就是有助于消化减轻胃负荷等等,坏处就是出得太多可能对牙齿不好 用set out: 陈述,阐明;动身,起程;开始;摆放就可以啦

栋该13619345890问: 中文翻译成英文 -
建水县十二回答: 1. Would you mind us taking photos here ? 2.Must we return these books in this week ? 3.I think your listening and speaking skills will raise though a lot of time. 4.Share we go to the lecture ? It doesn't matter. 5.His father used to go to work by bike, ...

栋该13619345890问: 汉语翻译成英语~ -
建水县十二回答: I am sincere service for you with the blue-collar, and my job is to bring you convenience: I put your satisfaction, bring home!

栋该13619345890问: 中文翻译成英文
建水县十二回答: 1 .小偷偷走了那家人家所有的钱(rob) All the money of that family was robbed by the chief 2.多喝水是一种治疗感冒的好办法(renecedy) Drinking more water is a good way to remedy the flu. 3.我们应该采取行动防止该疾病蔓延(keep) We ...

栋该13619345890问: 汉语翻译成英语 -
建水县十二回答: 1 where's my baseball? Under the bed.2 where is her keys ? it's on the xxtable3 That is Helen and Alice they are sisters4 This is my parents, they are Bob aunt and uncle.5 Is that your friends? Not, is my cousin.6 Tom is your brother? Not, is my aunt's son7 The girl is your sister?8 This is a picture of my family

栋该13619345890问: 中文怎么翻译成英文 -
建水县十二回答: 1. you in how many classes? I in four classes. 2. he not in eight grades. 3. she in eight classes? Yes, she. 4. his how many years old? 5. who is that? That is Mary. 6. you also in nine classes? Yes. 7. who are they? They are in seven year five class.

栋该13619345890问: 汉语翻译成英语 -
建水县十二回答: It often snows in my hometown. It has lots of wind and it is cold. My friend and I will play snowmen, play with snowballs. And we go skating, too.

栋该13619345890问: 汉语翻译成英语
建水县十二回答: 1.Jim was interested in the English language (be interested in) 2.Jim told me he will go to Dalian next week (object clause) 3. I have some interesting things to tell me (something intresting) 4. his parents was very worried about him(be worried about)...

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