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做水果沙拉的英语意思 make fruit salad 做水果沙拉的相关英语例句 1. What do we need for the fruIt'salad?做水果沙拉你需要 什么 ?2. Can you tell me how to make fruIt'salad?能告诉我如何做水果沙拉 吗 ?3. Learn to make fruIt'salad.了解做水果沙拉的简单过程.4. How to ...

做水果沙拉的英文:Making fruit sala。水果沙拉是一道美味、清新的菜肴,结合了各种水果的天然甜度和新鲜口感。不仅是一种健康选择,还是一道色彩鲜艳、开胃的美食,适合搭配任何餐点或场合。在这份指南中,我们将为您介绍制作美味水果沙拉的步骤,利用各种水果为您带来一份视觉和味觉的盛宴。一、所需材料...

做水果沙拉作文 做水果沙拉“夏日炎炎,何不是享受水果大餐的最佳时机呢?……”看着电视节目中一盘盘鲜美明艳的水果沙拉,我不禁对此垂涎三尺。 因此,我约同学小莉一起去水果店挑选了香蕉、苹果、樱桃等新鲜水果,再由我们俩亲自操刀来做一回水果沙拉。 回到我家,我先把水果一一拿出清洗干净,然后找到一个小果盘,...

写作思路:详细写出做水果沙拉的过程即可。I made a fruit salad for my parents last week. I felt very happy after that . First, I washed two apples ,two bananas and a piece of watermeion.Then I cut up these ingredirents.Next, I put them into a bowl.Put one teapoon of ...

英文Fruit salad (F) material apple Ding 20 gram, strawberry 10 gram,pineapple Ding 40 gram, pear Ding 25 gram, watermelon 50 gram, loose seeds and nuts 10 grams; Ingredient 沙拉酱 2 spoons, fruit taste liquors little. After manufactures 1, cuts upper row each item of fruit ...

做水果沙拉---Do fresh fruit salad 1一杯酸奶 2切开 3把...加到 4扒香蕉皮 5两勺蜂蜜 6香蕉奶昔 7煮面条 8把...倒进 9把...混合到一起 我们需要多少酸奶 把爆米花放进爆米花机里 让我们制作水果沙拉吧 然后将原料加在面条上 你会包饺子吗 --- 1 a cup of yogurt ...

最后,将生菜叶平铺在小盘里,上面放拌好的苹果色拉。再撒上核桃仁便成。 英文版的Fruit salad.Ingredients: apple, pear, banana, orange, salad sauce and lettuce leaves and cream, lemon juice.Method:First, apples, pears and oranges and bananas to the skin to seed, cut into an ...

First,put on clothe for cooking.Then prepare fruits:apples,pears,bananas and a watermelon.Also,we need to get ready a bowl,a teaspoon and a cup.At last,we should have salad cream,sugar,salt,honey and yogurt.Now let's begin .First of all,wash all the fruit and peel the ...

怎样做水果沙拉(英文版)30个单词以上 急急急急急!!!
Fruit Salad Material:1. Undercooked senior Bailan melon.2. Red Tomato 3. Lettuce 4. Salad dressing Approach:1.Cut into small pieces to feed 1.2 2.Add a little sugar 3.Mix with 2 tablespoons salad dressing 4.Put some lettuce Decoration 5.Add a little refrigerator ...

fruit salad

刁莺15183482001问: 做水果沙拉的步骤,谁能用英文写下 -
丹凤县同贝回答:[答案] 1.Wash all the fruits. 2.Put all the fruits Chopped into bite-size pieces in a large mixing bowl. 3.Place them on a platter. 4.add with salad juice 5.keep it into frig to chill it slightly

刁莺15183482001问: 用英语写出做水果沙拉的过程 -
丹凤县同贝回答:[答案] How to make a delicious fruit salad? Preparation: one apple, two tangerines, one watermelon, a cup of sour milk, three tea spoon of honey. Process: 1. cut the apple into little parts, 2. take out the ...

刁莺15183482001问: 制作水果沙拉的步骤 用英语答1 首先先把水果洗净,然后切开2 放入盘子里 加入沙拉酱3 搅拌 完成注: -
丹凤县同贝回答:[答案] Step of making fruit salad1.First,wash the fruits.Then,cut it.2.Put the fruits into a plate and add in the salad source.3.Mix the fruits with the salad.Then,it is complete.

刁莺15183482001问: 做水果沙拉的步骤(英文)八步的,要简洁哦, -
丹凤县同贝回答:[答案] Strawberry Salad Ingredients: •2 packages (8 ounces each) cream cheese •2 tablespoons mayonnaise •2 tablespoons granulated sugar •2 packages (10 ounces each) frozen sweetened strawberries,partially thawed •2 cups mini marshmallows ...

刁莺15183482001问: 水果沙拉做法英文版 -
丹凤县同贝回答: 英文Fruit salad (F) material apple Ding 20 gram, strawberry 10 gram, pineapple Ding 40 gram, pear Ding 25 gram, watermelon 50 gram, loose seeds and nuts 10 grams; Ingredient 沙拉酱e799bee5baa6e4b893e5b19e31333332613639 2 spoons,...

刁莺15183482001问: 请你用英语写一篇“如何做水果沙拉”的小短文,首先把三个香蕉、三个苹果和三个梨切成块,接着把水果放到一个碗中,然后在碗中放入两勺色拉,最... -
丹凤县同贝回答:[答案] First we need three banana,three apple and three pear.All the fruits are cut into pieces.Then,put all the fruit pieces into a bowl.After that,add two spoon of salad into the bowl.Lastly,mix up all the...

刁莺15183482001问: 制作水果沙拉过程的英语怎么说请高手帮我翻译一下下,这段用英语怎么说:首先把水果切成片,然后把水果放进碗里用沙拉酱搅拌 -
丹凤县同贝回答:[答案] First cut the fruits into slices,put them into a bowl and mix with the salad dressing.

刁莺15183482001问: 水果沙拉怎么做?英文解答 -
丹凤县同贝回答:[答案] You can choice some kind of fruit that you like,then cut them into cubes,put them into a plate.Next mix the yogurt and honey、a little suger.Last put the sauce into you fruit,and mix them together.That is OK!(It is my way make fruit salad,I am glad to share it ...

刁莺15183482001问: 把水果沙拉制作过程翻成英文!高手快帮忙!材料 小番茄60克,苹果丁65克,加州葡萄30克,新鲜樱桃20克,草莓15克; 配料 酸奶50毫升; 制作 将以上... -
丹凤县同贝回答:[答案] ● fruit salad Materials:small tomato 60 grams,Apple D 65 g,California Grape 30 grams,fresh cherry 20 grams,Strawberry 15 g; Ingredients:yogurt 50 ml; Fruit:production will be placed above the disk...

刁莺15183482001问: 用英语写出水果沙拉的制作过程50词 -
丹凤县同贝回答: Wash and slice up fruits you like; spinkle the fruits with Fresh Fruit, and add the rest fruits to the bowl; drizzle over the juice over the bowl; add salad or yogurt to the fruits and stir and mix; then EAT!

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