
作者&投稿:戢媛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

写作思路:本篇英语作文将介绍如何与他人相处融洽的方法。首先,要尊重他人并学会倾听和理解别人的观点;其次,要保持良好的沟通和交流,并且避免争吵和冲突;最后,要学会关心和帮助他人,建立友谊和信任。英语原文:Title: How to get along well with others Getting along well with others is important...

蓟瑶15883811663问: 英语作文 和朋友吵架了 想和好 给些建议 -
长沙市肝复回答:[答案] We're fighting over something because of …… 因某事而吵架了 I want to become reconciled/restore good relations/make (one's) peace with my friend 我想和好 Please give me some advises请给些建议 1. make an apology 道歉 2. sent a card for your ...

蓟瑶15883811663问: 一个人和他的朋友吵架了,让你提建议劝劝他.英语作文80字左右,三篇明天就英语考试了,跪求作文阿阿阿! -
长沙市肝复回答:[答案] From my point of view,you should make an apology to your friend to stop this quarrel.There are some reasons for it .Every person has different opinions toward various things . You could not avooid the...

蓟瑶15883811663问: 与朋友吵架了请写出五条建议英语 -
长沙市肝复回答: Let's make up, don't let some unpleasant affect our feelings. 我们和好吧,不要让一些不愉快影响了我们的感情I'm sorry, I should not quarrel with you 对不起,我不应该和你吵架 I hope we can be reconciled, as before 希望我们能和好,像以前一样 Don't angry, is my wrong 不要生气了嘛,是我的不对啦 You will always be my best friend, no matter what happens 你永远是我最好的朋友,不管发生什么

蓟瑶15883811663问: 急需一篇英语作文假如你叫Jane,你的朋友Alice跟她的一个好朋友吵架了,而刚好她上周的英语考试中没考好,所以她现在心情沮丧.你会给她什么建议呢?... -
长沙市肝复回答:[答案] Dear Alice,I'm sorry to hear that you have some problems. I heard that you havent pass your English examination last week .I know you are very sad with that .So i'm very worry about you .And i know y...

蓟瑶15883811663问: 假如你的朋友Allien跟他的一个好朋友吵架了,刚好他上周的英语测试中又没考好,所以他现在心情非常沮丧.你你会给她什么建议呢?请给Allien写封信劝慰... -
长沙市肝复回答:[答案] Dear Allien, I'm sorry to hear that you have some problems. __I think there may be some ___misunderstandings between you and Helen.I advice that both of you calm down for a while and have a heart...

蓟瑶15883811663问: 写一篇同学吵架了提意见的英语作文 -
长沙市肝复回答:[答案] Everyone has a friend. A friend is a person who will help you when you are in difficulty. But sometimes we have something ... 每个人都有一个朋友.一个朋友是谁的人将你有困难时帮助你.但有时我们有我们和朋友之间的不快.也许我们可以彼此争吵...

蓟瑶15883811663问: Jack和朋友吵架了很苦恼,请你帮他提建议.(英语作文) -
长沙市肝复回答:[答案] Everyone has a friend. A friend is a person who will help you when you are in difficulty. But sometimes we have something unhappy between we and friends. Maybe we can quarrel with each other because o...

蓟瑶15883811663问: 英语书面表达 假如你是李华,你和你的好朋友Jean发生了争吵,在自我反省过后,你觉得有必要给她写一封信向她道歉,并向她提一些建议. -
长沙市肝复回答: Dear Jean; At first ,I must say sorry to you of quarreling with you that day .I lost my reason,i am so sorry for that. These days ,I think about a lot of things,i think we both made mistakes and i think we must keep calm when we face to any problems ,don't...

蓟瑶15883811663问: 英语作文一缓解朋友吵架的方法和建议 -
长沙市肝复回答: If you have such problems, you'd better nothide your feelings. Talk with them, and then you will know what the real matteris. Besides, it is crucial to share your happiness or sadness with them toenhance your relationship. Last but not least, whenever...

蓟瑶15883811663问: Jack和朋友吵架了很苦恼,请你帮他提建议.(英语作文) -
长沙市肝复回答: Everyone has a friend. A friend is a person who will help you when you are in difficulty. But sometimes we have something unhappy between we and friends. Maybe we can quarrel with each other because of something. What should we do if we ...

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