
作者&投稿:卷仲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

what will you eat\/have for dinner?注意 晚餐 不是supper supper指的是9点以后吃的 宵夜 并非正餐 真正的晚餐是 dinner

介绍自己一日三餐吃什么 用英语
I often eat an egg and some bread in the morning.For lunch, I often eat rice and vegetables.For supper, I eat noodles and some fruits.

英式读音[lʌntʃ]美式读音[lʌntʃ]短语搭配 box lunch 盒饭 ; 餐盒便当盒 ; 午餐盒餐 Business Lunch 商业午餐 ; 餐英语 ; 商务午餐 ; 外贸英语 power lunch 事务餐 ; 美国午间财经 Lunch Book 午餐书 At Lunch 吃午餐 ; 午餐时 ; 午餐 ; 在吃午餐 lunch hour 午餐...

What will he eat for dinner?或者What will he have for dinner?不清楚你要问的时态,用一般将来时表示他这顿晚餐会吃啥,如果用一般现在时的话表示“他晚餐通常都吃什么”(表示一般情况),你要用一般现在时的话把上面两句的will 改为 does。

"你中午吃什么东西"的英语是:1、What did you have for lunch?问的是刚刚过去的中午吃过什么。2、What will you have for lunch?问的是即将到来的中午想吃什么。午餐宜忌:1、午餐两忌 (1)忌以碳水化合物为主,如吃了富含糖和淀粉多的米饭、面条、面包和甜点心等食物,会使人感觉疲倦,...

你早餐喜欢吃什么 我喜欢吃水果的英文 What do you like to eat for breakfast?I like to eat fruit What do you like to eat in the morning? I like to eat fruit 早餐的英语例句 1. I bet you make breakfast and wash up their plates, too.我肯定是你做的早餐并且清洗了他们的餐具。...

因为你没说你的情况,所以我是根据我自己的情况写的,望采纳。For my breakfast,I eat some bread and drink milk, I also like eat noodles with two eggs.There are my best choice for my breakfast.早餐吃牛奶和面包,也喜欢吃鸡蛋面。For my lunch, I like eating rice, meat and som...

晚饭英语作文晚饭吃什么 英语作文
I have good and rich dinners , what about you, can you tell me?我是一个健康的女孩,因为我有很好的和丰富的晚餐。当我6:30起床,妈妈已经为我做早餐。有鸡蛋,牛奶,面包,香肠早餐。我喜欢牛奶和面包棒。所以我高大强壮。在学校,我有点我的午餐。许多学生喜欢在学校吃午饭,因为有很多美味...

I ofen have milk and eggs for breakfast.I think it's good for us.I like to have vegetables,fish,chicken,and a bowl of rice for lunch.I like fish very much,because it's very healthy and delicious for me.I usually have noddles or jiaozi for supper.Sometimes I eat out with...

翻译:我的晚餐吃了花心菜,它很美味。我还吃了鱼、莴笋、鸡腿……我们很开心。英文:I ate flower food for dinner, it's very delicious. I also eat fish, lettuce, chicken leg... We are very happy.

素颜19252114330问: 早餐吃什么(英语怎么说)早餐吃什么(英语) -
安定区盐酸回答:[答案] 如果是征求意见:What shall you want to have for breakfast? 如果是在餐馆:Do you like something for your breakfast?OR:What do you like for your breakfast? 如果是过去式:What did you have for your breakfast yesterday(the day before yesterday;...

素颜19252114330问: 英语题:早餐吃什么?( )( )( )三种 -
安定区盐酸回答: 面包bread,牛奶milk,煎蛋fried eggs,三明治sandwich,等等.

素颜19252114330问: 早餐吃什么的英文怎么念? -
安定区盐酸回答: 早餐吃什么?英语:Whattohaveinbreakfast?谐音:瓦特土海v因波瑞克法思特.(所有的“特”都发很轻的音)

素颜19252114330问: 早饭吃什么?用英语翻译 -
安定区盐酸回答: What ' s for breakfast 就可以了呀

素颜19252114330问: 英语作文早餐通常吃什么 -
安定区盐酸回答: Mike break egg

素颜19252114330问: 用英语写一段话,谈谈你早餐、中餐和晚餐各吃什么 -
安定区盐酸回答: I have a lots of healthy food every day . For breakfast,I like eggs and apples.For lunch,I like some vegetables and hamburgers.For dinner ,I like some broccoli and bananas..(我考试的时候就是写这个,满分)

素颜19252114330问: 英语作文早餐吃什么加中文 -
安定区盐酸回答: Breakfast what to eat Every morning, we have to choose breakfast, very trouble. So the whole family made abreakfast program.Today is February 5th, Friday, to eat bread. Was eating with relish, but to start a math problem. Asked in February 20th ...

素颜19252114330问: 我们今天早餐吃什么?用英语怎么说 -
安定区盐酸回答:[答案] What do we have for breakfast today? 按意思应该是还没吃,可以用现在时表示

素颜19252114330问: 你早餐吃什么?我早餐吃鸡蛋并喝牛奶.英语 -
安定区盐酸回答:[答案] What did you have for breakfast?I had eggs and milk.

素颜19252114330问: 你早饭吃什么?吃鸡蛋和牛奶.这两句话的英文. -
安定区盐酸回答:[答案] 你早饭吃什么?吃鸡蛋和牛奶. What do you have for breakfast eggs and milk.

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