介绍自己一日三餐吃什么 用英语

作者&投稿:鄣怕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Introduce yourself to three meals a day
I have milk and bread for breakfast.早晨我吃面包和牛奶.
I have rice and meat for lunch.午餐我吃米饭和肉.
I have noodles for supper.晚餐我吃面条.

I have milk and bread for breakfast.早晨我吃面包和牛奶。
I have rice and meat for lunch.午餐我吃米饭和肉。
I have noodles for supper.晚餐我吃面条。

I often eat an egg and some bread in the morning.
For lunch, I often eat rice and vegetables.
For supper, I eat noodles and some fruits.

with a new expression of high yet retiri

用英语介绍自己的一日三餐.50词. 同上
vegetables、some rice in the lunch.For dinner,I seldom eat too much meat,I choose to eat some rice and some fruit.This is my daily diet.翻译:我的早饭是一个鸡蛋、一些面包和一个苹果. 我通常在午饭吃些鱼、蔬菜、米饭. 晚饭时,...


1、豆浆、全麦面包两片、煮鸡蛋一个 2、牛奶、切片吐司一片夹火腿一片、生菜一片 3、鲜榨果汁、面包、煮鸡蛋 4、稀饭、馒头、小菜(要自己凉拌的,不要吃咸菜)午餐 米饭 菜 清炒时蔬(油麦菜、空心菜、莲菜、豆苗等等)葱烧老豆腐 荤菜(鸡、鸭、鱼、虾、蟹、贝类随便吃)一个清汤 晚餐 粥、...



I have milk and bread for breakfast.早晨我吃面包和牛奶.I have rice and meat for lunch.午餐我吃米饭和肉.I have noodles for supper.晚餐我吃面条.



一日三餐怎么吃合适 下面教你一日三餐怎么吃合适


深州市17851468605: 介绍自己一日三餐吃什么 用英语 -
简码感昌:[答案] I have milk and bread for breakfast.早晨我吃面包和牛奶. I have rice and meat for lunch.午餐我吃米饭和肉. I have noodles for supper.晚餐我吃面条.

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简码感昌:[答案] My eating habits are pretty good . For breakfast , I drink a bottle of milk,eat some beef noodles.And for lunch, I eat a bowl of rice , some vegetables, sometimes I eat an apple .For dinner , I usually eat a bowl of soup and some fruit.Do you think my eating ...

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简码感昌:[答案] I eat eggs and bread for breakfast.照着这个句型写午饭和晚饭吧

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简码感昌: For me, I used to eat nothing for my breakfast, because I always rush to (school), and sometimes I (have) some bread or cookies, (if I feel hungry.) As to my lunch, I used to eat at canteen, rice and some stir-fried dishes would be nice. I dont like eating...

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简码感昌:[答案] I ofen have milk and eggs for breakfast.I think it's good for us.I like to have vegetables,fish,chicken,and a bowl of rice for lunch.I like fish very much,because it's very healthy and delicious for me.I usually have noddles or jiaozi for supper.Sometimes I eat out ...

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简码感昌: Hello, everyone! I don't like sports, but I like eating very much. I eat a lot food every day. For breakfast, I like milk, eggs and bread a lot . For lunch, I like French fries, chicken, hamburgers and apples. For dinnerr, I like fruits, vegetables and rice.

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