
作者&投稿:定环 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

She struck the keys too hard and two of the strings were broken. My father was shocked. Now we were not allowed to touch it. It is being repaired by a friend of my father's.参考译文:我们有一件古老的乐器,叫击弦古钢琴.它是1681年德国制造的, 我们这架钢琴放在客厅里.我们家拥...

http:\/\/www.listeningexpress.com\/nce.htm 这里是听力,我试过,没问题,第一册的不全 课后答案,我就没办法了。Answers to NCE2 Exercises Lesson 1: bcbdc adbac cc Lesson 2: cdcca bbadc db Lesson 3: cacac bccba bb Lesson 4: dbabb acbca cc Lesson 5: cadbc dabcb bd Lesson...

s sitting near the tree.9 Where is it flying?It's flying under the bridge.10 Where is the aeroplane flying?It's flying over the bridge.11 Where are they sitting?They're sitting on the grass.12 Where are the man and the woman reading?They're reading in the living room.

11 I'm not sure. It may be the 16th today.12 I'm not sure. It may have been Wednesday yesterday.13 I'm not sure. It may be the 20th today.14 I'm not sure. It may be expensive.15 I'm not sure. It may have been difficult.16 I'm not sure. She may have been...

10∶16 2∶59 7∶11 ___C Situations What do you say in these situations?根据以下情景写出你应该说的话。1 You think you have found a watch that a friend lost. How do you ask him\/ her to describe it? ___2 A friend says he\/ she has something that belongs...


谁有新概念英语三11-35summary writing的答案
give you a ticket if you park your car in the wrong place.The writer found a polite note on his car during a holiday in Sweden.The traffic police wanted him to pay attention to their street signs.No one can fail to obey a polite request.手累坏了,呵呵,追加一下 ...

11.I'm not sure.It may be the 16th today.12.I'm not sure.It may have been Wednesday yesterday.13.I'm not sure.It may be the 20th today.14.I'm not sure.It may be expensive.15.I'm not sure.It may have been difficult.16.I'm not sure.She may have been young.17...

新概念英语第一册(MP3版) http:\/\/www.xuexinet.com\/document\/xuexidetail.asp?id=299 新概念英语第二册(MP3版) http:\/\/www.xuexinet.com\/document\/xuexidetail.asp?id=300 新概念英语第三册(MP3版) http:\/\/www.xuexinet.com\/document\/xuexidetail.asp?id=301 新概念英语第四册MP3 http:\/\/www.xuexinet...

新概念英语第2册11~19篇课文只要英文不需汉意 希望尽快得到解答 谢谢...
Lesson 14 Do you speak English? 你会讲英语吗?I had an amusing experience last year. After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town. On the way, a young man waved to me. I stopped and he asked me for a lift. As soon as ...

吴帘13313249924问: 新概念第一册的115课课文 -
绵阳市洛那回答: Lesson 139: Is that you, John? 是你吗,约翰? GRAHAM TURNER: Is that you, John? JOHN SMITH: Yes, speaking. GRAHAM TURNER: Tell Mary we'll be late for dinner this evening. JOHN SMITH: I'm afraid I don't understand. GRAHAM TURNER:...

吴帘13313249924问: 新概念第一册的英语小问题第115课:①isn't there anyone at home?可以说成 anybody here?②i'm sure there's no one at home.里的there's 可以省略吗?③---... -
绵阳市洛那回答:[答案] 1.第一个问题,当然可以,anybody here?更简洁,更口语.类比中文啊,有人在家吗?有人吗?有人在吗?都是一个意思,不同的说法. 2.第二个问题,当然也可以,新概念讲的一般是口语,但是呢,口语更新的速度远大于教材的,例如,有没有,...

吴帘13313249924问: out here与here区别新概念第一册115课中用什么一句话It's nice and warm out here.我想问为什么这句话里要加个out呢?直接here不行吗?知道的请回答下, -
绵阳市洛那回答:[答案] out 加在这里强调一下是"在外面"的天气,不用也行

吴帘13313249924问: 新概念英语第一册115课,What does Jim have to drink . 书上翻译, -
绵阳市洛那回答: have 和 to 中间没有其他词时,have to意为 '不得不',课文上这句的翻译是'吉姆不得不喝什么?'但是,have sth to drink 是 主语有这样东西,而且主语将要去喝掉这样东西的意思.希望可以帮到你.

吴帘13313249924问: 新概念115 在线等给分1课文Everything's very quiet. 毫无动静, 我写的it isn't anything可以吗2课文Look through the window. 从窗子往里看看. 我写的look ... -
绵阳市洛那回答:[答案] 1课文Everything's very quiet. 毫无动静, 我写的it isn't anything可以吗 不可以 可以说nothing is there 2课文Look through the ... 这三句都是汉语式的英语,语法就不对的.what would you like to drink?或者what would you want to have? 7课文You can have...

吴帘13313249924问: 新概念一册中的第115课中There's none left. 翻译成一点都没有的意思.可是 left 不是左边的意思吗 -
绵阳市洛那回答: left 还有剩下的意思. 所以本句:“一点都没剩下”,意即“一点都没有了” left这个意思也是很常用的,需要记住.

吴帘13313249924问: 新概念第一册的所有课文,求. -
绵阳市洛那回答:[答案] 新概念英语第一册目录汇总 Lesson 1,2 Excuse me! 对不起 Lesson 1,2 学习笔记 Lesson 3,4 Sorry, sir. 对不起,先生. Lesson 3,4学习笔记 Lesson 5 Nice to meet you 很高兴见到你 Lesson 7 Are you a teacher?你是教师吗? Lesson 9 How are you ...

吴帘13313249924问: Carol and tom invited us to lunch这句话连读该怎么读?新概念第一册第115课,Carol and tom invited us to lunch这句话连读怎么也听不懂(英音版),分不... -
绵阳市洛那回答:[答案] Carol~and tom invited~us to lunch 就是l~and发land的音,invited的d先忽略,发音invity d和us一起读 我第一次在这里答疑,可能啰嗦点,多包涵````

吴帘13313249924问: 新概念英语第一册115—116课后练习题答案 -
绵阳市洛那回答: 115课 General remarks * Try as far as possible to conduct the lesson in English. * Compounds of every/no/any/some are introduced here. Listening Comprehension 1 Intrduce the story T: Today we'11 listen to a story about a lunch party. 2 ...

吴帘13313249924问: 新概念英语Book1 test20 Lesson115 - 120 -
绵阳市洛那回答:[答案] 您好,关于新概念英语Book1 test20 Lesson115-120,您可到相关网站进行查询.欢迎向158教育在线知道提问

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