
作者&投稿:邹剑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Lesson 98
1 They are his.
2 It is mine.
3 They are hers.
4 They are ours.
5 The pens are theirs.
6 It is yours.
1 Yes,it's hers.It belongs to Jane.
2 Yes,they're theirs.They belong to them.
3 Yes,it's mine.It belongs to me.
4 Yes,they're hers.They belong to her.
5 Yes,it's yours.It belongs to you.
6 Yes,it's his.It belongs to him.
7 Yes,they' re theirs.They belong to them.
8 Yes,it's ours.It belongs to us.
9 Yes,they' re theirs.They belong to them.

onveniences for the soldiers to take with them. In a few weeks we were thrilled with enthusiasm when our first companies marched through the city with their knapsacks, blankets, and a half loaf of bread strapped on their backs. Poor boys, they lived to learn that "a half loaf is better than none."

题: Lesson 98 Whose is it?它是谁的?

Whose are they?它们是谁的?

A Do they belong to you?

Write dialogues with the prompts.按照提示完成以下对话。

1 these keys/ belong/ you?Do these keys belong to you?

No/ not mine/ yoursNo, they aren't mine. I think they're


2 that suitcase/ belong/ her?________________________________

No/ not hers/ his________________________________

3 these pencils/ belong/ us?________________________________

No/ not ours/ theirs________________________________

4 these tickets/ belong/ them?________________________________

No/ not theirs/ ours________________________________

5 this book/ belong/ you?________________________________

No/ not mine/ John's________________________________

B What's the exact time?

Write the exact times under these clocks using the word minute or minutes.

写出时钟上所显示的准确时间,使用 minute或 minutes。

10∶16 2∶59 7∶11


C Situations

What do you say in these situations?根据以下情景写出你应该说的话。

1 You think you have found a watch that a friend lost. How do you ask

him/ her to describe it? ______

2 A friend says he/ she has something that belongs to you. How do you

ask to see it? ______

3 You are talking to someone. You want to know where he/ she lives (the

number of the house and the name of the street).______
答案:Lesson 98


2 Does that suitcase belong to her?

No, it isn't hers. I think it's his.3 Do these pencils belong to us?

No, they aren't ours. I think they're theirs.

4 Do these tickets belong to them?

No, they aren't theirs. I think they're ours.

5 Does this book belong to you?

No, it isn't mine. I think it's John's.


sixteen minutes past ten, one minute to three, eleven minutes past seven


1 Can you describe it?

2 Can I see it? or Let me see it.

3 What's your address?

一、略。 二、BCADBABCBABADCBAADBD 三、1 hotter,hotter 2 harder 3 will be 4 happened 5 going 6 is waiting 7 studies 8 listening 9 to wait 10 stop 四 ABDCABDCBA 五 FFTTF

A 1.I had better stay here 2.We had better wait for him 3.You had better call a doctor 4.They had better go home 5.She had better hurry 6.You had better be careful B 1.I'll go to Sydney in a month's time 2.The next train will leave in an hour's time 3.I'...


1.be in fashion,时髦,流行。2.Would you like…?你愿意……吗? 这个句型常用于表示委婉的请求或提议:Would you like to go with us? 你乐意与我们一起去吗?3.as well,同时,也。通常用于句末。如:He knows Spanish as well. 他还懂西班牙语。too与 as well一般不用于否定句,...

A at:6o'clock,9a.m.,3.30p.m.,5.45,half past one on:Saturday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday on:28th February,3rd July,1 st April ,2nd May in:August,December,June,May,October in:1953,1972,1984,1965 B 1.I went to bed at half past eleven last night.2.I got up at ...

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我招待过的那个人当时戴着一顶帽子。That's the ship we travelled on.那就是我们旅行时乘的船。That's the man I told you about.那就是我告诉过你有关情况的那个人。词汇学习 Word study 1.travel v.(1)旅行;游历:He said that if he had a lot of money he would travel around ...

1-2课:二.Yes Pardon Yes,it is 三.1.(女用)手提包 2.雨伞 3.课桌 4.桌子 5.衬衣 6.原谅 7.手表 8.外衣 9.连衣裙 10.裙子 四.1.Is this your umbrella? 2.Is that your watch? 3.I ...


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He likes apples, but he doesn't want any.8 Yes, she does.She likes pears, but she doesn't want any.9 Yes, I do.I like grapes, but I don't want any.10 Yes, she does.She likes peaches, but she doesn't want any。虽然只有一课,但也能帮到你,努力学习吧!

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