
作者&投稿:盛差 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

新概念英语第二册7.8.9答案 80 谢了急需最好是拍下来的练习册答案大家速度还会有追加的我真的急用... 谢了 急需 最好是拍下来的练习册答案 大家速度 还会有追加的 我真的急用 展开  我来答 3个回答 #热议# 作为女性,你生活中有感受到“不安全感”的时刻吗?

新概念第二册 Lesson13课后练习所有答案
1.要害句型练习答案 A will be arriving (1.2); will be coming (1.3); will be meeting (1.4); will be singing (1.5); will be staying (1.6); will be trying (1.8)C 1 I'll be ironing the clothes.2 The train will be arriving in a few minutes.3 We'll be ...

2.Have you had trouble ever since you moved in?3.Have you been able to get your own car into your own garage yet?4.Have the "No Parking " signs had any effect so far?5.What have you put over the gate?6.Have any car owners turned to stone yet?参考资料:标准答案 ...

1.难点练习答案 A 1 miss 2 expecting 3 raise 4 lying 5 beats 6 quite 7 am used to 8 pick 9 price 10 cost 11 value 12 checked 13 accept 14 dress up 15 practise 16 amused 17 hung 18 late 19 hard 20 nearly B 1 I told him...

答案很全 解析也很到位 Lesson 17 练习答案 Key to written exercises 1.关键句型练习答案 A She must be(1.1); Jennifer will have to take(1.3); she must appear(1.4); she had to wear(11.5-6); it must be terrible(11.7-8)C 1 You must\/will have to see a doctor.2 ...

新概念英语(新版)第二册Pre-Unit Test 4答案
Key to Pre-unit Test 4 Key structures A 1 He missed the train because he did not hurry.2 Although he ran fast, he failed to win the race.3 I was so tired that I went to sleep immediately.4 My neighbour, who went to Tokyo for a holiday, could not return home ...

多项选择题答案 1. d 根据课文第4-5行She threw the bottle into the sea. She never thought of it again, 只有d. She didn’t expect anyone to find the bottle 是课文所暗示的内容,其他3个选择都不符合课文实际内容。2. b 根据课文第6行Both girls write to each other regularly now,...

新概念英语第二册 课后答案 第六十课 Lesson 60 1. b 根据课文第2-3行After I had given her some money, she looked into a crystal ball and said, 可以看出只有b. he paid her (他付给她钱)与课文的实际内容相符,其他3个选择都与课文的实际情况不符。2. a 根据课文所描述的情况,只有...

Lesson70:1.关键句型练习答案 A unaware of(1.2); busy with(1.3); sensitive to(1.5); sure of(1.7); close to(1.8); sorry for(1.10)B 1 of 2 in…at 3 in…for 4 to…about 5 with…on 6 at…with 7 to…for 8 in 9 to…to 10 of 11 on 12 for 13 from...

新概念英语第二册课后习题Lesson 27 1. d 根据课文第5-6行but some time later it began to rain. The boys felt tired so they put out the fire and crept into their tent…只有d. it had begun to rain and they felt tired 才是孩子们去睡觉的原因。 a. it was late 是事实,但不...

阳钢18994586664问: 新概念英语第二册的答案,最好有电子版 -
福泉市莱能回答: Answers to NCE2 Exercises Lesson 1: bcbdc adbac cc Lesson 2: cdcca bbadc db Lesson 3: cacac bccba bb Lesson 4: dbabb acbca cc Lesson 5: cadbc dabcb bd Lesson 6: dacdd adaba da Lesson 7: bccda cdacb ab Lesson 8: dbbac cbbad bb...

阳钢18994586664问: 新概念英语2 语法练习册 下载新概念英语2 语法练习册答案,最好是电子书 -
福泉市莱能回答:[答案] Lesson 1 A private conversation Listening comprehension 1 Introduce the story T:Today we'll listen to a story about some ... 3 Listening objective T:Listen to the story and see if you can answer this question: Why did the writer complain to the people ...

阳钢18994586664问: 新概念二课后选择题答案 -
福泉市莱能回答:[答案] 话说能加分吗,偶打半天也不容易~Answers to NCE2 Exercises Lesson 1:bcbdc adbac cc Lesson 2:cdcca bbadc db Lesson 3:cacac bccba bb Lesson 4:dbabb acbca cc Lesson 5:cadbc dabcb bd Lesson 6:dacdd adaba da ...

阳钢18994586664问: 新概念英语2 开头测试答案新概念2 第三页 那个学前测试的全部答案 -
福泉市莱能回答:[答案] 测试1答案 A.1.He is busy. 2.He is learning English. 3.He has a new book. 4.He lives in the country. 5.He will see you tomorrow. 6.He can understand you. 7.He must write a letter. 8.He may come next we...

阳钢18994586664问: 新概念英语第二册练习答案包括填空,选择 -
福泉市莱能回答: 1.from 11.on...in 21.of 31.from 2.on 12.of 22.of/from 32.on 3.in 13.in 23.of 33.on 4.on 14.on 24.from 34.on 5.from 15.of 25.in 35.in 6.from 16.of 26.on 36.from 7.of 17.from 27.on 37.on 8.on 18.fo...on 28.from 38.on 9.from 19.on 29.on 39.in 10.in 20....

阳钢18994586664问: 新概念英语2课后练习答案1.Did you do homework last night?What about Tom?例:Did you read this book last night?yes,I read this book last weekWhat about ... -
福泉市莱能回答:[答案] 第二页点击:(含答案)新概念英语(全四册学生用书及教师用书...rar

阳钢18994586664问: 新概念英语2每个Pre - Unit答案 -
福泉市莱能回答:[答案] 你可以去买本新概念英语2的答案呀,绝对有卖的,因为我早就买过一本了,上面讲的很详细的

阳钢18994586664问: 新概念英语二册课后题答案 -
福泉市莱能回答: 1 The secretary's exact words were Mr Harmsworth will see you.2 Mr Harmsworth's exact words were business is very bad.3 Mr Harmsworth's exact words were the firm can not afford to pay such large salaries.

阳钢18994586664问: 新概念英语(最新版)能力训练与测试2 Test 1答案 求你们了新概念第二册 -
福泉市莱能回答:[答案] 第一大题是从ABCD四个选项中选出划线部分读音不同的选项.(确认一下哈) 如果不知道有这么一套试卷的话,麻烦做以下几题: 用所给词的正确形式填空Studying language _______(take)time. 改正错误Tom has entered the company for one ...

阳钢18994586664问: 新概念英语第二册第1课答案 -
福泉市莱能回答: Lesson 1 1. b 选b最为正确.因为a. d.都与课文内容不符合,也不合乎逻辑;c.的意思是“他们没有注意他”,而作者的意图并不是想让他们注意他,而是想让他们停止谈话. 所以选b. 最能表达作者当时心里的感受. 2.c 其余3个答案都与原句意...

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