
作者&投稿:豫农 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

人工翻译英语短文。A swift summer wind had carried away most of th...
我们按照路线很快到了郊区,眼前的景象由城市的拥挤的高楼变成豁然开朗的田野。金黄色的麦穗笑弯了腰,预示着丰收在即。继续往前,可以看到牛羊遍地。小牛犊紧张的看了看我们跑到母牛身边。 渐渐地,草地转为丘陵,我们进入了Flint Hills. 又短又绿的草地上布满了小石子。在我们继续向前的时候,路也在变化...

I have a dream的英语短文 演讲稿 别太长

Accountant is the management of economy important component, in strengthens the management of economy and the financial control, maintains in the socialist market economy order to play the influential role. The accounting personnels are the accountancy main body, accounting personnels' ...

在爱尔兰,没有蛇在所有。 大多数人关于蛇咬伤作为一个致命(致命的)不幸,但并非所有叮咬严重,只有极少数是致命的。有时试图紧急治疗变成更危险比咬本身,与业余选手(业余爱好者)英勇,但错误,试图自己做不必要的手术和其他措施。 所有蛇的小牙齿,所以,所有蛇可以咬,但只有咬的加法提出任何...


平潭海峡旅游景点介绍英语 平潭岛的英文
介绍家乡平潭的英语短文 小学生的 谢谢了。。。小弟英文不是很好,试试The Pingtan island for our country fifth island, the Fujian first island, on the island often “east comes the mist gas to fill the air”, alternate name “east mist”. The Pingtan island is apart from the Fuzhou 128 kilo...

回答和翻译如下 :谢谢你 ,你的声音就想是准时的闹钟 。Thanks for you , your sound just like alarm clock on time .( 请麻烦把中英语句子记熟 ,语病修改如上 ,并且 ,请把英语句子记熟 ,谢谢 。)

山西临汾旅游景点英文介绍 介绍临汾的英语小短文
山西有什么旅游景点「英文介绍」 一、Taiyuan --'Metropolis of Cathy'Taiyuan is the capital of Shanxi Province. Ideally situated in the Taiyuan Basin in the central part of the province, it is bordered by the Taihang Mountains in the east and the Luliang Mountains in the west. The Fenhe River...

女士向法官解释,她是一名学校老师,请求法官马上处理她的案子,以便可以赶回去上课。法官眼中闪过一丝狡黠,说道:“你是学校的老师,对吗?女士,我马上要实现我毕生的愿望了。在那张桌子旁坐下,写‘我开车闯了红灯’500遍。英语幽默小短文 I work for 7up"! 我可是在七喜公司工作呀 Four best ...


贯琳19653021743问: 求介绍新加坡的英语小短文!用来演讲的.最好条理清晰,生字不要太多!差不多就是介绍新加坡多大,有什么风土人情啊,名小吃啊,狮头鱼身啊什么都行,... -
盱眙县辣椒回答:[答案] Singapore is a south-east Asian island,also is a city country.The country is located in the Malay peninsula south,adjacent to the strait of malacca nankou,its south have Singapore's straits and Indone...

贯琳19653021743问: 求:关于新加坡的英语短文不需要太长. -
盱眙县辣椒回答:[答案] Singapore is made up of not just one island but a main island with 63 surrounding islets.The main island has a total land area of 682 square km.However,its compact size belies its economic growth.In j...

贯琳19653021743问: 用英语介绍新加坡HI,新加坡在东南亚,离中国很近.他是个美丽的城市.空气清新,蓝天碧水.有夜间野生动物园,那里有可爱、懒惰的考拉,他白天睡觉,晚... -
盱眙县辣椒回答:[答案] HI,everyone!Singapore in Southeast Asia,from China's close.He is a beautiful city.Clean air,blue sky and clear water.A Night Safari,where a lovely,lazy koalas,he slept during the day and night to eat the leaves.Merlion Park Merlion very beautiful.We like ...

贯琳19653021743问: 急!求一篇英语作文提示:是介绍新加坡的要点:1新加坡风光绮丽,终年常绿,岛上花园遍布,绿树成荫,素以整洁和美丽著称,人口多居住在城市,因此... -
盱眙县辣椒回答:[答案] Old stars known as the Republic of Singapore in Singapore or Singapore (commonly known as Singapore or Singapore), is a city in Southeast Asia island nation, located at the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, the Strait of Malacca on the south. The ...

贯琳19653021743问: 求:关于新加坡的英语短文 -
盱眙县辣椒回答: fascinating cultural contrasts and tourist attractions contribute to its success as a leading destination for both business and pleasure, with more than 130 banks, container ships and passenger liners to share the busy waters with coastal fishing ...

贯琳19653021743问: 求一篇介绍新加坡英语作文,英语帝快来阿~~ -
盱眙县辣椒回答: SingaporeHello, everyone! Do you know a beautiful country called Singapore? Singapore is a very fantastic place to take holidays. It`s in the southeast of Asia. And it`s called the Lion City. There are many foreign people from different countries in ...

贯琳19653021743问: 一篇80词左右的描写新加坡旅游胜地英语短文用上beautiful views,lost of museums,good place for shopping等词汇 -
盱眙县辣椒回答:[答案] Singapore a beautiful island which is about four hours flight from Guangzhou,As before our flight landed in Singapore Island the beautiful area view can be seen form the plane,with beautiful high raise buildings green plants,I had visited some of the ...

贯琳19653021743问: 用英语介绍新加坡新加坡市是新加坡共和国首都,位于新加坡岛南端,南距赤道136.8公里,面积约98平方公里,约占全岛面积1/6.新加坡市是全国政治、经济... -
盱眙县辣椒回答:[答案] Singapore City is the capital of the Republic of Singapore,at the southern tip of the island of Singapore,136.8 km north equator,an area of about 98 square kilometers,accounting for about one-sixth of the total area of the island.Singapore City is a ...

贯琳19653021743问: (高悬赏)一段用英语介绍新加坡的文字 -
盱眙县辣椒回答: 20th Singapore fest to tackle taboo topicsShifting attitudes bring more 'personal' subjects to festBy Janine SteinApril 17, 2007SINGAPORE -- The Singapore International Film Festival opens its 20th anniversary edition Wednesday with local ...

贯琳19653021743问: 关于新加坡的英语作文 -
盱眙县辣椒回答: Do you know a beautiful country called Singapore? Singapore is a very fantastic place to take holidays. It`s in the southeast of Asia. And it`s called the Lion City. There are many foreign people from different countries in Singapore such as Chinese, ...

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