
作者&投稿:叱干泽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

释义:n.苹果;珍宝;家伙。例句:The apple trees are blossoming.苹果树正在开花。He regard his new bike as the apple of his eye.他把他的新自行车视为珍宝。He's a rotten apple.他是一个讨厌的家伙。词源:直接源自古英语的ppel,意为水果的总称(包括坚果,除了莓类)。用法:当apple指...

苹果的英文写法是apple。apple作为名词表示苹果、苹果树、苹果属植物的果实、苹果属植物、苹果状果实、苹果状产物。 相关例句:These are the last of our apples这是我们最后剩下的几个苹果。Apple is a kind of fruit苹果是一种水果。He took another bite of apple他又咬了一口苹果。

我喜欢苹果。英语表达是I like apples.但可不可以说:I like apple._百...
不可以,因为APPLE是可数名词,可以说I like the apple或者是I like apple。1、like用作形容词时,其意思是“相似的,相同的”。2、like指两个或两个以上的人或物具有某些类似之处,以至区别不开,但并非同一个人或物。3、like多用来修饰外貌、性质等抽象的事物,有时也可修饰具体事物。4、like用...

I like apples.I like eating apples.例句:What's your favourite fruit? I like apples They're sweet.你最喜欢的水果是什么?我喜欢苹果。它们是甜的。I like eating fruit like apples, bananas and Kiwi fruit.我爱吃水果,诸如苹果、香蕉、猕猴桃。词汇解析:like 英文发音:[laɪk]中文...

小学四年级英语作文6句话,带翻译,回答的好的话再加10分 Our school is a very beautiful school.There are many flowers and trees in our school.Our classrooms are very big and bright.There are many students and teachers in our school.The teachers are very friendly. I love my ...

主语+系动词(表状态)+表语的英语句子,10句如下:1、I am a boy.我是一个男孩。2、she looks beautiful.她看起来很漂亮。3、this apple tastes good.苹果尝起来很可口。4、the dog looks lovely.狗狗很可爱。5、the milk goes bad.牛奶变坏了。6、the house looks dirty.这个房间看起来很脏。7...

苹果:[平安guǒ]1苹果 其它相关解释:句子,用法:1。我用我的新煎锅做苹果派。我做苹果馅饼和我新买的煎锅。2苹果树开花。的苹果树开花。3。苹果是一种水果。苹果是一种水果。4几个烂苹果。几个苹果是坏的。5。她削苹果皮。她削的苹果。6。我们准备收起所有多余的苹果。我们正把我们所有的盈余...


后来为了便于区分,人们才叫苹果为苹果,桔子为桔子。于是英语中就出现了apples and oranges这个短语,表示“不同种类的物与人”,与汉语的“风马牛不相及”有些相似。例句:Comparing Proust and Prince is like comparing apples and oranges.将普鲁斯特与普林斯两人进行比较,就如同比较苹果和桔子,他们是...

like的例句疑问句 英语
like 喜欢 例句 I like apples. 我喜欢苹果。I like you. 我喜欢你。疑问句 Which books do you like best?你最喜欢哪一本书?Do you like me?你喜欢我吗?附录:(详细回答可以有这些选择)1. PREP像;像…一样 If you say that one person or thing is like another, you mean ...

爰翔17882368009问: 关于苹果的英语句子 -
宜川县凯速回答: An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.

爰翔17882368009问: 怎么用英语来描写苹果(要附中文) -
宜川县凯速回答:[答案] red 红 sweet 甜 delicious 美味 crunchy 脆 refreshing 清凉

爰翔17882368009问: 苹果的英语作文2句话3种句型 -
宜川县凯速回答: An apple is a kind of fruit .I like eating it very much.An apple is round.Its colour is green,it is not big,.It smells sweet and tastes good ,and it is a little sour.An apple is full of vitamin in it,it is good for us.So we say,"An apple a day keeps the doctor away"

爰翔17882368009问: 关于苹果的英文介绍? -
宜川县凯速回答: Consumption: Apples, as eaten in the fresh state, are a healthy refreshing, crunchy snack. They quench your thirst and their acid content makes them a natural mouth freshener. To bite into a fresh picked apple is a memorable experience. The juice ...

爰翔17882368009问: 关于apple 的英文作文想写一篇关于苹果(水果)的英语作文,易懂!适合于口语练习! -
宜川县凯速回答:[答案] I have three red apple ,but two apples are big ,one apple is small.my mother said who eat the samll apple .I think big apple give my granddad and grandma.So I told my mother I eat the samll one ,and big ones give my granddad and grandma .

爰翔17882368009问: 我要1分钟的用英语形容苹果的文章,小学二年级的 -
宜川县凯速回答: I like apples .An apple is round.Its colour is green,it is not big,.It smells sweet and tastes good ,and it is a little sour.An apple is good for us.So we say,"An apple a day keeps the doctor away"

爰翔17882368009问: 关于苹果的英文介绍?外观,营养,作用~ -
宜川县凯速回答:[答案] Consumption: Apples,as eaten in the fresh state,are a healthy refreshing,crunchy snack.They quench your thirst and their acid content makes them a natural mouth freshener.To bite into a fresh picked apple is a memorable experience.The juice is honey ...

爰翔17882368009问: 关于apple的英文谚语 -
宜川县凯速回答:[答案] you are the apple for my eye.你是我最珍贵的人.希望能对你有帮助.

爰翔17882368009问: 关于的apple一些英语俗语? -
宜川县凯速回答:[答案] An apple a day,keep doctors away.每天一个苹果,疾病远离我.(有点像中国的,萝卜就热茶,气得大夫满街爬)apples and oranges 完全不同She and her sister are apples and oranges.他们姐两,一点都不一样.bad apple ...

爰翔17882368009问: 一年级写苹果的英语作文 -
宜川县凯速回答: I have three red apple ,but two apples are big ,one apple is small.my mother said who eat the samll apple .I think big apple give my granddad and grandma.So I told my mother I eat the samll one ,and big ones give my granddad and grandma . 我有...

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