
作者&投稿:革贵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

That's why several nations try hard to carry out space exploration continuously.(英语作文)翻译:我们是否需要太空探索人类对外部空间着迷已有上千年的历史了。 从人类第一次登上月球起至今已有四十多年了。 现在,有些人认为空间探索完全是浪费时间和金钱。 他们指出,数百亿美元用于太空研究,但收获甚微。 然而,...

求一篇英语作文 关于宇宙的 带翻译的?
we now find ourselves orbiting an average-sized sun, which is just one of millions of stars in our own Milky Way galaxy. And our galaxy itself is just one of billions of galaxies,

Our universe, mysterious, in our solar system, the study of value, as the universe. Now, let's see, members of the solar system. The planet mercury, a phrase, nor, even a drop of surface temperature is quite large, if you put in the daytime is a pig, KaoRuZhu, night ...

In the 22nd century, when humanity's earth scientists discovered an unknown biological system on a planet, our scientists named it the alien wizard. After a decision by the United Nations, a team of renowned scientists, including myself and a small European sun, began construction o...

more about space in the future.翻译:太空是一个神奇的地方.人们并不知道很多关于它的是,但我很喜欢太空.在太空中有很多行星,例如太阳、月亮.地球是太空中的行星之一.并且太空中最大的行星是太阳.人们发明了很多机器并且让这些机器到太空去探索.我认为,在未来我们会更了解太空.自己打的,希望采纳....


Came to the " family of three " paradise, mother into " vegetables " to learn cooking, and back to the earth mother do let me have a look " Jupiter vegetables ". Father went into the dental doctor door ", because my father cried all day, not the mouth there is itching ...

喷射出一团橘黄色的火焰后,巨大白色的长征Ⅱ一F火箭运载神州5号宇 宙飞船和中国第一个宇宙飞行员杨利伟腾空而起,颇为壮观,慢慢地变成一个亮球清失在茫茫的太空中。作为世界上最大的发展中国家,中国为其对人类的空间探索做出自己的贡献感到非常骄傲。同时,这一事件将证明对中国的经济和社会发展起...

will be launched on a Long-March II-F carrier rocket and then moved into orbit at an altitude of 343 kilometers.希望能帮助到你,英文有不会的问题可以问我,尽力帮你解决。5.关于太空旅行的句子,英语的 太空旅游是基于人们遨游太空的理想,到太空去旅游,给人提供一种前所未有的体验,...

connect international calls and help people worldwide to find their exact location.这是51英语作文网的一篇文章,网址是www.51tfyt.com,楼主可以看看,感觉还可以吧。。下边的是中文翻译:现代天文学告诉我们星星都是地球仪,像太阳一样,遥远的空间。然而,在古代人们无法解释很多自然科学的方法,所以他...

訾栏15121897512问: 关于太空的英语作文 -
抚远县安宫回答:[答案] Travel A succession of beautiful scenery makes one feel delighted. A long stay in the same surroundings to make everything the same. Routine work often makes one feel bored But if you take a trip or a long journey on your holidays to some scenic spots...

訾栏15121897512问: 求关于外太空的英语作文,大概初三水平.谢谢. -
抚远县安宫回答: With the development of high technology, governments spend much money into the outer space, with which I personally totally agree.First of all, lacking of resources or energies require us to explore the unknown space. Another reason is ...

訾栏15121897512问: 一篇关于宇宙的英语作文【不少于7个句子】【小学6年级的水平】 -
抚远县安宫回答:[答案] The Universe has a lot of suns and planets. But most of it is stil dark. The Milkway galaxy is a very small part of it but a very great part for human beings to explore. The solar system is very small in the Milkay. Still it has eight planets including th earth. The ...

訾栏15121897512问: 写一篇介绍宇宙的英语作文60字左右 提示语:Iarge ,universe,planet,solar system,scientists,spacecraf... -
抚远县安宫回答: the universe is quiet large and contains many systems.In our solar system, nine planets circle around our Sun. The Sun sits in themiddle while the planets travel in circular paths (called orbits) around it.scientists always try to explore the space by ...

訾栏15121897512问: 求一篇关于太空探索的英语作文,英语学霸们帮帮忙 -
抚远县安宫回答:[答案] Scientists think that there has been life on Earth for millions of year. However, we haven't found life on other planets yet. ... and some spacecraft have gone beyond it. However, no one has discovered any life in space yet.

訾栏15121897512问: 太空的英文作文 -
抚远县安宫回答: Space tourism is based on the ideals of the people into outer space, to travel into space, giving an unprecedented experience to provide the latest and most surprising is that it can stimulate the people viewing the scenery beautiful space, but also ...

訾栏15121897512问: 七年级上英语遨游太空的作文 -
抚远县安宫回答:[答案]My name is Long Tao.I want to be a astronomer.For becoming a astronomer,I often went to see the spaceflight and spread and read the book on astronomy.One day,I'm reading a book of cosmos in my ...

訾栏15121897512问: 关于太空的英语作文 -
抚远县安宫回答: Travel A succession of beautiful scenery makes one feel delighted. A long stay in the same surroundings to make everything the same. Routine work often makes one feel bored But if you take a trip or a long journey on your holidays to some scenic ...

訾栏15121897512问: 关于太空的英语作文(六年级的) -
抚远县安宫回答: pace is really a wonderful place.People don't know it well ,but I love space.There are planets in the space,such as sun,moom .Earth is one of the planets in space.And sun is the biggest planet in space.People invented many machine and let it go ...

訾栏15121897512问: 关于太空的英语小短文.急,我想要关于太空的小短文,80单词就够了.好的我会额外加分 -
抚远县安宫回答:[答案] .Our Place In Space There are approximately four hundred million galaxies in the universe.We can see only a small part of our galaxy.This is the Milky Way. There are over three billion stars in the Milky Way.The sun is one of the stars.There are nine ...

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