
作者&投稿:巢柱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Today, with the help of scientists, we have finally completed the production of the spacecraft.

Modern astrology tells us the stars are
all globes, like our sun, far away in space. However, in the ancient
times people was not able to explain many natural things in scientific
way, so they turned to imagination and explained what they saw with
beautiful stories.

China we also have a lot of old stories about the sun, the moon and the
stars, such as ‘The herd boy Niulang and the weaving girl Zhinu’, etc.

 Nowadays modern science and technology has brought Man into outer
space. People have realized the dream to walk on the moon. They even
sent home devices to Mars. And, our China-made ‘Shen Zhou’ spaceships
have also entered space. It is said in not far future, Chinese
astronauts will set their steps on the moon, too. Man-made satellites
launched in space has become an important part of our ordinary life.
They are used to provide weather forecasts, take photos of the earth,
connect international calls and help people worldwide to find their
exact location.





您好:China will launch its third manned spacecraft Shenzhou-7 from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China on Thursday,a spokesperson with China's manned space program said on Wednesday.
The first Chinese astronaut is likely to walk in space around 4:30 pm on Friday,a day after spacecraft Shenzhou VII lifts off,the commander-in-chief of the mission's ground operation has said.
The historic moment will be broadcast live across the world,and the space environment is expected to be fine for the mission.
The Shenzhou-7,carrying three taikonauts,will be launched on a Long-March II-F carrier rocket and then moved into orbit at an altitude of 343 kilometers.



Today, with the help of scientists, we have finally completed the production of the spacecraft.

百科名片 宇宙飞船(英语名为 space ship ),是一种运送航天员、货物到达太空并安全返回的一次性使用的航天器。它能基本保证航天员在太空短期生活并进行一定的工作。它的运行时间一般是几天到半个月,一般乘2到3名航天员。目录 简介 宇宙飞船的分类 宇宙飞船技术要求 编辑本段简介 宇宙飞船(英语名为 ...

航天飞船(space ship):能单独进行航天活动,也能往返于地面和空间站之间运送人员或物资、设备的航天器.沿地心轨道飞行的航天飞船称为卫星式飞船,是一次性使用航天飞船;飞往其他天体的航天飞船称为星际飞船或远征飞船.运送人员的航天飞船称为载人飞船,运送物资、设备的航天飞船称为货运飞船.宇宙飞船(英语名...



robotic spacecraft - 机器人宇宙飞船、astronaunt宇航员、rocket火箭等。以下是英语的相关介绍:英语是全球化时代绝大多数国际型活动的首选工作语言。作为公认的使用最普遍的国际通用语言或全球通用语,英语被广泛地运用于会议、期刊和图书出版、新闻传播等方面。在此情形之下,世界各地的高等教育院校和教育...

宇宙飞船是什么意思 宇宙飞船又称载人飞船,(英语名为spaceship),是一种运送航天员,货物到达太空并安全返回的一次性使用的航天器。它能基本保证航天员在太空短期生活并进行一定的工作。它的执行时间一般是几天到半个月,一般乘2到3名航天员。截止目前只有美国、俄罗斯和中国具备建造和回收宇宙飞船的技术。


航天飞机有人驾驶可以重复使用,也是一种航天器,返回的时候直接降落到指定的机场,可以再次发射。空间站的在轨时间比较长,空间比较大可以容纳比较多的人员设备工作,由火箭或者是航天飞机运上去组装好,可以与飞船和航天飞机对接。1、宇宙飞船(英语名为 space craft,spaceship ),是一种运送航天员、货物...

spacecraft-航天器-craft是运载器具的意思 spaceship-太空船-ship指比较大的船,一般都是指科幻片里面的大型太空船 space shuttle-太空穿梭机-一般特指美国航天飞机 space rocket-太空火箭 space probe-太空探测器 咱们的神州飞船还不能算是shuttle,只能是个craft 注意:平时说话千万不要说spaceship,会被...

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袁苑清热:[答案] 您好:China will launch its third manned spacecraft Shenzhou-7 from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China on Thursday,a spokesperson with China's manned space program said on Wednesday. The first Chinese astronaut is likely to ...

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袁苑清热: Today, with the help of scientists, we have finally completed the production of the spacecraft.

南浔区13260579386: 用英语,写出自己做的宇宙飞船的样子,加翻译,50字 -
袁苑清热: First to prepare materials: Coca Cola beverage cup, cardboard, old calendar paper, Chinese wax box, bamboo sticks Method: first use hard paper cut into fan-shaped, rolled into a cone is inserted in the coca cola cup made of hull, then do the wing ...

南浔区13260579386: 外研版六年级英语介绍宇宙飞船模型的英语作文
袁苑清热: 1, it is recommended that you buy plastic kit, not expensive. God what I remember the trumpeter had model. 2, if the non paper, suggest the use of wire frame, and then ...

南浔区13260579386: my plan to visit space 英语作文 假如你是费翔,你平时一直对太空很感兴趣,你最大的梦想就是能访问太空,下周你要乘坐太空飞船去太空请根据下列提示... -
袁苑清热:[答案] I am Fei Xiang .I have always been very interested in space,my biggest dream is to access the space,next week I'm going to take a spaceship to go into space.My plans to visit the space are: I will start to go into space at 8:30 next Monday .When I ...

南浔区13260579386: 我们的第一艘宇宙飞船英语 -
袁苑清热: Our first spacecraft. 我们的第一艘宇宙飞船.

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袁苑清热: 给你参考 1. n.1. 航天飞机宇宙飞船 aerospaceplane 2. a.1. 宇宙飞船内的 intravehicular 3. 联盟号宇宙飞船 Soyuz Spacecraft 4. 宇宙飞船生态学 spacecraft ecology

南浔区13260579386: 求一篇关于神州飞船的英语作文. -
袁苑清热: Chinas Pride中国的骄傲"...5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Ignite! Go!" On October 15, 2003, China launched its first manned spacecraft into orbit from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre in Northwest China's Gansu Province.Spraying a mass of orange flames, ...

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袁苑清热: I Want to Be an Astronaut When I was a little girl, my grandmother used to tell me stories about the moon. Even today, every time I watch the sky at night, I would imagine what is happening among the twinkling stars. I hope to be an astronaut in the ...

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袁苑清热: In the 22 century, when mankind, Earth scientists discovered a planet unknown biological system, our scientists named alien wizard. After the United Nations decided, by me and a small European small sun waiting for the scientists began to build ...

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