
作者&投稿:狂何 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


My English teacher is Teacher Wang, she is very beautiful, and wears fashion clothes, she is very friendly to the students, she is very patient and interesting. Her teaching method is very good, it can be easily understood by the students....

our friend.This is my teacher --- Miss ma 马女士是我们的英语老师,她很漂亮,我们班人都很喜欢她,马女士也很幽默,通过利用她的幽默,她可以让我们在她的课上集中注意力。在课后她经常和我们聊天,每当那时我们总觉得她不仅是我们的老师,还是我们的朋友。这就是我的老师---马女士 ...

my teacher的小学英语作文
我的英语老师非常漂亮。她的眼睛很大。她的头发很长。她很友好。我的语文老师是胖的。她的头发很短。她喜欢笑。我的数学老师非常高。她的头发不长不短。她的眼睛是小的。她喜欢笑。我爱我的老师。My English teacher Mr. 李is our English teacher.He is 30 years old .He looks very young ....

提问宝宝知道育儿全能助手,辣妈交流社区立即下载关于感谢老师的英语作文20词拍照搜题秒出答案,下载作业帮立即下载我来解答推荐回答I'm not that kind of student who good at English and learn very quickly.I can't say that I love English more than other subjects.Even I can say English is a headache ...

I like her very much, because she acts in every lesson and we have an interesting class every day.王老师是我的英语老师。她很年轻,很漂亮。她个子高高的,看起来就像一个模特。她天天都很高兴,就像一个孩子。我非常喜欢她,因为她每堂课上都表演一番,我们每天都上一堂有趣的课。

我的英语老师是一个漂亮有少女气息的女老师 My English teacher is a pretty female teacher who has the flavor of a young girl.如果答案对亲有所帮助请采纳予以鼓励!如果有疑问欢迎追问...

用英语介绍老师的外貌和性格5句如下:1、My English teacher is my favorite teacher,She is a 33 year-old woman.译文:我的英语老师是我最喜欢的老师, 她是一位33岁的女性。2、She is very beautiful with long hair.译文:她长着长发非常漂亮。3、She is a good English teacher and always...


教师节写给老师的英语作文(写出外貌和性格特点小短文)外加中文_百度知 ...
My English Teacher My English teacher is Miss Li(姓自改),she is very beautiful ,She is tall and slim.She has long hair ,two dark eyes ,a small nose and a small mouth .Her English is very good ,She works very hard ,She gose to school very early everyday .She likes ...

威版19344663467问: 关于我的英语老师,英语作文 ············80词左右提示;长得很美,嗓音很甜,爱穿时髦衣服,像个明星 很严格,也很友好 他告诉我们正确... -
宜城市奥万回答:[答案] My English teacher is very handsome with sweet sound. He likes fashion clothes and he looks like a star. He is very strict with us and he is friendly,too. He tells us the right way to learn. Now I am ...

威版19344663467问: 曰记大全300字《美丽的英语老师》 -
宜城市奥万回答: 我的英语老师姓唐,平时她一头飘逸的长发总是直直地披在肩上,秀美且整洁.一双美丽的大眼睛从不掩饰她的喜怒哀乐.微微向外凸出的牙齿衬托着嘴唇成樱桃状,而左下角的一颗美人痣更显樱桃小口的妩媚动人.也许是长年教毕业班且操心...

威版19344663467问: 我的英语老师英语作文怎么写 -
宜城市奥万回答: this year, our English teacher is change for some reason. her faminly name is called Tang,we called her MS.tang. she looks really nice. she is not very tall, as tall as me. she said she is a dog lover, and she has a dog at home. she is also a nice ...

威版19344663467问: 我的英语老师王老师25岁.她长得很漂亮,对我们既友善又热情.她的课既有趣又生动.但是英语实在太难了,所以一些同学想放弃.她想方设法是我对英语产生兴... -
宜城市奥万回答:[答案] My English teacher is Mrs.Wang.She is 25 years old.She is very pretty,and she is friendly and zeal to us.Her lessons are interesting and vivid.But English is quite difficuit,so some students want to give up.She tries every means to make me be interested ...

威版19344663467问: 我的英语老师英语作文(初一) 要求:24岁,很年轻漂亮,很爱笑,但有时很严厉(作业没写好) -
宜城市奥万回答: My English TeacherI am in Form 1 class this year. My English teacher is Miss XX, aged 24. She is young and pretty. She likes laughing. Sometimes she is very serious especially when anyone has not done the homework. She tries different ...

威版19344663467问: 我的英语老师很漂亮,她是中国人,她有长长的头发,大眼睛,小鼻子和小嘴,个子很高.她是我最喜欢的老师 -
宜城市奥万回答: My English teacher(最好写Miss+姓氏)is a beautiful chiness,she has long hare , big eyes small nose and small mouth and she is very tell . She is my favourite teacher

威版19344663467问: 我的英语老师英语作文 -
宜城市奥万回答: My English teacher is a very good people , she is called MISS LI. Her very beautiful strong point's very high but a little bit thin. She is fond of reading a book and touring. She often educates us , our help is face to face very big. She had ...

威版19344663467问: 翻译 以下句子 连成一篇文章:我的老师 我的英语老师长得很漂亮,大眼睛,小鼻子,小嘴巴,长头发,看起来大概30多岁,他有一个儿子.英语老师对我们... -
宜城市奥万回答:[答案] 你好

威版19344663467问: 我的英语老师作文英语65字 -
宜城市奥万回答: my english teacher,miss wu,is a very young lady,she is tall and slender.she is very beautiful with big eyes,high nose and black long hairs .and she is also responsible to us,she teaches well and works very hard,she is really a good taecher! 我的英语老师吴小姐非常年轻,她又高又苗条,长的很漂亮,大眼睛,高鼻梁,还有乌黑的长发.她对我们也非常负责,教书教的很好,工作非常努力! 她真是一个好老师啊!

威版19344663467问: 英文写作:我的英语老师(My English Teacher)
宜城市奥万回答: My English teacher is a lady at the age of twenty-six.She is not tall and is small.She looks pretty and blandness , but her temper is not very nice, because the students do not listen to her in class.We all admire her for she speaks English ver well in ...

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