
作者&投稿:祗启 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1、My English teacher is my favorite teacher,She is a 33 year-old woman. 

译文:我的英语老师是我最喜欢的老师, 她是一位33岁的女性。

2、She is very beautiful with long hair. 


3、She is a good English teacher and always takes care of us and help us to solve any problem about English lessonand let us be interested in English. 


4、She makes friends with us, so we study English very hard and make a lot of progress in English.


5、 I love my English teacher, and my English teacher love me, too.





2、对于不熟悉的人,描述时通常都是起长相或总体特征,问的时候用:What do/does sb.look like?对于熟悉的人才描述性格、气质、个性等内在的东西,问的时候用:What is/are sb.like?


译文:我爱我的英语老师,我的英语老师也爱我。描述一个人用英语 1、面部:face脸,eyes眼睛,nose鼻子,head头,mouth嘴,hair头发,chin~下巴,cheeks脸颊,ears耳朵,forehead额头,teeth牙齿,lips嘴唇,还有男人的胡子beard,moustache;身材:figure;穿着:wearing;神情:look。四肢:arm胳膊,leg腿...

...谈谈你的一位老师的外貌、性格、人品、所受的教育和工作经历_百度知 ...

写作思路:按照要求主要描述老师的外貌性格。正文:My favourite teacher is Miss Huang. She is a beautiful lady.我最喜欢的老师是黄老师。她是一位美丽的女士。She has two big eyes, a high nose and a little red mouth. There is always a smile on her face.她有两只大眼睛,一个高高的...

我的英语老师作文5句(5年级)?写作思路:描述人的作文一般包括年龄、身高、外貌,性格特征。2.示范如下:My English teacher is Wang Li. She is very young and very tall. She has two big eyes. She is very nice. All the students like her.My Teacher 我的老师 My favourite teacher is...

5. 描写英语老师外貌的英语作文 1. 姚明出生在上海,身高2.25米.2. 9岁开始打篮球,18岁进入国家队,22岁加入NBA打球.3. 爱好:玩电脑游戏 4. 对人礼貌友好,是青少年的偶像,也是中国的骄傲.备注:要两个吸引人的题目,两个精彩绝伦的结尾.Since Yao Ming joined NBA in 2002 , the ...

可以从老师的身高下手,然后描述一下他的衣品,当然也可以描写一下她的五官,在最后可以加上一些对其的赞美,表达自己的倾佩之情 【范例一】Miss Li is my Chinese teacher . She is about thirty years old . She is very pretty and young . Her hair is brown and curly .Miss Li always ...

英语作文描写老师外貌特征:My head teacher, Miss Gu, is a little fat, but in my heart, she is the best teacher in the world! She is cute, knowledgeable and good at telling jokes!Although she is a teacher, she is more like our good partner。The students like to see her ...

写作思路:写自己的英语老师,描述老师外貌特点,对老师课堂教学进行描写,说明自己对老师的感受。正文:第一段:I have a very good English teacher.译文:我有一个非常好的英语老师。My classmates and I all like her very much.译文:我和我的同学们都非常喜欢她。She is very friendly to us....

英语老师的小作文 用英语写 老师的外貌
we all love her 我的英语老师是余老师她有两只大眼睛一张小嘴吧和一头乌黑靓丽的长卷发.她很美.她对孩子们很好她喜欢和我们玩英语游戏.所以我们喜欢上英语课.她非常爱我们.我们是好朋友她每天早晨都来教我们读英语单词.所以我们的英语成绩是最好的.我们都很爱她 my teacher is X years old...

关于介绍老师的英语作文 80词 要写出外貌 爱好 教学水平
范文:My English teacher is a lady. She is middle built and tall. She has black and curly hair. Her eyes are very beautiful and big, her nose is small.我的英语老师是位女士。她中等身材,很高。她有一头黑色的卷发。她的眼睛很大很漂亮,她的鼻子很小。She likes playing tennis and...

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边哈艾克:[答案] Miss Li is my Chinese teacher . She is about thirty years old . She is very pretty and young . Her hair is brown and curly .. 可以到这里看一下http://zhidao.baidu.com/link?url=M94kDSM7XT9Xla3D0ItKWfF2jN4IEQ4tdbiU52TgNJ4Qa0y5TkSrLF8Url0X6kyY...

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边哈艾克: My English teacher is Mr.Brown.(我的英语老师是布朗) He is tall and strong.(他又高又壮.) He likes playing basketball.(他喜欢打篮球.) His class is so fun.(他的课很有趣.) We all like him very much.(我们都非常喜欢他) 英语常用...

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边哈艾克: 你好,如下:She is my English teacher.She's very beautiful and very kind to us. She has long hair and big eyes and she is 1.70 metres tall. She likes to make friends with us , but sometimes she is strict with us if we can't do our homework well .She ...

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黄石市18492237342: 英语作文请描述一下你最喜欢的一位老师,写出她的外貌特征,性格特征 -
边哈艾克: Miss Li is my Chinese teacher . She is about thirty years old . She is very pretty and young . Her hair is brown and curly . Miss Li always wears a blue coat . I think her favourite colour will be blue . Miss Li is very friendly and kindly .Her classes are very ...

黄石市18492237342: My English Teacher.描述下面这位英语老师的外貌特征.(不少于5个句子) Name:Li Jun Age:30 Hair:black Ears:small Eyes:big Legs:long -
边哈艾克:[答案] This is my English teacher:Mr.Li He is 30 years old. His hair is black . His ears is small. His eyes are big. His legs are long.

黄石市18492237342: 关于写老师的英语短文,要描写人物外貌,性格,最后还有对老师的祝福.急! -
边哈艾克: My English teacherMy English teacher is a lovely woman.She is short and thin.she has long hair.She wears a piar of glass.She is patient with us.she never gets mad at us.So we all like her.we hope she will be happiness

黄石市18492237342: 给你用英语四到五句话来介绍你的老师 -
边哈艾克: My English teacher is Mr Black. He has long black hair and always wears a pair of glasses. He is tall and thin . He is strict with us ,but his class is interesting and lively .We all like his class . 祝学习进步,天天快乐!

黄石市18492237342: 用英语介绍老师(五年级版的,上册不少于30个单词)描写性格和外貌的各一篇 -
边哈艾克: My English Teacher.(写外貌的) My English teacher is a woman.She is tall and thin with short black hair.She has a round face with two big eyes and a big nose.But her mouth and ears are a little small.I like her very much. My Chinese Teacher (写...

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