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母亲节英文:Mother's Day 父亲节英文:Father's Day 示例:爆炸发生在购物中心,当时大批人群正在为母亲节购物。The explosions took place in shopping centres as crowds of people wereshopping for Mothers 'Day.到了决定和选择父亲节礼物的最后时刻了!Okay, it's officially last minute for ...

感恩节是怎么来的 感恩节的由来简介
的人们不管多忙,都要和自己的家人团聚,大家一起享受一顿丰盛的节日晚餐。感恩节购物已经成为了美国人的习俗。从感恩节到圣诞节这一个月,美国零售业总销售额能占到全年的1\/3强,是各个商家传统的打折促销旺季。疯狂的购物月从感恩节的次日(星期五)开始,这一天即被称为Black Friday(黑色星期五)。

父亲节Father's Day Father's Day is on the third Sunday in June .Some Americans thoght that if we had Mother's Day,but we should also have a Father 's Day.On Father's Day, there is not any party. But children will give their father some presents and the best wishes.fa...


原始信仰和祭祀文化是春节形成的重要因素。习俗:such as Lunar New Year's dinner, keeping the age, New Year's money, temple fairs, flower lanterns and other customs.如团年饭、守岁、压岁钱、庙会、赏花灯等习俗。2、元宵节(农历一月十五日) Lantern Festival(龙灯节直译)由来:The ...

关于情人节的故事 英文版
下面是培根的《论爱情》,如果你需要一些TXT的资料就留下邮箱,我可以给你发罗密欧与朱丽叶,爱就是一切,一棵开花的树之类的英文资料。Of Love 论爱情 The stage is more beholding to love, than the life of man. For as to the stage, love is ever matter of comedies, and now and then...

元宵节的由来 英文
元宵节的由来英文介绍:Lantem Festival The 15th day of the 1st lunar month.The 15th day of the 1st lunar month is the Chinese Lantern Festival because the first lunar month is called yuan-month and in the ancient times people called night Xiao. The 15th day is the first night ...


圣诞节的由来英语是:Christmas is a Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. No one knows the exact date of Christs birth, but most Christians observe Christmas on December 25.圣诞节是一个基督教节日,庆祝耶稣基督的诞生。没有人知道基督诞生的确切日期,但大多数基督徒...

父亲节现在已经成为向父亲及所有扮演父亲角色的人表达敬意的节日。继父,伯父,祖父所有成年男性都将在父亲节受到尊敬。英文:The United States is one of the few countries in the world that has an official day on which fathers are honored by their children. On the third Sunday in June, ...

延泡13643191951问: 用英文怎么介绍感恩节的由来? -
故城县绅丽回答: The every year November's fourth Thursday (the fourth Thursday in November) is US's Thanksgiving Day (Thanksgiving Day). The Thanksgiving Day is one ancient holiday which the American people originally create, is also the American entire ...

延泡13643191951问: 感恩节由来 (英文)英文! -
故城县绅丽回答:[答案] October 31st (western countries) Halloween is one of the oldest holidays with origins going back thousands of years.The holiday has had many influences from many cultures over the centuries.From the Roman's Pomona Day,to the Celtic festival of ...

延泡13643191951问: thanksgiving day 英文简介 -
故城县绅丽回答:[答案] 感恩节(英语:Thanksgiving Day)是美国和加拿大共有的节日,原意是为了感谢上天赐予的好收成.在美国,自1941年起,感恩节是在每年11月的第四个星期四,并从这一天起将休假两天.像中国的春节一样,在这一天,成千上万的人们不管多忙,...

延泡13643191951问: 关于感恩节的英文由来 -
故城县绅丽回答: Thanksgiving is celebrated on the 4th Thursday of November.Thanksgiving Day is the most truly American of the national holidays in the United States and is most closely connected with the earliest history of the country. 每年11月份的第四个星期四...

延泡13643191951问: 感恩节的来历英文版(短)急急急急急急急急急急急! -
故城县绅丽回答: Thanksgiving Day's origin must trace the American history the start. in 1620, famous “five months were colored” the ship full load to be unbearable the Britain domestic religious persecution Purit an 102 people to arrive at the Americas. in 1620 ...

延泡13643191951问: 感恩节的来历英语版 -
故城县绅丽回答: 感恩节的来历: Thanksgiving Day's origin must trace the American history the start in 1620, famous “in May flower” the ship full load was unbearable the Britain domestic religious persecution Puritan 102 people to arrive at the Americas. in 1620...

延泡13643191951问: 感恩节的由来英文版 -
故城县绅丽回答: After the europeans had first arrived at the new continent as known as America today, the Indians gave them living necessaries and tought them how to hunting, fishing and planting. In order to thank the natives, the europeans invited them to celebrate the Day of the Lord. This is the origin of the Thanksgiving Day.

延泡13643191951问: 英语翻译感恩节起源于美国,在每年11月的第四个星期四,而在加拿大是每年10月的第二个星期一.感恩节最初为感谢印第安人,现在人们常在这一天感谢他... -
故城县绅丽回答:[答案] Thanksgiving originated from the United States,which is the forth Thursday of November,but in Canada its the second Monday of October.It started out as a holiday celebrating the aboriginals,but now it extended to be the celebration of others around you....

延泡13643191951问: thanksgiving day 英文简介 -
故城县绅丽回答: 感恩节(英语:Thanksgiving Day)是美国和加拿大共有的节日,原意是为了感谢上天赐予的好收成.在美国,自1941年起,感恩节是在每年11月的第四个星期四,并从这一天起将休假两天.像中国的春节一样,在这一天,成千上万的人们不管...

延泡13643191951问: 求一篇关于感恩节的由来的英文小故事或者其他外国节日由来的英文小故事 最好要感恩节的由来的英文小故事 -
故城县绅丽回答:[答案] 下面是百度里的回答 Halloween October 31st (western countries) Halloween is one of the oldest holidays with origins going back thousands of years. The holiday has had many influences from many cultures over the centuries. From the Roman's ...

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