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我的爸爸想喝一些水 英文问句
我的爸爸想喝一些水 My father wants to drink some water.我的爸爸想喝一些水 My father wants to drink some water.

The European Food Safety Authority recommends that women should drink about 1.6 litres of fluid and men should drink about 2.0 litres of fluid per day. That's about eight glasses of 200ml each for a woman, and 10 glasses of 200ml each for a man.Yet although government ...

HOW TO SAVE WATER Don't flush the toilet every time you use it - as the saying goes: "If it's yellow let it mellow; if it's brown flush it down".Install a dual-flush toilet - then if necessary you can use short flushs for a pee and a longer flush for the rest.P...

可以说:Can I have some water ( to drink) ?to drink加不加都行,加上的话就是为了强调你要水是为了喝的,而不是为了干别的。如果语境清晰的话(比如你在别人家做客),那么即使不加这个to drink别人也很容易理解你是想喝水。

盒子里有一些水和一个橘子 There are some water and an orange in the box.

水污染的影响 英文。!!!
1、水污染会使中国水资源质量不断下降,水环境持续恶化,由于污染所导致的缺水和事故不断发生,不仅使工厂停产、农业减产甚至绝收,而且造成了不良的社会影响和较大的经济损失,严重地威胁了社会的可持续发展,威胁了人类的生存。Water pollution will cause the quality of China's water resources to ...

我需要你去搬给一些水给这位老爷爷 用英文
我需要你去搬给一些水给这位老爷爷 用英文  我来答 1个回答 #话题# 居家防疫自救手册 百度网友e919f1d 2015-11-14 知道答主 回答量:38 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:4.4万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 为你推荐: 特别推荐 ...

Please give me some water.请给我一些水。词汇解析:1、please 英文发音:[pliːz]中文释义:int.(用于客气地请求或吩咐)请,请问;(用于加强请求或陈述的语气)请千万,请务必,的确;(表示接受的客气话)太感谢了,太好了 例句:In case I forget, please remind me of my promise.假如我...

我口渴,我想喝一些水 I'm thirsty, I want to drink some water 我要告诉你一个秘密 I will tell you a secret

关于水的英文诗歌 求解 原创 有新意
1:GROUND WATER Do you know much of our fresh water comes from underground?And this is where many mysterious springs(1) may be found.You see,some parts of the ground are permeable and some not,Because of the impermeable parts,much fresh water have we got.Permeable means water ...

弘胥15351837105问: 我渴了,你有一些水吗?英语怎么翻译,为什么不用any
弋阳县依托回答: 翻译:l am thirsty ,do you have some water? 考察some和any用法的一些区别 some则用于肯定句中,用于建议或请求的疑问句中,用于预料会作肯定回答的疑问句中,用于表示反问的否定的疑句中. any一般用于否定句和疑问句. 例:Have you got any apples? No,l haven't got any apples./ Yes,l have got some apples. 这里肯定想要肯定回答,符合“用于预料会作肯定回答的疑问句中”,因此用some.

弘胥15351837105问: 她很快就去买一些水果用英文怎么翻译 -
弋阳县依托回答: 你好很高兴回答你的问题 她很快就去买一些水果 She quickly went to buy some fruit. 望采纳谢谢

弘胥15351837105问: 我想买一些水英文句子 -
弋阳县依托回答: I want to buy some water 我想买一些水 如果对您有帮助 请采纳 谢谢 I want to buy some water 我想买一些水

弘胥15351837105问: 英语短文翻译 -
弋阳县依托回答: 花园里有一只蚂蚁.他很渴.他工作了一整天.从早上起他就没喝过一滴水.他跑来跑去找水喝.但一点也找不到.突然一大滴水珠从他的上面落下来,他很快喝了.这滴水珠救了他的命.这水从哪里来呢?原来是一个小女孩的眼泪

弘胥15351837105问: 英语短文!快帮我写~~~~
弋阳县依托回答: What does the rain come from? It comes from the clouds .What does the cloud come from ?It comes from the vapour.What does the vapour come from? It comes from the water in the river .How can the water becomes vapour?The sun shines and the water becomes vapour.

弘胥15351837105问: 我们的水用完了,我们必须找一些 翻译英语 -
弋阳县依托回答: 我们的水用完了,我们必须找一些.We are running out of water,and we must find some.

弘胥15351837105问: 有关节约水资源的英语作文 -
弋阳县依托回答: Global Shortage of Fresh Water Many people believe that the world's supply of fresh water will never be used up. They think that fresh water comes from such a variety of sources that it is always sufficient for use. Such an opinion leads to a shocking...

弘胥15351837105问: 一些 水 手表用英语怎么说?
弋阳县依托回答: 一些:some 水:water 手表:watch

弘胥15351837105问: 我们的水快用完了.用英语怎么翻译? -
弋阳县依托回答: 翻译为:We are running out of water

弘胥15351837105问: 我的水快用完了译为英语we are about to -
弋阳县依托回答: 你好!我的水快用完了 I am running out of water

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