我的爸爸想喝一些水 英文问句

作者&投稿:利吉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

what does your father do everyday?
what does your father do everyday?

What does your father like to eat at night?

My father wants to drink some water.

My father wants to drink some water.

Could my dad drink some water?

绥德县18680888942: 我的爸爸想喝一些水 英文问句
宏图氨酚: 我的爸爸想喝一些水 My father wants to drink some water.我的爸爸想喝一些水 My father wants to drink some water.

绥德县18680888942: 英语问句的回答
宏图氨酚: 问句的意思为:你喝多少水?是对对方的疑问,答语可为:a glass of water (一杯水),some water(一些水),much water(许多水).

绥德县18680888942: 我爸爸买了一些果汁的英文 -
宏图氨酚: My father bought some fruit juice.我爸爸买了一些果汁

绥德县18680888942: 英语英翻汉1.谁是他们最喜爱的同学?2.你妈妈想试穿什么? -
宏图氨酚: 1.Who is their favorite classmate?2.What would your mother like to try on?3.I didn't have anything for lunch.4.Can I have some apples?5.Does he want to have some fruit for supper?6.Could you give me some water?7.This pair of glasses is Lilie's.8....

绥德县18680888942: 我要给我爸爸商量一下用英语怎么说的
宏图氨酚: I want to talk it over to my dad

绥德县18680888942: 《我的爸爸》英语作文70词的,初一水平,不要有错别字啊!! -
宏图氨酚: 您好!怎么重复提问啊?My Father My father is a kind man. He is not very tall but he is a man of perseverance. He works very hard and his services are highly appreciated. My father is a man of devotion. Every morning he gets up the earliest to ...

绥德县18680888942: ...你要多少酸奶?2.请把你的名字加到名单上去3.煮肉起先把它切碎4.请把这些热水混合在一起5.她烧了些水然后把水喝了6.请关上煤气7.他们停止供水8.我爸... -
宏图氨酚:[答案] 1How much yoghourt do you need? 2Please put your name on the list 3 First mince the meat,and then cook it. 4Please mix the hot-water. 5She boiled some water and drinked it. 6Please turn off the gas. 7They stopped our water supply. 8My father does ...

绥德县18680888942: 我爸爸早餐想吃一些面包. 这个句子是怎么写的
宏图氨酚: 是英文吧. My father wants to have some bread for breakfast.

绥德县18680888942: I do my homework ,too.的问句? 和你晚饭想吃什么的英文问句 -
宏图氨酚: I also do my homework What would you like to have for supper?有不会的可以再问,祝学习进步!

绥德县18680888942: 我的爸爸想要去公园.英语怎么回答 -
宏图氨酚: My father wants to go to the park.为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

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