
作者&投稿:廉童 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. The cocoons are on the branches. (根据划线部分提问) __
Where are the cocoons?This is my duckling.What do the wild geese like?There are not any caterpillars on the leaf.The chicken was fat and the chicks were thin.I like butterflies.我喜欢蝴蝶。望采纳呀~

(T)1.A.say B.play C.today D.may (T)2.A.hear B.dear c.near D.deer (F)3.A.fly B.spy C.try D.salty(D与众不同)(F)4.A.mouth B. this c. thank d.thin(B与众不同)(F)5.a.who b.whose c.why d.white( ab 与cd不同)2.从每行中找出不同类的单词,...

1、Lily is taller than Lucy。(改同义句)Lucy is___LESS___TALL___ than Lily.2、Jim is thin.Tom is thnner .(合并为一句)Tom is __THINNER__ ___THAN___ Jim 3、My cousin sister is outgoing (对划线部分提问)———___HOW___ is ___YOUR___ cousin sister?4、I spe...

It si an apple.Give me that pen.Don't pass her a nice dress.I have an English book.我可以举起这块很重的石头。我可以很容易地就够到。。。所有的动物都吃得很好。好大一只大象!thin What wish on pork don't want How many cars does Mrs White have?your birthday They are women ...

英语 按要求完成句子
2.He always talks.(同义句)He always says lots of words.3.She's tall,thin with long straight hair(反义句)She’s short, fat with short curl hair.4.The old man is thin and bald.(对划线部分提问)What does the old man look like?5.(Ma Yan) is thin and medium height.(...

1)hand have ( T ) 2)donkey hole ( F )3)dig blind ( T ) 4)that thin ( T )5)kichen chain ( F ) 6)kite cook ( T )

1:What doe she look like?2:what is the age of your father?3:he said nothing,不懂再问,

2、划线部分是“人”,特殊疑问词用who She is my sister.---Who is she ?3、划线部分是“地点”,特殊疑问词用whereThe apple is on the desk.---Where is the apple ?4、划线部分是“时间”,特殊疑问词用what time或whenIt's six thirty .---What ...

1. I’m from Germany.Are you from Germany?Yes, I am.No, I am not.对Germany提问 Which country are you from?Where are you from?2. I’m tall and thin.Ae you tall and thin?Yes, I am No, I am not.对tall and thin提问 What are you like?3. My house is 5,...

There is a glass of orange juice(改一般疑问句)-> Is there a glass of orange juice?There is a book.(复数形式)-> There are some books.There are some photos.(单数形式)-> There is a photo.There are twelve months in a year.(就划线部分提问)估计划线部分是twelve months ...

仰郊19738999901问: 英语里对划线部分提问怎么写 -
滕州市醋酸回答: 一、针对划线部分提问的有: 对划线部分提问一般用特殊疑问句 划线部分为时间,用when 划线部分为地点,用where 划线部分为原因,用why 划线部分为物品,用what 划线部分为感受或方法,用how 划线部分为持续的时间,用how long 划线部...

仰郊19738999901问: He's tall and thin.(对划线部分提问) —————is he —————————? -
滕州市醋酸回答: What like 【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】

仰郊19738999901问: 1题.That woman is thin 划线部分提问划线的是thin 2题.He is a hairdresser hairdresser 划线 -
滕州市醋酸回答:[答案] what's the woman like? what does he do

仰郊19738999901问: my daughter is very thin(对画线部分提问) -
滕州市醋酸回答: 划线的是哪个啊? 如果是my daughter, 可以提问who is very thin in your family? 如果是very thin,可以提问how is your daughter?

仰郊19738999901问: He's tall and thin.(对划线部分提问) —————is he —————————? -
滕州市醋酸回答:[答案] What is he like? How is he? 任选即可. 请指出,希望能和你一起探讨~ 如果认为我的回答好的话,请及时采纳,

仰郊19738999901问: His father is tall and thin.(对划线部分提问)______his father look like? -
滕州市醋酸回答:[答案] 答案:What does.划线部分是tall and thin是在描述人的外貌,提问用疑问词what什么,后加一般疑问句语序,look 是实意动词,借助于助动词do或者does构成一般疑问句,主语his father三单,故does,故答案是What does.

仰郊19738999901问: 句型转换 She is tall and thin.(就画线部分提问) - ______ - _______ - she look - _______? -
滕州市醋酸回答:[答案] What,does,like

仰郊19738999901问: He is - __thin___(划线部分提问) -
滕州市醋酸回答:[答案] He is ___thin___(划线部分提问) How is he like?/what is he look like? 多谢!

仰郊19738999901问: she is [tall and thin]对画线部份提问【 】she 【 】 -
滕州市醋酸回答:[答案] What 's she like

仰郊19738999901问: 新概念英语练习册里对划线部分提问是什么意思 -
滕州市醋酸回答: 题目很明确, 就是划线部分一般不出现, 变成一般货特殊疑问句!比如: he went to the market yesterday .对he提问 who went to the market yesterday ?对went to the market 提问 what did he do yesterday> 对yesterday提问?when did he go to the market .

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