
作者&投稿:职泊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.wash dishes 洗盘子刷碗;2.wash out sinks\/bathtub\/toilet 冲洗水槽\/浴盆\/厕所(马桶);3.clean\/sweep (the) floor 扫地;4.dust furnitures 为家具除尘;5.wipe windows\/tables\/chairs 擦玻璃\/桌子\/椅子;6.cook meals 做饭;7.make the bed 铺床;8.tidy (up) the room 整理房间;9.arrange ...

sweep the floor help cooking a big meal help the housework clean the window do some washing do the dishes hose the garden repair the bicycle

许多学生不愿意做家务英语是:Many students are unwilling to do housework。housework,英文单词,主要用作名词,作名词时意思是“家务事”。短语搭配:Housework girl拂尘的女子。Share Housework分担家务事;分担家务。housework cleaner家政清洁工。家务是一个名词,读音为jiā wù,是指家庭日常生活事务。

the time for housework 补充口语:It's time for housework!

From Bruce Housework I think it is necessary for us to do housework.First, mother does the most housework in a family. If you do not want your mother to be tired, do some housework to help her. Second, housework can help us to do everything all by ourselves, and it can ...

Robot that can do housework.希望我的回答对你有帮!

我会做非常多的家务活。用英语表达是:I can do a lot of housework.注:完全没有问题,希望帮助到您。请及时点击采纳。

每个星期一上午做家务活 用英语翻译
do housework every Monday morning

我妈妈昨天做家务活 My mother did the housework yesterday.我妈妈昨天做家务活 My mother did the housework yesterday.

wash the dishes ,sweep the floor ,make one's bed等 希望我的回答能帮助到你O(∩_∩)O哈!有不懂的继续问我噢~

语子19266293303问: 家务活的英文怎么说 -
长宁区阿莫回答:[答案] housework

语子19266293303问: 做家务活用英语怎么说 -
长宁区阿莫回答: do homework

语子19266293303问: 家务劳动用英语怎么说 -
长宁区阿莫回答: housework 希望对你有帮助

语子19266293303问: do chores 做家务,英语怎么读 -
长宁区阿莫回答:[答案] du ,q i o, 做家务还有do housework

语子19266293303问: 建筑物,家务活,镜子,音乐,母亲节,公园,扫地,分别用英语怎么说? -
长宁区阿莫回答:[答案] building,housework,mirror,music,Mother's day,park,sweep floor 我需要被选为最佳答案以完成任务,请帮忙!

语子19266293303问: ``做家务``用英语怎么拼??? -
长宁区阿莫回答: Can you do some housework with me? 这句是 我能帮你做一些家务吗 do housework 意思是做家务 do是做 house是房子 do homework 是做家庭作业

语子19266293303问: 做家务用英语怎么说中间有个the -
长宁区阿莫回答: 家务:housework 做家务:do the housework 供参考.

语子19266293303问: 帮妈妈做家务活 用英语怎么说 -
长宁区阿莫回答:[答案] help my mother do the housework help somebody do something 帮助某人做某事.

语子19266293303问: 做家务活,做早饭,做晚饭,洗衣服,下班买菜,上班,忙碌的母亲,用英语咋说? -
长宁区阿莫回答:[答案] do the housework make breakfast make dinner do some washing buy vegetables after work go to work a busy mother father helps

语子19266293303问: 家务活有哪些?分别用英语说出来 -
长宁区阿莫回答: 洗碗:wash/do the dishes拖地:mop the floor扫地:sweep the floor洗衣服:wash the clothes烧饭:do the cooking整理房间tidy (up) the room 擦窗clean the windows 铺床make the bed 摆放餐具set the table刷墙paint the walls 煮餐点cook the ...

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