
作者&投稿:宗矩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

青少年应该做哪些家务活来帮助他们的父母 英语作文 急急急!!!_百度...
Speaking of what can we do to help our parents,i think we can do some housework.First,we can help our parents wash the dishes.Then, we can wash our cloths when there is a hoilday.Next, we can clean our bedroom.We also can help our mother to make the meal......

housework 不可数

Our family chores are often we do together, and my mother do the housework at the most, mother and father to me often to cook and wash the clothes, my father and I was mopping and wiping the table, although we are very tired, but I feel it is happy!我们家的家务活经常...

“做家务”英语:do housework 读法:英 [du: ˈhauswə:k] 美 [du ˈhaʊsˌwɚk]例句运用:1、I often do housework.我常做家务。2、You've never helped me do housework.你从不帮我做家务。词汇解析:1、do 英 [du] 美 [du]aux.构成疑问句...

扫地非常辛苦我以后要帮爸爸妈妈扫地做家务活的英语怎么读写?_百度知 ...
扫地非常辛苦我以后要帮爸爸妈妈扫地做家务活。英语:Sweeping the floor is a tough job. I will help my parents to sweep the floor and do housework afterwards.

这句话的英文是:He finished all the housework the other day.这个句子是个陈述句,前天表示动作发生在过去,所以谓语动词应用一般过去时。他做家务,是主动语态。前天即两天前,所以也可以用two days before表示。家务活可以用housework,是不可数名词。完成可以用动词finish,也可以用complete。而chore是...

大家帮个忙啊!!!用英语描述一下你对日常生活中做家务的看法 60到80个...
and makes every effort to dig out the fun of life, it is very good for us. 做家务,还可以锻炼个人的意志,培养人的吃苦精神。比如家庭中的一些重活:买米、换煤气罐、搬家具、大扫除等,女士气小,丈夫和儿子就应该抢着去做。这些活,有的脏、有的重,有的要费时间,在这之中就可以锻...

"英子,帮你妈妈做些家务活吧。"Yingzi, help your mom with some housework, please.Please 也可以放在前面: Yingzi, please help your mom with some housework.词组:help somebody with something 帮助某人做某事。家务活:housework.【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为你解答!

I often help my parents wash the dishes, clean the room and make the bed.I think I've learned how to take care of myself. It can make me happy,too.

...妈妈几乎从来不干家务活. 把这句话翻译成英文
I have a lot of house work to do ,my father and mather never does.

素波17770486408问: 家务活有哪些?分别用英语说出来 -
噶尔县前列回答: 洗碗:wash/do the dishes拖地:mop the floor扫地:sweep the floor洗衣服:wash the clothes烧饭:do the cooking整理房间tidy (up) the room 擦窗clean the windows 铺床make the bed 摆放餐具set the table刷墙paint the walls 煮餐点cook the ...

素波17770486408问: 家务有哪些,分别用英语咋说家务有哪些?那些家务分别用英语咋说?十万火急 -
噶尔县前列回答:[答案] 家务:housework clothes washing洗衣服 dish washing洗碗 do some washing泛指洗... floor cleaning拖地板 window cleaning擦窗 do some cleaning 泛指搞清洁 cooking煮饭

素波17770486408问: 家务有哪些,分别用英语咋说 -
噶尔县前列回答: 家务:houseworkclothes washing洗衣服 dish washing洗碗 do some washing泛指洗...floor cleaning拖地板 window cleaning擦窗 do some cleaning 泛指搞清洁cooking煮饭

素波17770486408问: 家务活 英语单词不要跟上面的一样,要有动词,加中文,我需20个,五中的朋友,你们有多少就谢多少吧! -
噶尔县前列回答:[答案] wash 洗衣服 sweep 扫地 cook 做饭

素波17770486408问: 用英语写出十种常见的家务活 -
噶尔县前列回答: sweep the floor【扫地】 make the bed【铺床】 water the flowers【浇花】 wash the windows【擦窗户】 do the dishes【洗碗】 cook meals【做饭】 wash clothes【洗衣服】 take out the trash【倒垃圾】 clean the bedroom【清理卧室】 do some washing【洗衣服】

素波17770486408问: 关于家务的英语!例如:make the bed! -
噶尔县前列回答:[答案] make tea 沏茶 do some cleaning做清洁工作 mop the floor拖地 set the table收拾桌子 wash the clothes洗衣服 make meals做饭 clean the window擦玻璃 wash the dishes洗碗 sweep the floor扫地 make the bed铺床 water the flowers浇花

素波17770486408问: 有关家务活的英语短语洗碗.扫地········有中文 -
噶尔县前列回答:[答案] wash the dishes ,sweep the floor ,make one's bed等

素波17770486408问: 家务活 英语单词 -
噶尔县前列回答: wash 洗衣服 sweep 扫地 cook 做饭

素波17770486408问: 请高手写一些家务活的英文,外带中文意思
噶尔县前列回答: 房子 house房子 door门doorbell门铃doorstep台阶drain下水道drain-pipe排水管letter-box信箱 room屋子 window窗window-ledge窗台window-pane窗玻璃wall墙壁roof屋顶porch门廊 fence栏杆 path小路garden-gate花园门garage车库 border花坛...

素波17770486408问: 用英语写做家务求高手用英语写14种家务活的句子:For instance:Today I do some watching.To day is sunday,I buy some vegetables for my parent..注意不能重... -
噶尔县前列回答:[答案] 我希望你能试试写写.这样才有帮助 算了.来找我.我还是要帮你 It's getting dirty so I'm going clean up my home. I help my mother make dinner everyday because I feel it's my job to do it. My sister goes to kindergaten so I sometimes take my sister there ...

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