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求一篇英语作文 太空探索的利与弊要原创 有两篇不用了 用得太多_百度...
Human beings have worked with the space for decades .From the observation of stars in the sky of ancient people to the first satellite launched into space .From the first spaceship flying into the far space to the first people landed onto the moon .Human beings have done so much...

I will give out the advantage and disadvantages in my mind:through space travel we can find out more living things in the universe,and we also can make friends with them so that we can advance our scientific knowledge!But another way it may cause war just like Star Wars Clon...

One possible version:Recently, students in our class have had a discussion on whether space is worth exploring.30% of us think space exploration is not worthwhile. They think space is too far away from us and our daily life. And the money spent on space exploration can be used...

第一篇英语作文 写作思路:太空探索对人类来说意义重大,它不仅可以帮助我们更好地了解宇宙的奥秘,还能促进科技发展和经济繁荣。因此,太空探索是值得投资和支持的。 英语原文: Title: The Significance of Space Exploration Space exploration is of great significance to human beings. It not only helps us better u...

several nations try hard to carry out space exploration continuously.(英语作文)翻译:我们是否需要太空探索 人类对外部空间着迷已有上千年的历史了。从人类第一次登上月球起至今已有四十多年了。现在,有些人认为空间探索完全是浪费时间和金钱。他们指出,数百亿美元用于太空研究,但收获甚微。然而,...

英语作文太空是否值得探索-Is Outer Space Worth ExploringIs Outer Space Worth ExploringAlmost everyday we may see something in the newspaper or on TV about the latest exciting developments in space exploration. There is an immense pride in our science and technology and a sense of its importance ...

thirty percent of students think that,it's a waste of money to explore space and it isn't worth doing that.Because exploring the space is too far away from our daily life.However,other students hold the opposite opinion,they think that it's worth it.On one hand,it has ...

范文:When we see photographs of starving children, it's hard to say that we should spend billions of dollars on space exploration. But that's just what we should do. Children don't need to be starving, but we do need to explore space.当我们看到饥饿儿童的照片时,很难说我们...

写作思路:可以从人类为什么探索太空这个角度出发进行阐述,中心要明,语言要通顺等等,比喻语法使用错误。正文:The purpose of human development of science and technology is to obtain more power and resources from nature. Improve their living conditions.人类发展科技的目的是什么,就是为了从自然界...

1.space travel provides a new space for human living 2. To provide people with new energy 3. To help people better understand the universe 4. Space research is good for other areas Although Space travel is beautiful It has disadvantages.At first it costs too much. Secondly the ...

濮厚19583612696问: 帮我写一篇“太空旅游的利弊”的英语作文内容如下,太空的利:1能提供人类居住的新地方 2能给人类提供新材料来源 3能帮助人类更好地了解宇宙太空的弊... -
双阳区百令回答:[答案] Space travel Space travel is ideal for people to travel in space.Space travel gives people a hitherto unknown experience.The ... As for me,all these problems will certainly be solved Step by step.A much better and brighter future waits for us. 太空旅行是基...

濮厚19583612696问: 求一篇以“太空探索是否值得”讨论的英语作文 -
双阳区百令回答:[答案] In my opinion yes. Wow were do I start, okay.. Gold itself is 1,235.40 $ / troy ounce. It is amazing how much value we put on ...is literally the oil industry of the future. Space is after all " Our Final Destination" And let's face it oil isn't going to last forever....

濮厚19583612696问: 高一英语作文以太空探索是否值得为话题,根据提供的信息写,信息:30%的同学认为1不值得探索,2离我们及我们的日常生活太遥远3浪费金钱!这些钱本... -
双阳区百令回答:[答案] thirty percent of students think that,it's a waste of money to explore space and it isn't worth doing that.Because exploring the space is too far away from our daily life.However,other students hold the opposite opinion,they think that it's worth it.On one hand,...

濮厚19583612696问: 太空探索是好是坏英语作文150词以内 -
双阳区百令回答: kaoxiangxiang

濮厚19583612696问: 麻烦帮我写一篇话题为太空探索是否值得的英语作文我认为我们值得探索太空1.已经使用卫星进行通讯传播,天气预报2.有望解决地球人口问题,地球能源短... -
双阳区百令回答:[答案] 高中的语文实际上是以备战高考为旨,所以想学好语文的话,就要了解本省的高考题型,再根据那些题型考查的内容来确定自己的学习重点,可以使用高中随身学不错的一款软件.

濮厚19583612696问: 太空探索的好处有什么?坏处有什么?每个至少三条 -
双阳区百令回答: .坏处好处,寻找新的生存空间,在太空环境下做农作物研究实验:发现新资源:消耗大量财力物力,天空污染

濮厚19583612696问: 关于“太空探索是否值得”的英语作文 -
双阳区百令回答:[答案] 太空是否值得探索(Is Outer Space Worth Exploring)Is Outer Space Worth ExploringAlmost everyday we may see something in the newspaper or on TV about the latest exciting developments in space explorati...

濮厚19583612696问: 【急】帮忙写个150字《探索外太空》的英语作文!Exploring outer space要求:1) 人类对探索外太空的渴望;2)探索外太空给人类带来的挑战和好处;3)... -
双阳区百令回答:[答案] Exploring outer space Star gazing and curiosity about the space were from the very ancient times of human history,it wasn't new at all.In October 4,1957,the USSR (Soviet Union) successfully launched Sputnik I,a space satellite into the Earth's orbit but ...

濮厚19583612696问: 能否就"太空探索是否值得"写一篇英语作文?能否就"太空探索是否值
双阳区百令回答: 太空是否值得探索(Is Outer Space Worth Exploring)Is Outer Space Worth ExploringAlmost everyday we may see something in the newspaper or on TV about the latest ...

濮厚19583612696问: 太空旅游利弊的英语作文 -
双阳区百令回答: 关于太空旅游的英语作文 一篇英语短文,内容,太空旅游的利:1提供人类居住的新场所,2给人类提供新能源,3帮助人们更好的了解宇宙,4太空研究对其他领域有好处 镗孔旅游的弊:1花费太大,2人类住在其他行星上的想法不切实际,3太空旅游有危险

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