
作者&投稿:卞昏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


In consequence of the death of Mr. T., my much valued friend and partner, our late firm is dissolved, and the name will be continued so long as may be necessary for the liquidation of its affairs.我的重要合伙人T.先生最近去世, 其股份由我接受并接办公司业务。特此奉达。I resp...

Dear Sirs,Through the courtesy of our Commercial Counsellor's Office in London, we notice that you are interested in doing business with us.Our lines are mainly textiles. We wish to establish business relations by the commencement of some practical transactions. To give you a general...


1.写一封信给 Household Utility Co.这家公司,通知他们说他们之前要10部洗衣机的订单已经装船。为了获取更多的订单,这封信应包括以下细节:1)询问用户对所供产品的看法;2)发一份新的家用电器目录并告诉 Household Utility Co.这家公司,所有的产品都是精工制作,价格实惠;3)保证对新订单立即跟进...



其实用词可以多变,用go all out to do也无妨。外贸英语的学习必须每天坚持才会有所提高,外贸英语函电写作也要多多练习才会越来越得心应手。每个外贸老师都是从不会到会,这是个不断付出不断改进的过程,所以新人在刚开始写外贸英语函电的时候千万不要急躁,脚踏实地的练习才会有所收获。

1,dear sir,we are glad to note from your letter of (日期自定)that,as exporters,you are desirous to establish business relations with us.this happens to coincide with our desire.we have been leading importers and exporters of cotton and woolen piece goods for these ten years, ...

Writing 1:write to a firm og shipping agents asking them to arrange for consignment to be collected from your factory and make all arrangements for transportation on DaresSlaam.Include imaginary particulars as to nature of consignment, name and addresses of consignors and consignee,and ...

和陈14749389757问: 外贸英语函电范文 -
万宁市百咳回答: 一、中英文函电范文对照 1、外贸函电:回信 外贸函电:回信(英文版) Dear Mr. / Ms, Thank you for your letter conveying congratulations on my appointment. I wish also to thank you for the assistance you have given me in my work and look ...

和陈14749389757问: 谁能提供些外贸函电的范例啊?
万宁市百咳回答: Dear Mr. Jones:Thank you for your inquiry dated April 9.Regarding the product you are looking for, currently our factory doesn't have the exact specification as you mentioned. We would appreciate it if you could supply us more details about the ...

和陈14749389757问: 请教外贸函电的完整正文格式? -
万宁市百咳回答: 文章正文 20 May 2000 Date Line 日期) Kee & Co., Ltd 字串734 Regent Street 字串4 London, UK Inside Address 字串3 收信人地址 Dear Sirs: Salutation 字串2 称呼 We have obtained your name and address from Dee&Co. Ltd, and we are ...

和陈14749389757问: 外贸邮件怎么写,有什么固定格式没有? -
万宁市百咳回答: 在各个外贸相关的论坛里边,都会有众多的文章或是帖子阐述如何提业务开发信件的回复率.很多的话题都是在围绕着如何写好邮件内容,如何让邮件的内容吸引住国外客户的眼球,在各位前辈的文章里学到了不少,也让自己少走了弯路.大家...

和陈14749389757问: 急求一套 外贸函电的 发盘 还盘 写作范文 !!! 谢谢各位大大~~ -
万宁市百咳回答: 发盘 Dear Sir, We were very pleased to receive your letter of 5th April answering our advertisement for typewriters and, as requested, enclose a copy of our latest illustrated catalogue and current price list. We think the "Portable 95" is a ...

和陈14749389757问: 怎样写建立贸易关系的信函
万宁市百咳回答: 可以参考外贸函电格式:1.简单客套话(即常用的问候语)2.说明自己是从何渠道得到对方信息的3.说明你公司概况4.说明你此次要与之建立贸易关系(如是买家,可付产品目录.样品.插图册;如是卖家则介绍你需要的产品要求)5.客套语:希望尽快得到你方回复或希望得到你方重视

和陈14749389757问: 外贸函电信函写作 -
万宁市百咳回答: 1、dear sir, we have acknowledge your letter dated may 25,2005,with thanks. to give you general idea of our products, now we are glad to forward you a catalogue together with price list and sample book for your reference. with regard to condition of...

和陈14749389757问: 外贸!请根据以下内容帮我写外贸函电!急用!谢谢!
万宁市百咳回答: Dear ___, Good day! We are interested in importing your garden chairs named swan. Please offer us CIF price, discount and delivery detailed information. If catalogues are available, plese send to us as well. Also, if you have other products that ...

和陈14749389757问: 求写一封外贸函电,write a letter stating the following points1,You have received S/C No.668 in duplicate2.You countersigned and returned one copy3.Express ... -
万宁市百咳回答:[答案] dear sir/ madam, i have received your S/C No.668 in duplicate and I will return one copy that i countersigned as soon as possible.thank you for your cooperation. our company have opened the L/C for our purchase of another 50 tons of*** if you have any ...

和陈14749389757问: 求外贸英语函电范文 -
万宁市百咳回答: http://wenku.baidu.com/view/10686df69e3143323968931f.html

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