
作者&投稿:鲍易 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

爱心义卖的英文:Charity sale sale 读法 英 [seɪl]     美 [seɪl]n. 出售;促销 例句 1、The local dress shop is having a sale.附近的时装店正在大拍卖。2、Is this shampoo on sale today?这种洗发水今天减价出售吗?短语 1、conduce a sale进行拍卖 2、conduct a sale...

你的美团外卖到了 快快的小区门口的领取的干活

He sells me a car.他卖给我车。Plant sth. on sb.拿假东西卖给人 I can sell it to you wholesale.我可以按照批发价卖给你。I'll sell it to you retail only.我只按照零售价卖给你。We are prohibited from selling cigarettes to young children.我们不得将香烟卖给幼童。To the person ...

图书售卖单词翻译:book sales 形式:名词短语 词组翻译:online book sales 网上图书销售 physical book sales 实体书销售 book fair sales 书展销售 holiday book sales 假日图书销售 school book sales 学校图书销售 含义解释:book sales指的是书籍的销售。语法详解:book sales是一个名词短语,常用作...

盜版貨_貓 采纳率:50% 擅长: 英语考试 华语流行乐 欧美流行乐 其他回答 sell sth to sb.或:sell sb. sth. mrwzh | 发布于2007-11-17 举报| 评论 0 0 为您推荐: 三双用英语怎么说 各种颜色用英语怎么说 各种各样的英语 把什么卖给谁英语 漂亮英语怎么说 饮食习惯用英语怎么说 国庆节用...

我们的衣服在打折出售(两种英语说法) 把裤子卖给她(两种英语说法)
Our clothes are on-sale.Our clothes are being discounted.我们的衣服在打折出售。Sell the pant to her.Sell her the pant.把裤子卖给她。


He sold the old store and open a new store to make much more money 如帮到你请点击采纳和好评

How much...?比如:这个包多少钱? How much is this bag?不需要特别强调sell(卖)。

Where would you like us to deliver the goods! 把货送到哪里呢?When will you deliver the goods ? 什么时候要送货?I promise, have stock a few day later ! 我保证!过几天就有货!We can deliver the goods in end of this month ! 我们能在月底交货!We can deliver the goods in 15...

昌明13934302820问: 英语怎么说我是送外卖的?我是送外卖的,我已经到了,英语怎么说
义马市屋尘回答: I am a delivery,I got here.

昌明13934302820问: 外卖用英语怎么说,谢谢了 -
义马市屋尘回答: 外卖1. take-out; takeout; [British] take-away (of or involving food to be taken and eaten off the premises)2. takeout; takeout food (food that is intended to be eaten off of the premises)3. [Informal] takeout (a store, restaurant, or counter specializing in ...

昌明13934302820问: 点的外卖到了时候,他打电话来,我说“稍等片刻,我马上出来拿”用英语怎么说 -
义马市屋尘回答: Point of delivery at the proper time, his call, I said, "wait a moment, I'll be right out

昌明13934302820问: 外卖用英文怎么说? -
义马市屋尘回答:[答案] 可以用to go 意思是:To be taken out,as restaurant food or drink: 可带出去的:可带出去,如餐馆里的食品或饮料: 例句:coffee and doughnuts to go. 可带出去的咖啡和当纳圈 另外还有其他翻译:1.take-out; takeout; [British] take-away (of or ...

昌明13934302820问: "叫外卖"用英语怎么说?
义马市屋尘回答: take-away 或者 take-out 1. Two chicken curriesand rice to take away, please. 劳驾, 要两份外卖的咖喱鸡饭. 2. I'm too tired to cook let's get something from the Chinese take-away. 我累得做不了饭了--咱们从中国外卖餐馆买些东西来吃吧. 3. I fancy...

昌明13934302820问: 外卖英文怎么说 -
义马市屋尘回答:[答案] 美国/加拿大叫 takeout 英国叫 takeaway

昌明13934302820问: 外卖英文怎么说 -
义马市屋尘回答: 美国/加拿大叫 takeout 英国叫 takeaway

昌明13934302820问: 『点外卖』用英语怎么说 -
义马市屋尘回答: order take-outs 亲:祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V! 望采纳,thx!Mr Gao

昌明13934302820问: 如何用英语点外卖 -
义马市屋尘回答: 外卖英语说法1:Takeaway 外卖英语说法2:takeout 外卖的相关短语:提供外卖 Take away service available 外卖服务 outside catering ; Food Delivered ; take-out service ; Carryout(or takeout)service 下城外卖 Lower Manhattan Takeout 外卖餐馆 ...

昌明13934302820问: 每天都在吃的“外卖”,英文怎么说 -
义马市屋尘回答: 每天都在吃的“外卖”,英文怎么说外卖[wài mài] 动 order take-out food; get take-out; have sth delivered; order sth to go 名 takeaway; takeout; take out; carry-out; parcel

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