
作者&投稿:父茂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~   Do you like this model ? 你喜欢这款吗?

  What would you like ? 你喜欢什么样的?

  What goods will you order? 你想订什么样的.货?

  How do you pack them? 你想怎样包装它的?

  The style is out of stock ? 这款没货!

  How do you like this color? 你觉得这颜色怎样?

  Take your time ! 请随便看!

  We have some special offers ! 我们有一些特价产品!

  We have ready stock ! 我们有现货!

  The quantity is too small ! 这个数量太少了!

  Can you order more ! 能不能订多点呢?

  It is our latest model ! 这个是新款!

  It is up to date style! 这是新货(新款)!

  It's high qullity 这是好的质量!

  It's well-made ! 质量很好!

  This is class one ! A级货!

  Sorry! the price is fixed ! 对不起!一口价!

  This is the best price ! 这是最低价!

  This is the last offer! 这是最后报价!

  The goods are not available! 那货还没准备好!

  We have a rush on this model ! 这货很畅销!

  The material is very expensive ! 现在面料很贵!

  It's very hard to make 做工很难!

  How many pieces would you like to order ? 你要多少数量?

  May I know what items you are intersted in ?


  This order will be delayed ! 这个单要推迟!

  I will deliver the order tomorrw! 我明天可以帮你送货!

  Where would you like us to deliver the goods! 把货送到哪里呢?

  When will you deliver the goods ? 什么时候要送货?

  I promise, have stock a few day later ! 我保证!过几天就有货!

  We can deliver the goods in end of this month ! 我们能在月底交货!

  We can deliver the goods in 15 days ! 我们能在15天内交货!

  Because our factory is too busy , can we deliver the goods later ?


  If this color is not available, would you like another one ?


  The order is too small , we can't afford delivery !


  We will try our best to deliver it ASAP !


  Hope you will come again next time !


  Hope to see you again !


  Hope you will be our business partener !


  Make sure you will sign on the order !


  cash on delivery!


  C.O.D is our usual way !


  Take care of you belonging !


  How can I reach you?


thing 英[θɪŋ] 美[θɪŋ]n. 事件,形势; 东西,事物; 家伙; 事业;[例句]'What's that thing in the middle of the fountain?' — 'Some kind of statue, I guess.'“喷泉中间的那个是什么东西?”——“估计是塑像什么的吧。”[其他] 复数:things...

一、胎教英语口语之:买东西 1、Buy it 买下来! 2、Do you want it? 你要吗? 3、coffee, please 请给我一杯咖啡。 4、Think about it 考虑一下。 5、I"m hungry 我饿死了。 6、How much is this? 多少钱? 7、This suit is perfect for me 这个真不错。 8、This is good 这个比...

1、Hey, don't try to rip me off. I know what this is worth. 别想宰我,我识货。2、Can you give me a little deal on this? 这能卖得便宜一点吗?3、Can you give me this for cheaper? 能便宜一点给我吗?4、Is there any discount on bulk purchases? 我多买些能打折吗?5、...

Here you have it!附:英语口语学习方法 第一,我们必须学会美国人怎样描述东西。从描述上来讲,由于中美的.文化不同会产生很大的差异。我们描述东西无外乎把它放在时间和空间两个坐标上去描述。美国人对空间的描述总是由内及外,由里及表。而中国人正好相反。从时间上来说,中国人是按自然的时间顺序...

you want? A: I want some potatoes.我们买东西的时候时常会讨价还价(make a bargin),总希望以更低的价格买入。 有时候似乎显得磨磨唧唧,不过省钱的意识和讨价还价的本事是不可或缺的。 像后面这个问东问西,最后只是要买点土豆的人,总是容易让人毛起来。out on a limb 亏本 ...

最喜欢的食物的英语口语如下:1、My favorite food is pizza.(我最喜欢的食物是披萨。)2、I absolutely love sushi.(我特别喜欢寿司。)3、Chocolate is hands down my favorite.(巧克力毫无疑问是我最喜欢的。)4、I can’t get enough of burgers.(我对汉堡简直停不下来。)5、Nothing beats...

Shopper: welcome to our shop,boys and girls, what can I do for you?Tom:Oh, We want to buy some food and drinks .Shopper:Which food and drinks do you prefer?Mary:how about some apple juice or orange juice?Jim:I do not like either of them.I think we need some beer....

May I help you? 我能为你效劳吗?Where are the shopping baskets? 购物篮在哪里?I need a shopping cart. 我需要一辆购物车。It is at the entrance. 就在入口处。Here, take one of these trolleys. 在这,取一辆手推车。Are you looking for something particular? 您需要什么东西?What do ...

Do you like this model ? 你喜欢这款吗?What would you like ? 你喜欢什么样的?What goods will you order? 你想订什么样的.货?How do you pack them? 你想怎样包装它的?The style is out of stock ? 这款没货!How do you like this color? 你觉得这颜色怎样?Take your time ! 请...

买东西必备英语口语表达,买东西必备英语口语很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧! I'm just looking. 当你走入一家店时,促销员都会问你想买什么,如果你还不知道你想买什么,这是对"Can I help you find anything?"最佳回答。 Where are your fitting rooms? 如果你看到中意的衣服,当然要试穿一下,你就可...

闸北区18874865091: 卖东西的英语口语 常用的 -
镇蝶华蟾: .A:Do you have any on sale? (你们有什么特卖品吗?) B:Yes.we have/NO,we haven't .A:Can you give me a little deal on this? 这能卖得便宜一点吗? B: How much do you want to pay for this? 你想出多少钱 .A:Can you give me this for cheaper...

闸北区18874865091: 有关卖东西英语口语 -
镇蝶华蟾: it's all on sale. 全场打折了!All 50% off.全场对折 it's the best-seller.这是畅销货.Free 免费的 This one is cheaper.这个更便宜.You can take it.您可以拿走了.new arrival.最新上架 short in size.断码

闸北区18874865091: 问一些卖东西的英语用语!(1)您对xx产品感兴趣吗?(2)我们这个产品喝起来味道很好.(3)这个啤酒非常有劲.(3)这个啤酒是这里最好的.(4)很多... -
镇蝶华蟾:[答案] Do you interested this xx product? We drink this product to taste good! This is very easy to drink beer . This beer is the best here. Many people like this drink .

闸北区18874865091: 求卖东西的时候能用上的英语口语
镇蝶华蟾: hello. what can I do for you ? What else do you want?

闸北区18874865091: 用英语卖东西 常用语 帮忙 写下常用的
镇蝶华蟾: 1、 Hey, don't try to rip me off. I know what this is worth. 别想宰我,我识货. 2、 Can you give me a little deal on this? 这能卖得便宜一点吗? 3、 Can you give me this for cheaper? 能便宜一点给我吗? 4、 Is there any discount on bulk ...

闸北区18874865091: 问一些卖东西的英语用语!? -
镇蝶华蟾: Do you interested this xx product?We drink this product to taste good!This is very easy to drink beer .This beer is the best here. Many people like this drink .

闸北区18874865091: 卖东西、英语
镇蝶华蟾: 你好,问的是翻译吗? 卖东西:sell things,如果是卖食物,就sell food 鱿鱼:squid 茄子:eggplant 辣椒:chili/pepper 花生:peanut 鸡翅膀:chicken wings 骨头:bone 麻辣烫的蔬菜:vegetables that boil with spicy soup(用麻辣汤烫的蔬菜) 如有疑问,欢迎继续追问;如果对我的答案满意,请五星采纳~谢谢O(∩_∩)O

闸北区18874865091: 关于卖东西的英语 -
镇蝶华蟾: it's all on sale. 全场打折了!All 50% off.全场对折 it's the best-seller.这是畅销货.Free 免费的 This one is cheaper.这个更便宜.You can take it.您可以拿走了.new arrival.最新上架 short in size.断码 麻烦给个好评哈,只是举手之劳而已.

闸北区18874865091: 卖东西的英文怎么说 -
镇蝶华蟾: sell things

闸北区18874865091: 一些买卖东西时的英文口语!比如:1.我这是跳楼价.2.(这样的话)我不赚钱啊.例如,老外跟我砍价的时候,我这么说.3.品质保障('it is good condition... -
镇蝶华蟾:[答案] 1.Fire Sale. 2.I don't make a thing at all.(美式口语) 3.Warranted quality. 4.Sales is Final.(美式口语)

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