
作者&投稿:象庾 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

inject the needle =insert the needle 两个都可以!

...表示我正在出汗?可不可以说put a needle表示打针?
I am sweating是可以的 Put a needle这个不行。Needle是缝衣服用的那个针,不是生病打针的那种。虽然中文都说是针。如果说打针用put a needle老外要么不懂,要么笑死。最好用injection,可以说take a injection

hospital. My brother was very nervous and scared when he got there. He began to inject. His tears had already flowed out of his eyes. He cried loudly."到了家过了一大会儿不哭啦,奶奶说:终于不哭了。After a long time at home don't cry, grandma said: finally don't cry.

We are busy with having an injection to him, prevent him from vomiting again

4、C give...an inject意为“打针” inject:动词,“注入;注射” 名词为injection reject意为“拒绝;抵制”5、C follow\/take one’s advice 固定搭配,意为“按照某人的建议做”6、A fight可与很多介词搭配,fight off意为“抵抗, 摆脱“,通常用于困难,疾病 该句意为“一个健康的人三...

~嗝儿。~踉跄。~前失。~滚儿。~晃儿(huàngr)。采取某种方式:~官腔。~比喻。~马虎眼。3.从:~这儿往西,再走三里地就到了。他~门缝里往外看。~今儿起,每天晚上学习一小时。[ dá ]十二个为一打:一~铅笔。两~毛巾。相关组词 打扫 打工 打点 吹打 扑打 打开 打破 打架 ...

each place doctors all want to see a doctor for the children, but alsomust give 5 year old of below the child to inject prevents the youngchild lulling sickness vaccine, indicated the government extremelycares about child's health. Moreover, Brazil "Mary manifests a spiritJapan" ...

to give you a shot (or an injection) on your right arm.to give you drips (点滴) on your right arm.

have an injection for children

I must take medicine and injections everyday

亓冠19323498979问: 打针的英文表述“打针” -
西陵区氨苄回答: 1.to give or have an injection 2.inject 3.injection. 注射 (重定向自打针) 进行中的静脉注射. 注射(英语:Injection),俗称打针,是一种利用注射器与针头穿过皮肤,并将液体送入身体内的方法.是一种给药途径,注射所预期的作用位置,不...

亓冠19323498979问: “打点滴”或“吊瓶”用英文怎么说``(急!!) -
西陵区氨苄回答: 1、intravenous infusion 静脉滴注 双语例句: Conclusions Fat emulsion intravenous infusion can increase the serum free fatty acidsconsiderately. 结论静脉输注脂肪乳剂能使大鼠血清游离脂肪酸明显升高. 2、intravenous injection 静脉注射 双语...

亓冠19323498979问: 打针的英文
西陵区氨苄回答: 你好.打针 翻译成英语是:have an injection. ——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳.

亓冠19323498979问: 打针的英文是什么 -
西陵区氨苄回答: 打针 give or take an injection hunterubo

亓冠19323498979问: 打点滴英语怎么说? -
西陵区氨苄回答: infusion (输液) injection (打点滴)即常说的吊瓶儿.:)~~

亓冠19323498979问: 打针英语单词222 -
西陵区氨苄回答:[答案] 动作:give sb a shotinject sb to give or have an injection名词:a shotan injection例句:我讨厌打针.I hate injection.那个可怜的家伙,虽然不是懦夫,但一提到打针,脸都吓白了.The poor fellow,though no coward,p...

亓冠19323498979问: 肌肉注射 -
西陵区氨苄回答: 肌肉注射的方法(Intramuscularinjection,im) 预备物件: 用完即弃的消毒针管与针(Gauss22,即长而中粗),消毒剂(如70%火酒),消毒纱布,棉花和胶布 方法: 洗手 解释将作的程序和鼓励病人 1.将需要打针的部位的衣物揭开(一般为上...

亓冠19323498979问: “输液,打点滴”用英语怎么说 -
西陵区氨苄回答: 输液英文为:infusion(名词) infuse(动词)注意与“打针、注射”的区别;“打针、注射”是:injection(名词) inject(动词)

亓冠19323498979问: 打针的英语单词是什么? -
西陵区氨苄回答: inject英 [ɪn'dʒekt]美 [ɪn'dʒɛkt] vt. 注入;注射 inject into a muscle; 打肌肉针 inject into the veins; 打静脉针

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