
作者&投稿:安榕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

喝醉了的英文:Be in drink drink 读法 英 [drɪŋk] 美 [drɪŋk]1、作及物动词的意思: 喝,饮;吸收;举杯庆贺 2、作不及物动词的意思:喝酒;饮水;干杯 3、作名词的意思:酒,饮料;喝酒 短语 1、Drink coffee 享受咖啡之味 ; 喝咖啡 ; 喝牛奶 ; 来杯咖啡 ...

司机们不能醉酒驾驶。英文翻译:Drivers can't get drunk driving.重点词汇释义:司机:driver; chauffeur; engine attendant; engine driver; engine man 醉酒:drunkenness; temulentia; temulence; alcoholic intoxication 驾驶:drive; pilot; steer; aviate; astrogate ...

不要喝醉 翻译英文
喝醉酒 have snakes in one's boots ; get drunk ; Drunk ; Heavy drinking Don't+以上短语表祈使句 “不要喝醉”如:Don't get drunk don‘t be heavy drinking 以此类推 希望能帮到你哦~~~

Drunkenness is nothing but voluntary madness. ~Seneca 醉酒不过是自愿的疯狂。〜塞内加 I prefer to think that God is not dead, just drunk.~John Marcellus Huston 我更愿意认为上帝不是死了,只是喝醉了。The first thing in the human personality that dissolves in alcohol is dignity...

I miss you very much after getting drunk.希望对你有帮助。

2 英文参考 The state of being drunk 普通醉酒状态是一次过量饮酒后出现的急性中毒状态。绝大多数醉酒状态属此种情况,系酒精直接作用于中枢神经系统所致,症状的轻重与血液中酒精的含量和代谢的速度密切相关。3 普通醉酒状态的临床表现 临床表现分为兴奋期和麻痹期:兴奋期由饮酒开始逐渐发生,...

求京剧 贵妃醉酒 的英文翻译 ... 外教作业~ 谢~
Emperor xuanzong first day and Yang covenant, order the banquet baihua pavilion, to enjoy flower drinking. To morrow, Yang hence first to the pavilion, prepare royal feast baihua syndrome is late for rides, meaning that CheJia move, emperor xuanzong not. Late years, late and long...

1. 对酒不觉暝,落花盈我衣。2. Two bottles of beer, please.\/Two beers, please.3. 越是聪明人,越喜欢喝酒!4. 她总是喝醉酒就哭着吼着她不想再爱了。5. 不求人生多富有,惟愿海水变成酒。6. 酒醉聪明人,饭胀是脓包。7. 放下所有的烦恼,喝酒去。8. 烟酒入喉,悲伤成歌。9. ...

梅兰芳的几个代表作品的中英文名称对照 谁知道》?
贵妃醉酒 The Drunken Beauty 霸王别姬 Farewell My Concubine 黛玉葬花 Daiyu Buries Fallen Flowers 嫦娥奔月 Chang er flying to the moon

5.求关于酒(种类不限)的英文的名人名言,或俗语 Drunkenness is nothing but voluntary madness. ~Seneca醉酒不过是自愿的疯狂。 〜塞内加I prefer to think that God is not dead, just drunk.~John Marcellus Huston我更愿意认为上帝不是死了,只是喝醉了。The first thing in the human personality that dissol...

屈贺13255204035问: 喝醉酒了,用英语怎么说? -
浉河区择泰回答: be drunk; be in drink1. They booted him out for being drunk at work. 他们把他解雇了,因为他工作时喝醉了酒. 来自《简明英汉词典》 2. The man was in his cups and talking very loudly. 那人喝醉了酒而高声说话. 来自《简明英汉词典》 3. You ...

屈贺13255204035问: 喝醉酒的英文怎么拼写 -
浉河区择泰回答: Have snakes in one's boots.get drunk 😵.getting drunk 😵.drunkenness.in liquor.等等.祝您愉快!

屈贺13255204035问: 喝醉怎么说用英语 -
浉河区择泰回答: 1. He's drunk. 他喝醉了. 2. He's tipsy. 他有点微醺. 3. He's wasted. 他喝得烂醉. 4. He's as drunk as a skunk. 他烂醉如泥. 5. He drank himself under the table. 他喝得不省人事. 6. He's pickled. 他醉了的. 7. He's plastered. 他醉醺醺的. 8. He's tanked. 他醉茫茫的. 9. He's canned. 他醉醺醺的. 10. He's the worse for drink. 他喝得酩酊大醉.

屈贺13255204035问: “喝醉了”用英语怎么说? -
浉河区择泰回答: 喝醉了的英文:be in drink;get drunk 一、be in drink 读法 英 [bi: in driŋk] 美 [bi ɪn drɪŋk]作动词的意思是:喝醉 二、get drunk 读法 英 [ɡet drʌŋk] 美 [ɡɛt drʌŋk]作动词的意思是:喝醉;沉醉 短语: You Get Me Drunk 你把我灌醉 get ...

屈贺13255204035问: 喝醉酒英文怎么说
浉河区择泰回答: I was drunk.我喝醉了

屈贺13255204035问: 喝醉了酒的英文怎么写 -
浉河区择泰回答: 喝醉了酒翻译成英文是:have had a drop too much have had a drop too much 英[hæv hæd ə drɔp tu: mʌtʃ] 美[hæv hæd e drɑp tu mʌtʃ] [词典] (非正式) 喝多了,喝醉了; [例句]No, thanks. I have had a drop too much.不谢谢.我已喝得太多了.也可以翻译为:was drunk was drunk 网络 喝醉了; [例句]He was drunk and not in control of his faculties 他喝醉了酒,浑身都不听使唤了.

屈贺13255204035问: 如何用英语形容“喝醉了” -
浉河区择泰回答: 喝醉了 英文:be in drink Some people moved in silky, liquid movements, others were jerky, probably drunk. 一些人动作平稳流畅,其他人则跌跌撞撞,大概是喝醉了.Scott was obviously inebriated by the time the dessert was served. 到了上甜点的时候,斯科特显然已经喝醉了.I got drunk and had to be carried home. 我喝醉了,只好让人把我送回家.

屈贺13255204035问: 醉 英文表达用地道英文表达喝醉drunk除外 -
浉河区择泰回答:[答案] 酒醉 ebrietyhalf seas overhave a turkey on one's backunder the table醉 drunkebrietyinebriationinebriety醉的 adj. pissedtight喝醉 be bright in the eyebe in drinkbe in liquorbe in winesee the devil喝醉...

屈贺13255204035问: 喝醉了 翻译英语
浉河区择泰回答: 喝醉了 drunk 谢谢采纳

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